ODE TO SUICIDE. BY THE REV. J. WHITEHOUSE. DARK, sullen power! Whom oft beside some ruined wall I've seen, With stolen step, and clouded mien, Gathering the night-shade's juices pale, When shadows dimmed the moon, and midnight hour Tolled from some steeple nigh! And downy sleep Refused to steep In opiate dews thy ghastly-glaring eye! While at thy elbow stood Despair, Grim-visaged man! with bristled hair, Shaking aloft his iron flail! And in the blasted vale The raven shrieked with funeral cry, A choral dirge the Furies sung, And while Fate's solemn knell was rung, Thy voice of dreary dole still bade the wretched die. Hence away!-thou fiend forlorn! Hears the hoarse surge, and the wild tempest borne, Nor whisper in my startled ear Thy murmured woes, whose accents drear And all it's powers enchain, Till from her anchor Hope reluctant driven, Foregoes her firm support, and quits her hold o heaven. Nor yet, where thick-incumbent shadows scowl, When night comes lowering on, and the winds howl Bereft, and wildered more, as thy dim form Aghast, and vanquish'd by thy potent spells, THE DISCOVERY. BY MISS PEARSON. Tis said the witching power of Love While o'er the soul the Tyrant sways, On the poor Lover's dazzled sight, This Edward to Maria prov'd At length he sought his native shore: Six tedious years had seen him roam, The seventh brought the Wanderer home To fond, expecting Mary's door. But Absence, love's inveterate foe, The spell that bound him was no more! How chang'd, he cry'd, in form and face! 1 The poor girl heaving piteous sighs, "But you, alas! have found a pair!" EPIGRAM, On a Lady of execrable Temper being burnt out by a late Fire. THIS Dame, of a temper infernally hot, Should not at her losses be vext; A broiling to save in the next. SCANDINAVIA, DEC. 3, 1804. G. H. D. LINES Addressed to the Duchess of Bolton, as an Excuse for not undertaking the Part of Alicia, which the Authoress was solicited to act in the private Exhibition of the Play of Jane Shore, at Hackwood, in 1787. BY MRS. LEFROY. ALL to the part unus'd, my faltering tongue * Lady Caroline Barry. † Lady Katherine Powlett. |