Puslapio vaizdai

BEAUMONT, FRANCIS (1584-1616) English dramatist, partner of J. Fletcher. v. 349.
BECKFORD, WILLIAM (1759-1844) English romancist. Vathek.

BEDE, Venerable (673-735) English Latin historian. Ecclesiastical History. I. 249.
Bede, Cuthbert (1827-89) English author. Verdant Green.

BEECHER, Henry Ward (1813-87) American preacher.

BEETS, NICOLAAS (1814- ) Dutch poet, novelist and critic.

BEHN, APHRA (1640-89) English novelist.

IV. 250.

BELLAMY, EDWARD (1850–98) American writer. Looking Backward.
BELLAY, JOACHIM DU (1524-60) French poet.
BELLEAU, REMY (1528-77) French poet. IV. 250.
Bellman, Carl M. (1740–95) Swedish poet.
BELOT, ADOLPHE (1829-90) French novelist.

VIII. 190.

Bembo, Pietro, Cardinal (1470-1547) Italian humanist.

BENEDICT, FRANK LEE (1834- ) American novelist and poet.

BENOIT DE Sainte-Maure (12th century) French trouvère and chronicler.
BÉRANGER, PIERRE JEAN de (1780-1857) French song-writer. IX. 386.
Bergsoe, Jorgen Vilhelm (1835-) Danish novelist, poet and naturalist.
Berkeley, Bishop George (1685-1753) Irish clergyman and author.
BERNARD, CHARLES DE (1804-50) French novelist.

BERNARD, SAINT, Abbot of Clairvaux (1091–1153) French theologian,
BERNI, FRANCESCO (1490-1536) Italian burlesque poet. V. 200.

BESANT, WALTER, SIR (1838- ) English novelist.

IX. 22.

Beyle, Marie-Henri (1783–1842) French novelist, art critic. Le Rouge et le Nofr. BIARKE, BODVAR (6th century) Scandinavian poet.

II. 345.

V. 31.

BIDPAI, or PILPAY, (date unknown.) Indian fabulist.

Bilderdijk, Willem (1756–1831) Dutch poet, Destruction of First World.

[blocks in formation]

BJORNSON, BJORNSTJERNE (1832-) Norwegian novelist, poet and dramatist.

BLACK, WILLIAM (1841- ) Scotch novelist. A Daughter of Heth; Princess of Thule. BLACKIE, JOHN Stuart (1809-95) Scotch author, Professor of Greek.

BLACKMORE, Richard Doddridge (1825- ) English novelist, Lorna Doone.

BLAKE, WILLIAM (1757-1827) English poet, painter, mystic.

BLAZE DE BURY, ANGE HENRI (1818- ) French critic.

BLANC, J. J. LOUIS (1811–82) French socialist, historian. French Revolution.

BLESSINGTON, Marguerite, Countess of (1789–1849) Irish novelist.

BLIND HARRY (15th century) Scotch minstrel,

BLIND, MATHILDE (1847-96) German-English poet.

BLOOMFIELD, Robert (1766-1823) English poet. Farmer's Boy.

BÖAGERS, ADRIAAN (1795-1870) Dutch poet.

BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI (1313-1375) Italian poet and novelist.

Decameron. III. 129.

BOENDALE, JAN VAN (1280-1365) Dutch rhyming chronicler. VI. 258.

BOETIUS, or Boethius, AniciUS M. F. SEVErinus (470?-525 ?) Roman statesman, philosopher. Consolation of Philosophy. VII. 113.

BODMER, J. JACOB (1689-1783) German-Swiss poet, critic. VI. 285

BOGH, ERIK (1822-) Danish dramatist.

Böhme (BEHMEN), JAKOB (1575-1624) German mystic theologian. Aurora.

BOIARDO, MATTEO MARIA (1434-94) Italian poet. Orlando Innamorato. IV. 206.

BOILEAU-DESPREAUX, NICOLAS (1636-1711) French poet, critic.

Boker, George Henry (1823–90) American poet. War Lyrics.

'BOLDREWOOD, ROLF,' THOMAS A. BROWRA (1827- ) Australian author.

BOLINGBROKE, HENRY ST. JOHN, VISCOUNT (1678-1751) English statesman, author.

BORN, BERTRAND DE (1140-1215) Provençal troubadour.
BORNEIL, GIRAUT DE (12th century) Provençal troubadour.

