Puslapio vaizdai


A.D. 1870 Jules Verne, scientific romancist. From the Earth to the Moon'
1880 Guy de Maupassant, short story writer. The Piece of String'
1882 Ludovic Halévy, librettist, novelist. 'L'Abbé Constantin '
1894 EMILE ZOLA, realistic novelist. 'Le Debâcle;' 'Lourdes'


380 Bishop Ulfilas translated the Bible into Gothic.

750 The Weissenbruner Prayer, oldest German writing
800 The song of Hildebrand

800 Charles the Great (Charlemagne)

950 Roswitha, abbess of Gandersheim, wrote Latin plays

1000 The monk Ekkehard wrote in Latin "Walter Stronghand

1150-1250 The MINNESINGERS: Walther von der Vogelweide; Wolfram von Eschen

bach; Hartmann von Aue.

1200 Reynard the Fox, Reineke Fuchs, appeared first in Latin 1230 Stricker, Austrian satirist. Parson Amis'

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1700 Gottfried W. Leibnitz, philosopher, wrote Latin and French 1720 Christian Wolf, philosopher.

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1517 MARTN LUTHER begins the Reformation
1520 Ulrich von Hutten, poet laureate and satirist
1530 Thomas Murner, Roman Catholic satirist
1550 Hans Sachs of Nuremberg, shoemaker poet
1570 Johann Fischart, burlesque writer
1587 History of Dr. Faustus,' chap-book
1640 Simon qach, poet in Low German
1660 Andreas Gryphius, dramatist
1668 C. von Grimmelshausen, novelist.

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Simplicissimus '

VI. 249

VIII. 10



VIII. 13

VIII. 22

VIII. 16

1730 Joseph C. Gottsched, critic. Translated Addison's 'Cato' 1740 Frederic von Hagedorn, Anacreontic poet.

1748 F. G. Klopstock, epic poet. The Messiah

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1750 Johann J. Bodmer of Zurich, critic. Edited 'Nibelungenlied'
1758 W. L. Gleim, poet, called 'Father Gleim.' War-Songs'
1767 Moses Mendelssohn, Jewish philosopher.
1770 J. G. Herder, translator.

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1772 G. A. Bürger, ballad poet. 'Lenore'

1774 J. W. GOETHE, greatest German writer

1779 G. E. Lessing, dramatist, critic. Nathan the Wise 1780 C. M. Wieland, poet and romancist. Oberon'

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1790 Jean Paul Richter, unique humorist. 'Quintus Fixlein'
1795 J. H. Voss, pastoral poet, translator of Homer
1795 Novalis (Count von Hardenberg), mystic.
1799 FRIEDRICH von Schiller, poet, dramatist, historian
1810 J. H. D. Zschokke, idyllic novelist .
1813 Theodor Körner, lyric poet. 'Sword Song'

Heinrich von Ofterdingen' IX. 336

VIII. 119

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1814 Baron de la Motte Fouqué, reviver of medieval romance. 1815 Ludwig Tieck, romantic satiric novelist. Phantasus' 1820 A. W. von Schlegel and Tieck translate Shakespeare 1830 Ludwig Uhland, Suabian poet.


IX. 352

IX. 341

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X. 189

1830 Heinrich Heine, lyric poet, satirist. 'Pictures of Travel'
1840 Jacob and William Grimm, compilers of Household Fairy Tales
1850 Gustav Freytag, novelist. 'Our Ancestors'.

X. 192

IX. 348

1860 Joseph Victor von Scheffel, poet, novelist. 'The Trumpeter of Sackingen'

X. 207

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1300 DANTE ALIGHIERI, poet, 'Vita Nuova'

1300 'The Hundred Ancient Tales,' earliest prose

II. 230

1321 The Divine Comedy,' published after Dante's death

II. 239

1350 FRANCESCO PETRARCH, lyric poet.

1325 The friends of Dante: Cavalcanti, Pistoia, Angioleri, Brunetto Latini

II. 256

'Sonnets to Laura'

II. 259

1375 Francho Sacchetti, novelist, poet..

1350 GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO, novelist. The Decameron'

III. 129

III. 154

III. 160

IV. 190

1530 LUDOVICO ARIOSTO, romantic poet.

1378 Giovanni Fiorentino, novelist. Il Pecorone'
1450 Luigi Pulci, romantic poet. 'Morgante Maggiore'
1470 Matteo M. Boiardo, poet. 'Orlando Innamorato'
1480 Lorenzo de' Medici, the Magnificent . .
1483 Angelo Poliziano (Politian), humanist and poet
1500 Giacomo Sannazaro, pastoral poet. 'Arcadia
1514 NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI, prose-writer.
1520 Francesco Berni, burlesque poet, recast 'Orlando Innamorato'
1520 Baldassare Castiglione's Courtier'.
1525 Luigi da Porto, novelist. La Giulietta'
1530 Vittoria Colonna, lyric poet. .

