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My love is strengthened, though more weak in seeming :
I love not less, though less the show appear,
That love is merchandized, whose rich esteeming
The owner's tongue doth publish everywhere.

Shakspeare's " Sonnets."

ASTON had spent one of the longest Christmases at Azledine Hall, that is anywhere recorded either in ancient or modern history; for it extended very nearly, if not quite, to Midsummer. True, he had grown into high favour with all the family, especially with Sir Everton, who admired the singleness and enthusiasm of his character, in those points more particularly wherein it resembled his own; true, the Rector was so delighted with him, that he very early predicted he would have been an archbishop had he entered the church;

and, lastly, it is no less true, that a man who did not find himself the happiest of the happy, among persons who made no secret of their cordial regard, nor omitted any one thing, however trivial, which could contribute to his comfort, must have been a predestined churl from his cradle.

It is not to be supposed, however, he had thus protracted his stay without many serious efforts to go. Far from it. During the period in question, he planned a visit to his uncle in Yorkshire; another to his aunt in Shropshire; and half a dozen more to his cousins, in as many different counties. But although he was a person of inflexible resolution in most things, somehow or other these periodical determinations to migrate from the Hall were always over-ruled so easily, that it became a table pleasantry to challenge him with an extra glass of wine after dinner, "because they were so soon to lose him.”

One fine morning, however, in the month of May, there came a letter from his father, reminding him of the time which had elapsed

since he wrote word he should certainly set out for London, and expressing a rather urgent wish to see him upon matters of some importance. Now, therefore, he resolved to go immediately; that is, he made a secret resolve, but said nothing about it, lest, like all his former ones, it should come to nought.

Nevertheless, he did not go immediately; but as his intention to go was known only to himself, and as, therefore, it is most certain no one persuaded him to stay, how did this happen? Time, which discovers all things, revealed the reason. Meanwhile, it is fit two circumstances should be here mentioned.

If there be such a thing in existence as an almanack for the year 1743, it may be there ascertained that, towards the latter end of May in that year, there was a full moon. One evening, during that full moon, Cameron saw his friend Aston walking in profound abstraction


and down the avenue of chestnut trees. He continued his solitary musings nearly an hour; then entered the supper parlour with the air of a man who had something on his mind; spoke

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little; sighed often; seemed restless; and, perceiving Cameron looking at him with a quaint arching of his eye-brows, hastily took his candle, complained of a headach, and went to bed.

The following morning, Cameron met his sister Arabella on the great oaken staircase. She said she wanted to speak with him; when, leading the way into her own room, this remarkable conversation took place :

" Do you know what is the matter with Mr. Aston ?" said she.

“The matter with him !”

❝ Yes. I am sure you must perceive, for I do, that he is much altered of late. He seems unhappy about something, and looks ill, I think, to what he did when he first came."


Perhaps the country does not agree with him. Not that I see he looks ill; nor should I suspect him to be ill, judging from the breakfast he ate this morning. If he be so, however, I dare say it is nothing more than a slight touch of his old complaint, poor fellow !" "What is that ?"



"An affection of the heart, my dear sister. He has had it off and on ever since he was at Bath, about two years ago, where he met with Miss-Miss-pooh!-what is her name? — Miss Muggle something."

"Pshaw! You are jesting."

"In truth, no. He certainly has something the matter with his heart; and if, as you say, he is altered, looks pale, and so forth, it must be because he wants to see this Miss Mugglesomething; I know he intends leaving us very soon; for he told me so himself three months ago.

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"I thought he meant to remain with us all the summer."

"It is the first I have heard of it; but I'll ask him, and say you mentioned it."

"For Heaven's sake! don't do anything so ridiculous," interrupted Arabella. "I have not mentioned it; my father mentioned it the other day to the rector. But I am glad to


you say you do not think he is altered, for I know how fond you are of him.”


Ay, that am I!" exclaimed Cameron,

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