HANNAH'S EYE. TO MISS H. GRAHAME. BY MR. J. THELWALL. Now April suns, with softening gleam, The hanging wood, the jutting scar, Yet not in lonely thought I rove, For Hannah's gentle form is near;- And I have found a beauteous flower, In shape and size 'tis Hannah's eye: I'll ask yon pair of loitering friends But loitering friend, nor hoary swain, Of maids and youths I ask by turns: Then, tho' the bashful flower refuse Shall gild the Poet's future dream. And if, perchance, some kindred flower, THE KISS. BY THEOPHILUS SWIFT, ESQ. FROM rose-buds yet unblown, whose orient morn It breathes! The Senses feel the blest controul, |