I. 341.

Borrow, GEORGE (1803-81) English writer, Gipsy scholar. Lavengro; Wild Wales.
BOSCAN ALMOGaver, Juan (1493-1540) Spanish poet. Epistle to Mendoza.
BOSIO, FERDINANDO (1829-81) Italian writer.

II. 303.

Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne (1627–1704) French bishop. Universal History. VI. 216, BOSWELL, JAMES (1740–95) Scotch biographer. Life of Dr. Johnson. VII. 384.

BOTERO, Giuseppe ((1815-85) Italian romancist.

BÖTTGER, ADOLF ((1815-70) German poet.

Böttiger, Carl Vilhelm (1807–78) Swedish poet.
BOURGET, PAUL (1852-) French novelist and critic.

BOWLES, WILLIAM LISLE (1762-1850) English poet.

BOWRING, SIR JOHN (1792–1872) English linguist. Translations from Russian, Dutch, etc.
BOYESEN, HJALMAR HJORTH (1848–95) Norwegian-American novelist, Gunnar.
Brachvogel, Albert Emil (1824–78) German dramatist and novelist. Narcissus.
BRACKENRIDGE, Hugh Henry (1748–1816) American lawyer, humorist.
BRADDON, MARY Elizabeth (1837- ) English novelist. Lady Audley's Secret.
Bradstreet, Mrs. Anne (1612–1672) American colonial poet.
BRAINARD, JOHN GARDINER Calkins (1796–1828) American poet.
BRANDES, GEORGE M. COHEN (1842-) Danish critic and essayist.

IX. 16.

BRANT (or Brandt), SebasTIAN (1458–1521) German satirist. Narrenschiff. VI. 232. Brantôme, P. de Bourdeille, Seigneur de (1537-1614) French chronicler.

BRASSEY, ANNE, LADY (1840-87) English descriptive writer.

BRAUN, WILHELM VON (1813-60) Swedish poet.

Brederode, GERBRANT ADRIANSZOON (1585-1618) Dutch poet. VI. 284.

BREMER, FREDRIKA (1801–65) Swedish novelist. The Neighbors.

BRENTANO, Elizabeth (1788-1859) German writer.

BRETON, NICHOLAS (1545-1626) English poet.

BROME, RICHARD (d. 1652) English dramatist.

VIII. 188.

IV. 260.

Bronte, Anne-‘Acton BelL' (1820–49) English novelist. Tenant of Wildfell Hall.
Bronte, Charlotte—' Currer Bell' (1816–55) English novelist. Jane Eyre.
BRONTE, EMILY-ELLIS BELL' (1818-48) English novelist. Wuthering Heights.
BROOKE, HENRY (1703-83) Irish-English novelist and dramatist. Fool of Quality.
BROOKS, CHARLES TIMOTHY (1813-83) American translator from German authors,
BROOKS, C. W. SHIRLEY (1816-74) English humorist.
BROOKS, MARIA Gowan (1795-1845) American poet. Zophiel.
Broughton, RHODA (1840- ) English novelist. Cometh Up as a Flower.
BROWN, CHARLes Brockden (1771-1810) American novelist. Wieland.
BROWN, JOHN (1810-82) Scotch essayist. Rab and His Friends; Spare Hours.
Brown, Oliver Madox (1855-74) English poet, novelist and artist. Black Swan.
BROWNE, THOMAS, SIR (1605-82) English physician. Religio Medici.
Browne, WILLIAM (1591-1643) English poet. Britannia's Pastorals.
BROWNELL, HENRY HOWARD (1820-72) American poet.

IX. 50.

VI. 293.

BROWNING, Elizabeth BarreTT (1809-61) English poet. Lady Geraldine's Courtship;
Sonnets from the Portuguese; Casa Guidi Windows; Aurora Leigh. X. 254.
BROWNING, ROBERT (1812-89) English poet.
Paracelsus; Sordello; Aristophanes'

Apology; The Ring and the Book; Asolando. x. 246.

BUCHANAN, ROBERT W. (1840- ) English poet and novelist. London Poems.
BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN (1794-1878) American journalist, poet. Thanatopsis. IX. 100.
BUCKINGHAM, Duke of, George Villiers (1627-88) English courtier. The Rehearsal.
VI. 228.