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1540 Bernardo Tasso, poet, versified Amadis di Gaula'

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1560 Benvenuto Cellini, goldsmith, autobiographer

IV. 231

1565 G. G. Cinthio novelist. The Hundred Fables'

1560 G. F. Straparola, novelist. Thirteen Happy Nights'

V. 227

V. 219

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1570 TORQUATO TASSO, epic poet. 'Jerusalem Delivered,' relating to the First Crusade, .

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The Rise of the Opera .

VI. 122

1610 Gabriello Chiabrera, lyric poet

1683 Vincenzo da Filicaja, lyric poet.

1630 Alessandro Tassoni, burlesque poet. The Captured Bucket

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1685 Francesco Redi, humorous poet.

'Bacchus in Tuscany'

VI. 130

1750 C. I. Frugoni, pastoral poet .

1713 Francesco Maffei, dramatist. 'Merope'

VII. 158

VII. 145

VII. 161

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VII. 178

1800 Ugo Foscolo, patriot, poet. Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis

X. 79 X. 65

1825 ALESSANDRO MANZONI, poet, novelist. I Promessi Sposi'

1827 Francesco D. Guerrazzi, novelist. The Battle of Benevento 1830 Tommaso Grossi, poet, satirist .

X. 72

X. 84

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1832 Silvio Pellico, prisoner, poet. 'My Prisons' 1833 Giambattista Niccolini, dramatist.

1834 Giacomo Leopardi, pessimistic poet. 'Bruto Minore'. 1841 Giuseppe Giusti, poet, satirist. St. Ambrose'

1870 Edmondo D'Amicis, traveler..

1880 Gabrielle D'Annunzio, poet, realistic novelist.

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a.D. 1682 Peter the Great succeeded to the throne

1750 Michael Lomonosoff (1711-65), lyric poet 1800 Gabriel Derzhavin (1743-1816), poet

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1805 Nikolai M. Karamsin, historian. History of Russia 1809 Ivan A. Kriloff, fabulist

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III. 393 III. 396 X. II

X. 12

Eugene Oneguin'

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'Dead Souls'

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1862 IVAN S. TURGENIEFF, novelist of Nihilism. 'Fathers and Sons'
1865 Feodor M. Dostoievsky, novelist. 'Crime and Punishment'
1876 COUNT LYOF N. TOLSTOI, novelist. 'Anna Karenina'
1880 Marie Bashkirtseff, artist. 'Journal'


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II. 374

1000 The ELDER EDDA (Scandinavian Mythology), poems recovered in 1643
1200 The YOUNGER EDDA, prose legends, collected by Snorri Sturlason.
1200 The HEIMSKRINGLA, Saga of the Kings of Norway
1300 The Saga of Frithiof (Fridthjof).

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1550 Christian Pedersen translated New Testament into Danish
1641 Anders Arrebo, bishop, poet. 'Hexameron'
1720 Ludvig Holberg, historian, comic dramatist

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1650 Georg Stjernhjelm (1598–1672) poet
1675 Olof Rudbeck (1630-1702) historian.
1749 Emmanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) mystic.
1780 Carl M. Bellman, Anacreontic poet.
1825 ESAIAS TEGNER, bishop, poet; modernized 'Frithiof's Saga
1842 Fredrika Bremer, novelist. The Neighbors'

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1480 Ordonez de Montalvo translated 'Amadis di Gaula'
1490 Celestina, tragi-comedy, earliest Spanish secular play
1500 Italian influence on Spanish literature began
1530 Juan Boscan Almogaver, epistolary poet
1530 Garcilaso de la Vega, Prince of Castilian poets

1430 Juan de Mena, poet, imitated Dante in El Laberinto' 1460 Jorge de Manrique, poet

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A.D. 1550 Lazarillo de Tormes '-the first picaresque story
1570 Alonso de Ercilla, epic poet. La Araucana'
1599 Mateo Aleman, novelist. Guzman de Alfarache'
1600 Lope de Vega Carpio, dramatist. 'Cloak-and-Sword play'
1600 Luis de Gongora, poet, introduced the affected fine style.
1605 MIGUEL DE Cervantes SAAVEDRA, novelist. 'Don Quixote'.
1610 Guillen de Castro, dramatist

1620 Francisco de Quevedo, satirist .

1650 PEDRO CALEDRON DE LA BARCA, dramatist. Magician'.

1750 J. F. de Isla, satirist. Friar Gerundio'

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VIII. 225

1782 Tomas de Yriarte, poet. Literary Fables'


VIII. 222

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1420 Macias the Enamored, lyric poet....

1545 Bernardim Ribeyro, poet, wrote 'Diana Enamorada,' first pastoral novel. III. 256

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1146 Geoffrey of Monmouth, chronicler, tells the story of King Arthur

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1311 Miracle-plays or pageants, first introduced..

