THE ECONOMY OF THE COVENANTS BETWEEN GOD AND MAN, COMPREHENDING A COMPLETE BODY OF DIVINITY. IN TWO VOLUMES. BY HERMAN WITSIUS, D. D. PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY IN THE UNIVERSITIES OF FRANEKER, AND ALSO REGENT OF THE DIVINITY COLLEGE OF THE STATES OF HOLLAND FAITHFULLY TRANSLATED FROM THE LATIN, AND BY WILLIAM CROOKSHANK, D.D. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, THE LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. VOL. II. EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY JOHN TURNBULL; AND SOLD BY MANY OF THE PRINCIPAL BOOKSELLERS 1803. THE ECONOMY OF THE DIVINE COVENANTS. BOOK III. CHAP. I. THE Of Sanctification. HE apoftle Peter, 1 Pet. ii. 9. has, in very high terms, declared, that the chofen, the regenerate, and the adopted fons of God, are a HOLY NATION. And this holiness being really the most excellent ornament of the house of God, Pfal. xciii. 5. is a fubject which ought not to be paffed over in filence, especially as it is none of the leaft of the promises in the covenant of grace, that God will be the fanctifier of his people Ifrael. II. In order profitably to explain the nature of fanctification, we must confider, not fo much the etymology and import of the Latin word, as of the Hebrew wp and Greek ȧyóτntos, ayıwoννης, αγιασμό, and οσιότητος, with words of the like original, as most frequently made use of by the facred penmen. It will be proper therefore to enquire more diftinctly firft, what is meant by holiness, and then, what by fanctification. III. The word holy in fcripture is afferted first of whatever is separated from a promifcuous and civil, but efpecially from a profane ufe: In this fenfe even the elect are called holy, as being feparated from the profane world, Lev. xx. 26. "And ye fhall be holy unto me, because I have fevered you from other people, that ye should be mine." 2 Cor. vi. 17. "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye feparate, faith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you." It is no less true of the mystical, than of the literal Ifrael, that they are a peculiar people, whofe laws are divers from all people, Eph. iii. 8. VOL. II. A IV. Ba |