3 ADVERTISEMENT. IN the year 1781, Doctor Geddes engaged in his new Translation of the Scriptures, under the patronage of the late Lord Petre; his lordship having furnished him with a complete Biblical Library, and promising to allow him, while he should be employed on the work, an annuity of 1007.:double the amount of which he regularly paid him. In 1786, the Doctor published his "Prospectus of a new Translation of the Holy Bible, from corrected Texts of the Originals, compared with the ancient Versions: with Various Readings, Explanatory Notes, and Critical Observations." The object of this publication was, to point out the defects of former versions, their causes, and the means by which a more perfect version might be procured. It abounds with very curious and learned remarks on the state of the text, and the merit of its former editors and translators; and was favourably received by the public. The manuscript copy of it had been sent by Doctor |