BULOW, KARL EDUARD VON (1803-53) German story-teller.

BUDÆUS (BUDÉ), GUILLAUME (1467-1540) French classical scholar. III. 171.
BULWER-LYTTON, EDWARD, LORD Lytton (1803-73) English novelist and politician.
Pelham; Paul Clifford; Last Days of Pompeii; Harold; The Caxtons; Kenelm
Chillingly; The Parisians. IX. 281.

BUNNER, HENRY CUYLER (1855-96) American poet and story-teller.

VIII. 60.

BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-88) English religious writer. Pilgrim's Progress. VI. 305.
Brüger, GOTTFRIED AUGUST (1747-94) German lyric poet. Lenore.
BURKE, EDMUND (1729–97) Irish-English orator and statesman.
BURNETT, Frances Hodgson (1849–) English-American novelist. That Lass o' Low-
rie's; Little Lord Fauntleroy.

BURNEY, FRANCES, afterwards Madame D'ARBLAY (1755-1840) English novelist,
Burns, Robert (1759-96) Scotch national poet, The Twa Brigs; Tam O'Shanter;
Cotter's Saturday Night. VIII. 308.

BURROUGHS, JOHN (1837- ) American nature-essayist. Locusts and Wild Honey.
Burton, Robert (1577-1640) English humorist. Anatomy of Melancholy.
BUTLER, SAMUEL (1612-80) English satirist. Hudibras. VI. 314.

BYNS, ANNA (16th century) Dutch poet, Sappho of Brabant, VI. 259.

BYROM, JOHN (1692-1763) English poet. Three Black Crows.

BYRON, GEORGE Noel Gordon, LORD (1788-1824) English poet. Lara; The Corsair; The Bride of Abydos; The Giaour; Childe Harold; Don Juan; Manfred.

Gallic War.


'CABALLERO, Fernan,' CECILIA BOHL de Faber (1796-1877) Spanish novelist.
Cable, George WashingtoN (1844- ) American novelist. Old Creole Days.
CAEDMON (A. 680) Anglo-Saxon monk poet. Genesis. I. 248.
CÆSAR, CAIUS JULIUS (100-44 B. C.) Roman general, statesman.
CAINE, T. H. HALL (1853- ) English novelist. The Manxman; The Christian.
CALDERON DE LA BARCA, PEDRO (1600-81) Spanish dramatist. VIII. 205.
CALLIMACHUS (A. 260 B. C.) Greek poet; librarian at Alexandria, VI. 48.
CALVERLEY, Charles Stuart (1831-84) English poet and parodist. Fly Leaves.
Calvert, George Henry (1803–89) American poet, prose writer. The Gentleman.
CAMOENS, LUIZ DE (2525–79) Portuguese national poet. Lusiad. III. 260.
CAMPBELL, THOMAS (1777–1844) Scotch-English poet. Pleasures of Hope. IX. 271.
CAMPION, THOMAS (c.1575–1619) English poet. Book of Airs.

CANNING, GEORGE (1770-1827) English statesman and orator. Anti-Jacobin.
CARDUCCI, GIOSUE (1836- ) Italian lyric poet.

CAREW, THOMAS (c. 1598-1639) English poet.

CAREY, HENRY (c. 1690-1743) English poet and music-composer. God Save the King. CARLEN, EMILia Flygare (1807–92) Swedish novelist. Valdemar Klein.

CARLETON, WILL (1845- ) American poet. Farm Ballads.

CARLETON, WILLIAM (1794-1869) Irish novelist. Traits and Stories of Irish Peasantry, CARLYLE, THOMAS (1795-1881) Scotch miscellanist, biographer, historian. Sartor Resar. tus; French Revolution; Frederick the Great. X. 228.

CARMAN, BLISS (1861-) Canadian poet.

'Carroll, Lewis,' L. H. DODGSON (1833-98) English humorist. Alice in Wonderland, CARY, ALICE (1820-71) and PHŒBE (1824-71) American poets, prose writers. Clovernook. CARY, HENRY FRANCIS (1772-1844) English poet. Translated Dante.

CASTELAR, EMILIO (1832- ) Spanish orator and statesman.

CASTI, GIAMBATTISTA (1721-1803) Italian poet. Talking Animals.

