1 Songs of Love and Mercy. TUNE-Songs of Love and Mercy, No. 1. LEAD me to Jesus, lead me to Jesus; Help me to love Him, help me to pray : P.M. Quickly haste and come where happy children meet, 2 Lead me to Jesus; He will receive me ; 3 Tell me of Jesus, tell of His mercy : Is there a fountain flowing so free? 4 Lord, I am coming; Jesus, my Saviour, 2 Pity my weakness; make me Thy child : Mrs. F. J. Van Alstyne. TUNE-Songs of Love and Mercy, No. 2. AR from the fold of Jesus, Fa wayward child, Like a straying lamb, had wandered But the Gentle Shepherd sought me, Safe away from danger brought me In His loving arms. Praise Jesus, Gentle Shepherd, Saviour, loving, mild; P.M. 3 2 To His bosom close He pressed me, Led me by the stillest waters Now all day I'm glad and joyful, All the night my rest is peaceful, 3 Evermore I'll trust in Jesus, No allurements shall entice me And in heaven's greener pastures Make me ever blest. A. F. Abbott. 7.6. TUNE-Sacred Songs and Solos, No. 25. SAFE in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast, 2 Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe from corroding care, Only a few more tears. 3 Jesus, my heart's dear Refuge, Firm on the Rock of Ages Wait till the night is o'er, Wait till I see the morning, Fanny Crosby. 4 TUNE-Sacred Songs and Solos, No. 3. 10's. AM so glad that our Father in heaven Tells of His love in the Book He has given; Wonderful things in the Bible I see; I am so glad that Jesus loves me, 2 Though I forget Him and wander away, 3 Oh, if there's only one song I can sing, "Oh, what a wonder that Jesus loves me !" 4 Jesus loves me, and I know I love Him, Love brought Him down my poor soul to redeem ; 5 In this assurance I find sweetest rest, 5 LO TUNE-Sacred Songs and Solos, No. 14. TE ELL me the Old, Old Story, Of Jesus and His glory, Of Jesus and His love. P. P. Bliss. Tell me the Old, Old Story, 2 Tell me the Story slowly, For I forget so soon; Has passed away at noon. 3 Tell me the Story softly, With earnest tones, and grave; Whom Jesus came to save. 7.6. 6 7 Tell me that Story always, 4 Tell me the same Old Story, Yes, and when that world's glory "Christ Jesus makes thee whole." (By permission of the Author) Miss Hankey. TUNE-Songs of Love and Mercy, No. 6. I LOVE to hear the Story, I am both weak and sinful, But this I surely know,- 2 I'm glad my blessed Saviour His footsteps here below, Because He loves me so. Because He loves me so. Mrs. E. H. Miller. TONE-Songs of Love and Mercy, No. 7. 7.6. P.M. THINK when I read that sweet Story of old, How He called little children as lambs to His fold, I wish that His hands had been placed on my head, And that I might have seen His kind look when He said 2 Yet still to His footstool in prayer I may go, And ask for a share of His love; And if I thus earnestly seek Him below, I shall see Him and hear Him above,- 3 But thousands and thousands who wander and fall, 8 I should like them to know there is room for them all, I long for that blessed and glorious time, HE Mrs. Luke. TUNE-Songs of Love and Mercy, No. 8. 12.11. E smiled as He stretched out His arms in glad welcome, While little ones hastened to press round His knee, While He laid His kind hand on each little fair forehead, Saying, "Suffer the children to come unto Me." 2 He loved them e'en then, though His heart had much sadness, He loveth them still in their innocent glee; 3 And still does He utter those words of sweet welcome, 66 66 Oh, suffer the children to come unto Me." Send not from My presence the children: I love them, But bring them where blessings from heaven are dropping, "Oh, suffer the children to come unto Me." 4 We come then, dear Saviour, by words and by prayers, 5 And when our young feet touch the waters of Jordan, Marianne Farningham. |