IV. 330

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1370 JOHN WICLIF (1324-84), Reformer, translated the Bible from the Vulgate III. 309 1370 William Langland's Vision of Piers Plowman' 1380 GEOFFREY CHAUCER, poet. 'Canterbury Tales 1430 John Lydgate, allegorical poet

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1469 Sir T. Malory translated Morte D'Arthur' from the French
1474 WILLIAM CAXTON introduced printing into England
1509 Alexander Barclay translated The Ship of Fools'.

III. 373

IV. 291

VI. 233

IV. 291

1579 Sir Thomas North translated Plutarch's Lives'

1590 Christopher Marlowe, father of English tragedy

1580 John Lyly's Euphues' introduced an affected style 1580 Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia,' pastoral romance 1584 Robert Greene, dramatist.

1526 William Tyndale translated the New Testament from the Greek
1530 Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor, wrote 'Utopia,' Latin...
1540 Sir T. Wyatt and Earl of Surrey, poets, introduced Italian styles
1550 Roger Ascham. Toxophilus' and 'The Scholemaster'
1551 Udal's Ralph Roister Doister,' earliest comedy.
1561 Sackville's Ferrex and Porrex,' earliest tragedy

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IV. 294


IV. 307

IV. 294

IV. 335

IV. 312

1596 EDMUND SPENSER'S 'Faerie Queene," allegorical poen 1598 BEN JONSON, dramatist. Every Man in his Humor'

IV. 393

1598 Sir Francis Bacon, Baron Verulam, Lord Chancellor, philosopher.

V. 366


1645 Rev. T. Fuller's "Good Thoughts in Bad Times" 1648 Parliament prohibited stage-plays

1632 William Prynne attacks the stage in Histrio-Mastix 1640 Robert Herrick, lyric poet

1640 Sir John Suckling, cavalier song-writer

1643 Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici

1645 Richard Lovelace, cavalier poet.

Edmund Waller, lyric poet

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1602 WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, greatest dramatist. 'Hamlet' 1605 Thomas Dekker, dramatist.

1605 Beaumont and Fletcher, dramatists 1609 Samuel Daniel, historical poet.

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1611 Authorized Translation of the Bible, dedicated to James I.

1610 Cyril Tourneur, tragic dramatist

1620 Michael Drayton's 'Poly-Olbion,' describing England. 1623 John Webster, dramatist. 'Duchess of Malfy'

1626 George Herbert, religious poet

1630 Philip Massinger's 'New Way to Pay Old Debts'

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1653 Izaak Walton's "Compleat Angler

1651 Bishop Jeremy Taylor's "Holy Living and Dying

V. 377

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1719 Daniel Defoe, novelist. 'Robinson Crusoe '

1713 Dr. John Arbuthnot, satirist. History of John Bull' 1717 Colley Cibber's play, The Nonjuror'

1656 Sir William Davenant restores stage-plays. 1660 Restoration of Charles II. to the throne. Andrew Marvell, poet, satirist .

The diarists, Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn

1656 Abraham Cowley's "Pindaric Odes"

1665 London Gazette, official newspaper, first published 1667 JOHN MILTON's epic, Paradise Lost'

1660-85 The Restoration Dramatists.

1670 Samuel Butler's Hudibras,' ridiculing Presbyterians

1670 Lord Clarendon's History of the Great Rebellion' (published in 1702)

1671 Duke of Buckingham's 'Rehearsal' ridiculed Dryden's plays.

1675 William Wycherley's 'Plain-Dealer'.

1678 JOHN BUNYAN'S allegory. Pilgrim's Progress

1680 JOHN DRYDEN, poet, dramatist, translator, satirist

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1682 Thomas Otway, dramatist. Venice Preserved'

1702-14 Reign of Queen Anne. Augustan Age.

1702 William Congreve, dramatist. The Way of the World

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1709 Sir Richard Steele begins The Tatler,' April 12

1711 JOSEPH ADDISON, essayist. "The Spectator' begins March I

1712 ALEXANDER POPE, poet. "The Rape of the Lock'

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V. 392

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VI. 314

VI. 354

VI. 288

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1726 JONATHAN SWIFT, dean, satirist. 'Gulliver's Travels'

VI. 384

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VII. 356

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Minor poets of this period: Ambrose Philips, William Somerville, Mark

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VII. 363


VII. 372

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VII. 375

1750 Thomas Gray, poet. Elegy in a Country Churchyard'.

VII. 367

1760 Laurence Sterne, humorist, Tristram Shandy

1755 DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON, critic, essayist, lexicographer

1754 DAVID HUME, historian, philosopher. History of England (1754-61)

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1762 James Macpherson published'Ossian's Fingal'

1769 'Letters of Junius' (1769–72), political diatribes.

1765 Bishop Thomas Percy published Reliques of Ancient English Poetry 1766 Oliver Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield'

VIII. 323
VII. 386
VII. 282

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