CASTIGLIONE, BALDASSARE (1478-1529) Italian author. Book of the Courtier. IV. 218. CASTRO, GUILLEM DE (1569-1631) Spanish dramatist. VIII. 199.

On Agriculture. III. 93.

TO, MARCUS PORCIUS (234-149 B. C.) Roman statesman.
CATS, JACOB (1577-1660) Dutch poet, 'Father Cats.' VI. 276.
CATULLUS, Valerius (84–54 B. C.) Roman lyric poet. Atys. III. 112.
CAVALCANTI, GUIDO (1250-1301) Italian poet. II. 256.

CAXTON, WILLIAM (1422–91) First English printer. III. 309.

Cellini, BENVENUTO (1500–71) Italian artist. Autobiography. IV. 231.

Centlivre, SUSANNAH (1667 ?-1723) English dramatist. Bold Stroke for a Wife.
CERVANTES-SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL DE (1547-1616) Spanish romancist. Don Quixote. III. 221.
CHAMBERS, ROBERT (1802-71) Scotch prose-writer and publisher.

CHAMISSO, ADELBERT VON (1781-1838) German lyrist, romancist. Peter Schlemihl.
'CHAMPFLEURY,' JULES FLEURY (1821-89) French novelist. Confessions de Sylvius
Channing, William Ellery (1780–1842) American Unitarian theologian.
CHANNING, William Ellery (1818- ) American poet. The Wanderer.
CHAPMAN, GEorge (1559–1634) English dramatist. Translated Homer. IV. 344.

Charles of ORLEANS (1391-1465) French poet. II. 334.

CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANCOIS René, Vicomte dE (1768-1848) French novelist and his-
torical writer. Atala; Genius of Christianity. VIII. 258.
CHATTERTON, THOMAS (1752-70) English poet, literary forger. VII. 398.
CHAUCER, GEOFFREY (1340–1400) English poet. Canterbury Tales.
CHEMNITZER, IVAN IVANOVICH (1745-84) Russian fabulist.
CHENIER, Andre Marie de (1762–94) French poet. VIII. 243.

CHENIER, MARIE Joseph de (1764-1811) French poet and dramatist.

CHERBULIEZ, VICTOR (1829- .) French romancist.

III. 327.

CHESEBRO, CAROLINE (1828–73) American novelist. The Foe in the Household. CHESTERFIELD, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of (1694-1773) English courtier,

wit. Letters to his Son.

Chettle, HENRY (1565?-1607?) English dramatist.

CHIABRERA, Gabriello (1552–1637) Italian lyric poet. VI. 122.

CHILD, FRANCIS JAMES (1825-1896) American poet and editor of ballads

I. 281.

CHRETIEN DE TROYES (c. 1140–91) French romancer.
CHRYSOSTOM, JOHN (347 ?-407) Saint, Greek Church father.

VII. 90.

CHUANG TZU (4th century B.C.) Chinese philosopher. II. 43.

CHURCHILL, Charles (1731-64) English satirist. The Ghost; Rosciad.

CIBBER, COLLEY (1671-1757) English dramatist, poet-laureate. VI. 192.

CICERO, MARCUS TULLIUS (106-43 B.C.) Roman orator and philosopher. Orations; Natun
of the Gods; Tusculan Disputations; Old Age; Friendship; Republic. III. 99.
CINO DA PISTOIA (1270-1337) Italian poet.
II. 257.

CINTHIO, GIOVANNI B. (16th century) Italian novelist. Hundred Fables. v. 219.
CLARE, JOHN (1793-1864) English poet.

Rhine-Wine Song.
Hymn to Zeus.

VI. 355

CLARENDON, EDWARD HYDE, Earl of (1608-74) English statesman, historian.
ClarÉTIE, JULES (1840- ) French novelist and dramatist.
CLAUDIAN [CLaudianus], (365 ?-408 ?) Latin poet. Rape of Proserpine. VII. 108.
CLAUDIUS, MATTHIAS (1840-1815) German poet.
CLEANTHES (300 ?-220 ? B. C.) Greek philosopher.
Clement of ALEXANDRIA (150-220) Greek Father of Church. VII. 72.
Clement of ROME (1st century) Greek Father of Church.
CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH (1819-61) English poet.

VII. 80.

VI. 60.

COBBE, FRANCES POWER (1822- ) Irish-English writer on religion and morals

Colban, Adolphine Marie (1814-84) Norwegian novelist.

