INDEX. BOYCE, W. W., speech of in favor of secession, i. 47. BRAGG, Gen., his invasion of Kentucky, ii. 506; his Brandenburg, the guerrilla Morgan at, iii. 93. BRECKINRIDGE, JOHN C., nomination of for the Presi- 625 Rosecrans against Bragg, iii. 128; movements of, Business relations between merchants of Northern C. Bridgeport, Hooker crosses the Tennessee at, iii. 151. Bristow Station, battle of, iii. 105. BROWN, Col. H., takes command at Fort Pickens, i. 369. Brownsville, Texas, capture of by Gen. Banks, iii. 223. battle of the Bayou Teche, ii. 597. BUCHANAN, President JAMES, conspirators in the cab- BUCKNER, Gen. SIMON B., left in command of Fort BUELL, Gen. DON CARLOS, in command of the Depart- Cabinet, President Lincoln's, i. 295. Cairo, Union camps formed at, i. 472; designs of Gen. CALHOUN, JOHN C., declaration of (note), i. 41. Camp Hamilton, Col. Duryee and Gen. Pierce at, i. 502. Canal across the peninsula at Vicksburg, ii. 594. Cane River, battle at, iii. 265. Cape Fear River, British blockade runners in, iii. 315; Cape Girardeau, Marmaduke's attempt on, ili. 213. Carnifex Ferry, battle of, ii. 95. BUFORD, Gen., his dash on Stuart at Brandy Station, CASEY, Gen. SILAS, at Seven Pines, ii. 408. Bull's Gap, Gen. Gillem defeated at by Breckinridge, Bull's Run, details of the battle of, i. 584-603; flight VOL. III.-40. CASS, Gen. LEWIS, letter of Gen. Wool to, i. 76; his Castle Pinckney, description of, i. 117. Cedar Creek, battle of, fii. 369. Cemetery at Chattanooga, visit of the author to in Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg, battles at, iii. 69, 71. Centreville, McDowell's advance on, 1. 597. Champion Hill, battle of, ii. 610. Charleston, Democratic convention at in 1860, 1. 18; Charleston Harbor, fortifications in, 1. 117; seizure of Charlestown, Va, descent on by Imboden, iii. 106. Chattanooga, Negley's unsuccessful attempt on, ii. Cheat Mountain, region of held by Col. Milroy, ii. 103. Chickahominy, Army of the Potomac on the, ii. 403. Chickasaw Bayou, battle of, ii. 577. Chicomicomico, unfortunate expedition to, ii. 109. and history of, iii. 610. 49; secession convention assembled at, i. 100; Sher- Columbia, Ark., defeat of Marmaduke near, by Gen. Columbia, Indiana, sacked by Morgan, iii. 92. evacuation of by Polk's troops, ii. 235. Commissionera, Confederate, sent to England, France, Committee of Thirteen, in the Senate, action of, i 291. Committee on the conduct of the war, how and when "Commodore Jones," gun-boat, destruction of by a tor- Confederacy of seceded States, proposed at the Mont- Confiscation acts passed by Congress, ii. 29, 557. Congress, the thirty-seventh, action of, 1. 561, 565; Cincinnati, Democratic convention at in 1856, 1. 21; Congress, the thirty-eighth, members of (note), ffi. 281. "Cincinnati Platform," 1. 21. City Point, occupation of by Gen. Butler, fii. 818. Cleveland, convention at in 1864, iii. 444. CLIFFE, Mrs. V. C., patriotic services of, iii. 423. COBB, HOWELL, inflammatory address of, 1. 44; remarks COCHRANE, JOHN, amendment to the Constitution pro- CODDINGTON, D. S., speech of in New York, 1. 857. Columbia, excitement in at the election of Lincoln, i. "Congress," frigate, destruction of in Hampton Roeds, ii. 362. Connecticut, response of to the President's call for Conscription, Confederate, iii. 96. Constitution, amendments to proposed, i. 87, and (note) Constitution, provisional, adopted at the Montgomery Constitution, permanent, adopted at the Montgomery 1. 278. Convention, Democratic, at Charleston, i. 18; at Cin- INDEX. Convention, Republican, at Chicago in 1860, i. 80. COOKE, Gen St. G., at the battle of Gaines's Farm, ii. 428. "Cooper Shop" association in Philadelphia, 1. 577. CORSE, Gen., at the battle of Missionaries' Ridge, iii. Cotton, restrictions laid by the Confederates on the ex- "Cotton is king," i. 82. "Cotton loan," the Confederate, i. 546. Count of Paris, on McClellan's staff, ii, 181. 627 "Crittenden Compromise," i. 89; final action on in the DIX, DOROTHEA L., beneficent labors of, i. 573. Cox, Gen. J. D., operations of in Kanawha Valley, i. 587. Dinwiddie Court-House, Sheridan at, iii. 539. Cox, S. S., his peace proposition, ii. 29. Crampton's Gap, battle at, ii. 471. Crawfish Spring, forces of Rosecrans near, iii. 132. Senate, i. 223. CRITTENDEN, JOHN J., his rebuke of Clingman, i. 79; Cross-Keys, battle of, ii. 396. CROXTON, Gen., raid in Alabama and Georgia, iii. 521, Crump's Hill, Gen. A. L. Lee at, iii. 256. Culpepper Court-House, retreat of Lee to after the dency, i. 27; last days of, i. 457. Draft of May 8, 1863, opposition organized against. iii Culp's Hill, battle on, iii. 70; visit of the author to in Draft Riots in New York, iii. 88-91. Cumberland, Col. Lewis Wallace at, i. 528. "Cumberland," frigate, sunk by the Merrimack, ii. 361. CURTIN, Gov., calls out militia of Pennsylvania, iii. 52. CUSHING, Lient., destroys the ram Albemarle, iii. 472. Custom-house at Charleston, seized by the State, 1. 