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[blocks in formation]


FOR some years, members of the Parish have desired to place on the walls of the church some memorial of the life and labors of the first two ministers. Finally, in the month of March, 1899, the matter was put in the charge of a committee consisting of Mrs. George E. Francis, Miss Frances A. Hill, Messrs. James P. Hamilton and Waldo Lincoln and the minister of the Church. The committee was fortunate in being able to secure the services of Mr. J. Randolph Coolidge, an architect of Boston. By his advice, it was decided to have two tablets made of mahogany, and to place them immediately under the ancient tablets on which are inscribed the Commandments and the Lord's Prayer.

For the better harmony of the whole effect, it became necessary to change the doors leading from the church to the vestry, by removing them a little farther from the pulpit, so that they would be in line with the tablets above. This work, necessitating also the removal of one pew from each side, was done during the summer vacation.

The Tablets were designed by Mr. Coolidge; and nothing more appropriate, dignified and beautiful could be desired. They are exactly alike,-a plain panel set in a carved moulding, with the letters in gold. The dimensions are about four feet wide by three feet high. Over the door on the south side of the pulpit was placed the tablet in

memory of Dr. Bancroft. The inscription on it runs as follows:

To the Honored Memory

of the First Minister of this Church,
Rev. Aaron BANCROFT, D.D.
Born in Reading, November 10, 1755.
Ordained February 1, 1786.

Died in Worcester August 19, 1839.

At the other side of the pulpit is the memorial of Dr. Hill, bearing the inscription :

In Affectionate Remembrance

of the Second Minister of this Parish,

Rev. Alonzo HILL, D.D.

Born in Harvard, June 20, 1800.

Ordained March 28, 1827.

Died in Worcester, February 1, 1871.

On Sunday, October 15, 1899, the first Sunday after the tablets were in position on the walls, a commemoration service was held. The pulpit was banked with plants and flowers, and the oil portraits of the two ministers were placed at either side. The address, delivered on that occasion is now printed, at the request of the Parish Committee.

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