COLERIDGE, HARTLEY (1796-1849) English poet and critic.

COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR (1772-1834) English poet and philosopher. IX. 25.

Collet, Jakobine Camilla (1813- ) Norwegian novelist
COLLINS, Mortimer (1827–76) English novelist and poet.
Collins, WILLIAM (1720–1759) English poet. VII. 375.
COLLINS, WILLIAM WILKIE (1824-89) English novelist.
COLMAN, GEORGE (1732–94) English dramatist.

COLMAN, GEORGE (1762–1836) English dramatist and humorous poet.
COLONNA, VITTORIA (1490–1547) Italian poet.

IV. 222.

COLUMELLA, LUCIUS JUNIUS MODERATUS (1st century) Latin author.
COMINES, PHILIPPE DE (c. 1445-1510) French chronicler.

COMNENA, ANNA (1083-1148) Byzantine princess. VII. 64.

Comte, AUGUSTE (1798–1857) French philosopher, founder of Positivism,
CONFUCIUS (551-478 B.C.) Chinese teacher and writer. I. 146.
CONGREVE, WILLIAM (1669-1729) English dramatist. VI. 331.

CONRAD, ROBErt Taylor (1810-58) American lawyer and dramatist.

CONSCIENCE, Hendrik (1812-83) Flemish novelist.

CONSTANTINE, CEPHALAS (10th century) Editor of Greek Anthology. VII. 10.
CONWAY, MONcure Daniel (1832- ) American litterateur.

COOK, ELIZA (1817-89) English poet.

COOKE, JOHN ESTEN (1830-86) American novelist.

COOKE, PHILIp Pendleton (1816-50) American poet and prose writer.

COOKE, ROSE Terry, Mrs. (1827-92) American poet and story writer.

COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE (1789-1851) American novelist. Leather-Stocking Tales. IX. 83.

Coornhert, DIRCK VOLCKERTSEN (1522-90) Dutch poet and scholar.

COPPÉE, FRANCOIS (1842-) French poet, romancer and dramatist.
Corneille, PIERRE (1606-84) French dramatist. The Cid. v. 259.

CORT, FRANS DE (1834-78) Flemish poet.

COSTA, ISAAK DA (1798–1860) Dutch poet.

COTTIN, MARIE (1770-1807) French novelist. Elizabeth, or the Exiles of Siberia.

COWLEY, ABRAHAM (1618-67) English poet and essayist. VI. 299.

COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800) English poet. The Task. VIII. 346.

Cox, SAMUEL SULLIVAN (1824-89) American congressman and author.

COXE, ARTHUR Cleveland (1818-96) American bishop. Christian Ballads.

Cozzens, FREDERICK SwartwOUT (1818–96) American humorist. Sparrowgrass Papers. CRABBE, GEORGE (1754-1832) English poet. IX. 198.

'CRADDOCK, CHAS. EGBERT,' MARY N. MURFREE (1850- ) American novelist. X. 326. CRAIK, DINAH MARIA MULOCK (1826–87) English novelist. John Halifax, Gentleman. CRANCH, CHRISTOPHER PEARSE (1813-92) American poet and artist.

CRANE, STEPHEN (1870- ) American story-writer. Red Badge of Courage.

Crashaw, Richard (1613?-49) English R. C. poet.

CRAWFORD, FRANCIS MARION (1854-) American novelist, Mr. Isaacs.

CRÉBILLON, Prosper Jolyot DE (1674-1762) French dramatist.

CROCKETT, Samuel RutherFORD (1862- ) Scotch novelist.

CROLY, GEORGE (1780-1860) Irish poet, dramatist and novelist. Salathiel.

CUMBERLAND, RICHARD (1732-1811) English dramatist, novelist, poet. The West Indian, CUNNINGHAM, ALLAN (1784-1842) Scotch poet.

Curtis, George William (1824-92) American author. Potiphar Papers.

CURTIUS RUFUS, QUINTUS (1st century) Latin historian. V. 104.

CYNEWULF (8th century?) Anglo-Saxon poet. I. 257.

CYPRIAN-THASCIUS CECILIUS CYPRIANUS (d. 258) Latin Church Father. VII. 105. CYRANO DE Bergerac, SaviniEN (1619-55) French writer.

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