tary Division of the Mississippi, iii. 144; at Chatta- Great Britain, relations with in 1961, i. 567; sympathy GEEBLE, Lieut. J. T., death of at Big Bethel, i. 508. spirators in Canada, iii. 446. Green River, Morgan repulsed at by Col. Moore, iii. 92. Guerrülas in Missouri, ii. 63. Gun Town, battle near, iii. 247. GUTHRIE, Mr., amendments to the Constitution pro- H. Hatcher's Run, extension of Grant's line to, ii. 538. Havana, reception of Mason and Slidell at, ii. 154. Habeas Corpus, general suspension of, iii. 91. HALE, Senator, speech of in reply to Clingman, i. 79. Carolina, i. 285. HAZARD, Commander S. F., in the "Burnside expe- HAZEN, Gen. Wm. B., at the battle of Murfreesboro', HEINTZELMAN, Gen., at the battle of Bull's Run, t Henderson's Hill, La, Gen. Mower st, iii. 254. a "traitor to the Southern cause," L. 197. Hilton Head, occupied by National troops, fi 122. HOFFMAN, Col. J. W., battle of Gettysburg opened by, iii. 59. HOLLINS, Capt., attacks with the Manassas" the block- Hampton, Va., Col. Phelps at, i. 500; burnt by order HOLMES, Gen., repulsed at Helena by Prentiss, iii. 149. Hampton Roads, peace conference in, iii. 526-529. Hanover, cavalry battle at, iii. 58. Hanover Court-House, skirmish near, 1i. 406. HARNEY, Gen. W. S., resumes command of the Depart- HOLT, JOSEPH, made Secretary of War, i. 181. Hood, Gen., at the battle of Gettysburg, iii. 66; super- HOOKER, Gen., at the battle of Williamsburg, il 879; HOWARD, Gen. O. O., at the battle of Chancellorsville, HARRIS, GOV. I. G., disloyal action of in Tennessee, i. Harrisonburg, skirmish near, ii. 395. Harrison's Landing, Army of the Potomac at, ii. 435; visit of President Lincoln to, ii. 442. HART, PETER, accompanies Mrs. Anderson to Fort Hartsville, b. de of, ii. 541; repulse of Marmaduke at, Hatches River, battle of, 11. 522 his command to, ii. 88; his operations in Kansas, 225. Huntersville, expedition sent against by Milroy, ii. JOHNSTON, Gen. A. S., in command of the Confederate 104. Huntsville, Ala, capture of by Gen. Mitchel, ii. 266. I. Illinois, attitude of in relation to secession, i. 212; Imprisonment of seditious persons, i. 450. Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, i. 287. "Western Department," ii. 189; killed at the battle JOHNSTON, Gen. J. E., withdraws the rebel forces from Inauguration of Jefferson Davis as President of the Jonesboro, battle of, iii. 392. Confederacy, 1. 257. Independence, Mo., captured by Confederates, ii. JUDGE, THOMAS J., commissioner to Washington from 532; Price driven from by Pleasanton, iii. 279. Indiana, attitude of in relation to secession, i. 211; preparations for war made in, iii. 92-94. Indians, influence of rebel emissaries upon, i. 475; Indian Trust Fund robbery, i. 145. Iowa, aid promised to the Government by, i. 214. Island No. Ten, occupation of by Gen. Polk, ii. 237; J. JONES, COL. J. R., death of at Bachelor's Creek, iii. 185. Alabama, i. 286. Κ. Kanawha Valley, operations of Gen. Cox in, i. 587; KAUTZ, Gen., his raid against railways south and south- KAUTZ and WILSON, operations of against railways KELLEY, Col. B. F., commands the First Virginia Regi- JACKSON, GOV. CLAIBORNE F., disloyal action of in Mis- Jacksonville, abandoned by the Confederates, ii. 821. 203. James River, crossed by the Army of the Potomac Jefferson City, proceedings of the loyal convention at, Jeffersonton, defeat of Gregg at, iii. 103. Jenkinson's Ferry, Ark., battle of, iii. 272. JOHNSON, ANDREW, bold stand taken by in the Senate, JOHNSON REVERDY, resolution offered by in the Wash- ington Peace Congress, 1. 241. Johnsonville, destruction of stores at caused by For- Kelly's Ford, cavalry battle near, iii. 22. "Keokuk," iron-clad, sunk in Charleston Harbor, ili. Kernstown, battle of, ii. 370. Stuart's, iii. 105; his raid against Richmond in 1864, KIMBALL, Major E. A., gallantry of at the battle of Kinston, N. C., battle near, iii. 183. Knights of the Golden Circle, mischievous influence Knoxville, abandoned by Buckner on the approach of Kulp House, battle of, iii. 380. 632 L. INDEX. Loan of $20,000,000 authorized by Congress, il 30. Lafayette, Ga., large army concentrated at under Bragg, LONGSTREET, Gen., operations of against Suffolk, ifi. 41- La Fourche expedition, Weitzel's, ii. 530. LAKE, Col., surprised by Gen. Green, Hi. 228. Lake Providence, attempt to cut a channel to, ii. 586. 