A Veblen Treasury: From Leisure Class to War, Peace, and CapitalismM.E. Sharpe, 1993 - 402 psl. First Published in 2015. Thorstein Veblen (1857-1929) was a contemporary of John Dewey and C.S. Peirce and ranks as one of the seminal minds of his generation of American thinkers in economics and sociology. He was a caustic critic of American business culture and his prose being peppered with Latin vocabulary might have made his ideas difficult to comprehend to the layperson. This collection of his writings looks at Veblen's works, main concepts and enables the reader to sample the broad spectrum of his thought and to reach his or her own conclusions regarding its present relevance. |
Preface | 3 |
Pecuniary Emulation | 16 |
Conspicuous Leisure | 23 |
Conspicuous Consumption | 40 |
The Pecuniary Standard of Living | 57 |
Pecuniary Canons of Taste | 64 |
Dress as an Expression of the Pecuniary Culture | 90 |
Industrial and Pecuniary Employments | 103 |
On the Penalty of Taking the Lead | 221 |
The Captain of Industry | 231 |
The Independent Farmer | 242 |
The Country Town | 250 |
The Place of Science in Modern Civilization | 267 |
The Intellectual PreEminence of Jews in Modern Europe | 285 |
Christian Morals and the Competitive System | 293 |
Salesmanship and the Churches | 304 |
Why Is Economics Not an Evolutionary Science? | 129 |
The Preconceptions of Economic Science | 144 |
The Socialist Economics of Karl Marx and His Followers | 164 |
Races and Peoples | 179 |
The Instinct of Workmanship | 185 |
Ownership and the Industrial Arts | 196 |
The Discipline of the Machine | 203 |
On the Merits of Borrowing | 212 |
The Great Man and His Just Rewards | 328 |
The Case of Germany | 335 |
Peace and the Price System | 350 |
Review of J M Keynes The Economic Consequences of the Peace | 388 |
Books and Articles by Thorstein Veblen | 395 |
About the Editor 403 | |
Kiti leidimai - Peržiūrėti viską
A Veblen Treasury: From Leisure Class to War, Peace and Capitalism From ... Rick Tilman Ribota peržiūra - 2015 |
A Veblen Treasury: From Leisure Class to War, Peace and Capitalism From ... Rick Tilman Ribota peržiūra - 2015 |
A Veblen Treasury From Leisure Class to War, Peace, and Capitalism Thorstein Veblen Trumpų ištraukų rodinys - 1993 |
Pagrindiniai terminai ir frazės
absentee Adam Smith animistic appreciable barbarian beauty become canon capital captain of industry character circumstances civilized classical economics commonly competitive conceived conception consequence conspicuous consumption conspicuous leisure conspicuous waste consumer consumption conventional country town course culture degree distinction dynastic economists effect efficiency elements employments emulation enterprise evidence expedient expenditure fact farm force gain given ground growth habits of thought hand honorific human nature ideal Imperial Germany imputed industrial arts institutions interest knowledge labor labor power leisure class less material matter means mechanical methods modern moral nomic normal outcome ownership peace pecuniary perhaps phenomena Physiocrats political population preconceptions predatory present principles production purpose question reputability result scheme sense sequence social spiritual standard substantial taste technological teleological things Thorstein Veblen tion tradition traffic usufruct Veblen vicarious leisure wealth Wealth of Nations