189. Dutch Gap, Confederate naval attack on obstructions D. DAHLGREN, Admiral JOHN A., in command of the DAHLGREN, Col. ULBIC, raid of on the James River EARLY, Gen. JUBAL, expedition sent out by in the Canal, and death, iii. 290. Dalton, Gen. Palmer's movement on, iii. 241; visit of DANA, expedition of from Vicksburg, iii. 415. DAVIDSON, Gen., expedition of from Baton Rouge, iii. 415. DAVIS, JEFFERSON, Buchanan's indecision condemned DAVIS, JOHN, heroism displayed by on board the "Val- Decatur, siege of by Hood, Hi. 417. Deep Bottom, lodgment effected at by Gen. Foster, iii, Dismal Swamp Canal, expedition under Commodore Disunion, early threats of in the South (note), 1. 63. Drx, Gen. JOHN A., his telegram in relation to the Donaldsonville, bombardment of, ii. 528. Drainsville, battle near, ii. 151. Drewry's Bluff, unsuccessful naval attack on, ii. 402; Gen. Butler's attempt on, iii. 821. DUKE OF CHARTRES, on McClellan's staff, ii. 181. at, iii. 531. Dutch Gap Canal, construction of, iii. 357. DWIGHT, Gen., at the siege of Port Hudson, ii. 631. Shenandoah Valley, iii. 313; his invasion of Mary- East Tennessee, cruel treatment of Unionists in, ii. ELLET, Col. C. L., exploits of in the "Queen of the West," ELLET, Gen. A., in the Red River expedition, iii. 253. Emancipation, first act of Congress concerning, ii. 29; Emancipation Proclamation, effect of on the Con- EMORY, Gen., at battle of Pleasant Grove, ii. 258. EWELL, Gen., surrender of at Sailor's Creek, iii. 554, F. 1. 165; operations of Dupont and Wright on coast of, Folly Island, batteries erected on by Vogdes, iii. 201. FORREST, Gen. N. B., his capture of Murfreesboro' and Fairfax Court-House, Lient. Tomkins's dash upon, i. Falmouth, Hooker's head-quarters near, iii. 24. Fast-Day, proclaimed by Buchanan, i. 77. Fort Donelson, siege of, ii. 206-219; battle of, ii. 215: Fort Fisher, expedition against under Gens. Butler and Fort Gaines, seizure of, i. 175; recapture of, fil. 448. FAULKNER, CHARLES J., inischievous influence of in Fort Hatteras, capture of, ii. 108. Europe, 1. 565. Fayetteville, Ark., repulse of Confederates at by Col. Fort Henry, operations of Grant and Foote against, ii. Fayetteville, N. C., arsenal at seized by State troops, i. Fort Jackson, surrender of to Captain Porter, il. 330. FELTON, S. M., his account of the first assassination Fort McAllister, bombardment of by Dupont, iii. 190; plot (note), iii. 565. Fernandina, occupation of by Nationals, ii. 821. capture of by Gen. Hazen, iii. 412 Fort Macon, capture of, ii. 812; visit of the author to Finances, Confederate, schemes in relation to, 1. 544; Fort Marion, capture of, ii. 322. bad condition of in 1863 and 1864, iii. 227, 228. Finances, national, condition of at the close of 1860, 1. "Firing the Southern heart," i. 41. Flag, national, General Dix's telegram in relation to, i. Florida, secession movements in, i. 60; conventions in. Fort Morgan, seizure of by State troops, i. 174; sur- Fort Moultrie, description of, i. 117; garrisons of trans- Fort Norfolk, seizure of by insurgents, i. 398. Fort Pillow, evacuation of by Confederates, II. 293; INDEX. Fort Pulaski, seizure of by State troops, i. 179; siege Fort Randolph, evacuation of by Confederates, ii. 298. Fort Sumter, description of, i. 118; garrison of Fort Fort Taylor, re-enforcements thrown into, i. 363. Fortress Monroe, seizure of contemplated by Floyd, i. Forts in Alabama, seizure of, i. 174. Forts in North Carolina, seized by Gov. Ellis, i. 161. Forts in Texas, surrendered by Gen. Twiggs, i. 270. FOSTER, Gen. JOHN G., in the Burnside expedition, ii. Franklin, battle near between Van Dorn's forces and FRANKLIN, Gen., at the battle of Fredericksburg, ii. Fredericksburg, Army of the Potomac set in motion Frederickton, Mo., battle at, ii. 81. 629 fles it by order of the President, ii. 65; why he did FRENCH, Gen., at the battle of Fredericksburg, ii. 493. Fugitive Slave Law, remarks on the, i. 67. G. Gaines's Farm, battle of, iii. 422. Galveston, surrender of to Commander Renshaw, ii GARDNER, Gen. FRANK K., his defense of Port Hudson Gauley Mountain, Rosecrans at the summit of, ii. 94. Georgia, secession movements in, i. 51; divided senti- GILLMORE, Gen. Q. A., operations of against Fort Pu- Glasgow, Ark., capture of by Price, iii. 279. Gloucester Point, attempt of W. H. F. Lee to surprise, Goldsboro, N. C., Foster's expedition against, iii. 181; GRANGER, Gen. G., his defense of Franklin against Van 448. GRANT, Gen. U. S., occupies Paducah, ii. 76; operations |