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Copyright, 1877, by A. S. Barnes & Co.


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E kind indulgence of the reader is asked for the imperfections that may be discovered in these Memoirs. The Editor is a novice in work of this kind. It was undertaken by him at the solicitation of friends who desired, if a life was to be written, a correct and reliable narrative of the facts which, from past association, he could seem to give better than others, and who were willing, in receiving the narrative, to overlook the crudeness of its literary performance.

It is not expected that the work will fall into the hands of many outside of those in some way acquainted and in sympathy with the loved friend of whom it speaks, and whose simple desire in reading the book will be to know him better-to know all that can be known of the man and his work. To all such the interest in the subject of the memoir will lead them to overlook its faults. To all others, it can only be said that no claim is made for the book, except that it is a loving and faithful attempt to truthfully narrate what could be recalled from memory, and gathered from all reliable sources, of the life of Mr. Bliss. Much could undoubtedly have been profitably omitted, and no one could feel more keenly than the writer that much could profitably be added to make a complete picture of this variously-gifted, large-hearted, consecrated Christian man. What is presented will seem to his dearest friends but fragments of glass, through which will be caught glimpses of the man they knew. This is all that it seems to the writer.

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But one other word of apology remains to be presented to the general public for the issuing of the book to them. The profits arising from its sale are to be devoted to the mother and such of the family of Mr. Bliss, other than his children, who were dependent upon him for maintenance. The impression has been made. by statements as to the response to Mr. Moody's appeal, that an abundant provision has been realized for his family. So far as the orphan children are concerned, this is happily true. The children of the Sabbath schools have sent in, up to the present time, penny contributions amounting in the aggregate to about $9,500. This money is in the hands of trustees for the purpose mentioned in the appeal, viz., the erection of a monument and the education and maintenance of the children. It cannot be diverted from this object.

All collections, so far as known, are for the same definite pur pose. The estate of Mr. Bliss is in the hands of an executor, who is under legal responsibility to administer for the benefit solely of the heirs-at-law, the minor children. Whatever may be realized from the railroad company, from insurance, from copyright inter ests, must be kept and accounted for to the minor children when of age. It will thus be seen that while a fair provision is made for the boys, other objects, dear to the heart of both Mr. and Mrs. Bliss, are left wholly unprovided for. Mr. Bliss left a will which stipulated that $200 a year should be paid to his mother; but in probating the will it was ruled that, as he had changed this clause since the will was dated, and the change was without attestation, the original clause, which was $100 a year, was all that could be allowed. In addition to this mother, there were sisters and nephews who were constant recipients of his assistance, and for whom he had plans of future aid that would have been realized to them had he lived.

This statement is not made as the basis of any appeal for a continuation of contributions. No solicitations are made that the

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