867. Last battle of the war, iii. 580. Lawrence, Quantrell's massacre at, iii. 215. LEE, Gen. A. L., in the Red River expedition, iii. 254. LETCHER, Gov., action of in relation to secession, i. 193. mont censured for failing to re-enforce, ii. 70. Libby Prison, proposition to blow up with gunpowder, LIEB, Col. H., his defense of Milliken's Bend with col- 1. 82; election of, i. 34; votes cast at the election of, son Davis, i. 275; his departure from Springfield for Little Rock, capture of by Gen. Steele, iii. 216, 44; his siege of Knoxville, iii. 171-175. Lookout Mountain, occupation of by Bragg's forees, itt, iii. 815. LYON, Gen. N., compels the surrender of Frost and his Μ. MCCAULEY, Commodore CHARLES S., indecision of when MCCLERNAND, Gen., at the battle of Shiloh, ii. 272; cap- McCook, Gen., at the battle of Murfreesboro', ii. 544. MCDOWELL, Gen. IRVIN, placed in command of the MCLEAN, WILMER, Lee's capitulation signed at the Mc Minnsville, cavalry fight at, ii. 505; Gen. Reynolds's Macon, Gen. Stoneman's expedition against, iii. 396. 633 by General Wallace, ii. 299; sudden dash of Forrest Meridian, destructive raid of Sherman to from Vicks- "Merrimack," blown up by the Confederates, ii. 389. Message of President Buchanan, of Dec. 3, 1860, 1. 64; Message of President Buchanan, of Jan. 8, 1861, 1. 218. MILES, Col. D. H., bad conduct of at the battle of Bull's Militia, seventy-five thousand called for to suppress INDEX. partment of the Tennessee, iii. 235; movement of from | Memphis, naval battle opposite, il. 298; occupation of MAGOFFIN, Gov. BERIAH, action of in Kentucky, i. Malvern Hills, the Army of the Potomac on, ii. 431; "Manassas," ram, attacks the blockading fleet at the Marye's Hill, battle at, ii. 493; capture of by Sedgwick Maryland, state of feeling in, i. 196; growth of the Maryland and Pennsylvania, invasion of by Gen. Maryland Heights, occupation of by Gen. French, iii. MASON, Senator JAMES M., letter of in relation to the MASON and SLIDELL, taken from the "Trent," by Capt. Millen, Ga., arrival of Sherman's forces at, fii. 410. MILROY, Gen., operations of in Western Virginia, ii. 108; compelled to evacuate Winchester, by Ewell, iii. 51. Mine Run, Meade's movement against Lee at, iii. 108; Mint at New Orleans, seizure of, i. 184. Missionaries' Ridge, occupation of by Bragg after the Massachusetts, loyal attitude of, i. 202; response of to Mississippi, preparations of the legislature for seces- Massachusetts Sixth Regiment, attacked by the Balti- more mob, i. 411; arrival of in Washington, i. 418. MEAGHER, Gen. THOMAS FRANCIS, at the battle of Fred- Mechanicsville, battle of, ii. 419. Medal from French Democrats in honor of President Medals, presented by Jeff. Davis to the "Davis Guards," MEMMINGER, C. G., a special commissioner from South sion, i. 59; secession movements in, i. 162; prepara- MITCHEL, Gen. O. M., thrilling speech of in New York, Mitchelville, founded by Gen. Mitchel, iii. 188. ture of, iii. 506-514; visit of the author to, iii. 524. "Monitor" and "Merrimack," ii. 859-366. MONROE, JOHN T., Mayor of New Orleans, his ridiculous Montgomery, secession convention at, i. 172; capture of by Wilson, iii. 519; visit of the author to, iii. 522. Monument to commemorate the Massachusetts men killed at Baltimore, i. 426. MORGAN, JOHN H., his invasion of Kentucky, ii. 498; Morris Island, capture of works on, iii. 202. MORSE, Prof. SAMUEL F. B., his plan for reconciliation, Mortality in the Union army, causes of the low rate Mount Jackson, "Stonewall" Jackson at, ii. 389. Mount Vernon, respected by the soldiers of both par- MOWER, Gen., in the Red River expedition, iii. 253. Ν. Nashville, scenes in after the fall of Fort Donelson, ii. "Nashville," Confederate cruiser, short career of, ii. Navy, condition of before the outbreak of the war, i. NEGLEY, Gen. JAMES S., at Nashville, ii. 264; his un- Negroes, excluded by Gen. Halleck from his camps, il. NELSON, Gen. W., operations of in Eastern Kentucky, 157; American doctrine concerning rights of, il 168 New Carthage, Grant's movement for a lodgment at, New Madrid, Gen. Pillow at, ii. 62; fortified by the New Market, Va., defeat of Sigel near, iii. 814. Newport Newce, fortification of, 1. 501. New York City, the secession of proposed by Mayor New York Seventh Regiment, departure of for Wash- NOELL, JOHN M., amendment to the Constitution pro- Norfolk, history of the destruction of the navy-yard at, North Anna, battle of the, iil, 326. Navy-Yard at Gosport, history of the destruction of, North Carolina, secession movements in, 1. 62; seiz- 1. 892-898. Navy-Yard at Pensacola, surrendered to the State au- ure of forts in by Gov. Ellis, i. 161; efforts made to |