Sept. 1817. THE FOLLOWING WORKS HAVE BEEN Published in the Course of July and August, BY LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, LALLA ROOKH, AN ORIENTAL ROMANCE. By THOMAS MOORE, Esq. 4th Edition, in 8vo. Price 14s. Also just published, in 8vo. Price 12s. ILLUSTRATIONS of the POEM, engraved by Charles Heath, from Paintings by R. Westall, R. A. A few Proofs, in 4to. may be had, Price £1. 5s. and the Poem, 21. 2s. Boards. THE CIVIL ARCHITECTURE OF VITRUVIUS; Comprising those Books of the Author which relate to the Public and Private Edifices of the Ancients. Part II. which completes the Work. Translated by WILLIAM WILKINS, Jun. M. A. F. A. S. Fellow of Gonvil and Caius College, Cambridge, Member of the Society of Dilettanti, and Author of Antiquities of Magna Græcia. Illustrated by 27 Engravings, executed by W. LOWRY. Also may be had, Part I. Price 37. 3s. in 4to.; or 67. 6s. Royal Folio. HISTORICAL SKETCHES OF THE SOUTH OF INDIA. IN AN ATTEMPT TO TRACE THE HISTORY OF MYSORE. From the Origin of the Hindoo Government of that State, to the Extinction of the Mahommedan Dynasty in 1799; founded chiefly on Indian Authorities, collected by the Author while officiating for several Years as Political Resident at the Court of Mysore. By COLONEL MARK WILKS. Vol. 2 and 3, in 4to. Price 41. 4s. Bds. which completes the Work. Also may be had, A few Copies of the Work, complete in 3 Vols. Price 71. Half-bound, Russia Backs, and lettered. 2 Works published in the Course of July and August BY LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORME, AND BROWN, LONDON. HISTORY OF BRAZIL, By ROBERT SOUTHEY, Esq. Poet Laureate, Member of the Royal Spanish Academy. In 4to. with a Map, Price 27. 10s. Boards, Volume II. Also, the First Vol. of the above Work, Price 21. 2s. "We have no hesitation in saying, that we like him (Mr. Southey) much better as an Historian than as a Poet."-Monthly Review. The concluding Volume is in the Press. 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