Puslapio vaizdai

It is hardly to be hoped that the present attempt to treat so wide a subject, within so small a compass, will satisfy all readers. Many minor details, of special interest to individuals, have necessarily been omitted. Some accounts of military and naval undertakings, which might, of themselves, have filled an entire volume, have been given with perhaps a disappointing brevity. It must suffice to say, here, that no pains have been spared-as no requisite facilities for obtaining correct data have been lacking-to make the work not only trustworthy and complete in regard to matters of salient interest, but also as acceptable as possible to all classes of loyal readers.

WASHINGTON, D. C., May 14, 1864.

J. H. B.

The Third Part of this work comprises the events of the last year of Mr. Lincoln's life, with his public papers and addresses of the same period, as well as many letters and speeches of an earlier date, not given in the previous parts. The summary of the closing campaigns of the war has been prepared with care, as well as the political history of the time. No year of the nation's existence has been more memorable than that commencing on the 1st of May, 1864. Before its close, a gigantic rebellion was finally crushed, and our great and good President, after witnessing the triumph of his labors, fell a martyr to the cause he had so firmly upheld through the darkest hours. Would that the work were more worthy the theme. No name will be more sacred in our country's annals, or more perpetual in the memory of the world, than that of ABRAHAM LINCOLN. WASHINGTON, D. C., July 20, 1865.

J. H. B.


Ancestry of Abrahain Lincoln-Their Residence in Pennsylvania and Virginia-
His Grandfather Crosses the Alleghanies to join Boone and his Associates-
"The Dark and Bloody Ground"-His Violent Death-His Widow Settles in
Washington County-Thomas Lincoln, his Son, Marries and Locates near
Hodgenville-Birth of Abraham Lincoln-LaRue County-Early Life and
Training in Kentucky.....





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