Puslapio vaizdai


The Via Media of the Anglican Church. By J. H. NEWMAN, D.D. Pickering.

A republication of Dr. Newman's apologetic writings in defence of the Church of England while he was still a member of her communion, with additions pointing out what he now regards as the fallacies of his reasoning.

Buddhism: being a Sketch of the Life and Teaching of Gautama, the Buddha. By T. W. RHYS DAVIDS. Christian Knowledge Society.

An exhibition of Buddha's life divested of subsequent embellishments, and of his religion purified from metaphysical refinements and corruptions.

Islam and its Founder. By J. W. H. STOBART. Christian Knowledge Society.

A condensed and impartial account of Mohammedanism.

Hinduism. By MONIER WILLIAMS. Christian Knowledge Society.

A review of the Brahminical system in its various modifications, including a parallel with Buddhism.

On Horseback through Asia Minor. By FREDERICK BURNABY. 2 vols. Low and Marston.

The narrative of a five months' journey on horseback to Armenia, through Asia Minor.

Transcaucasia and Ararat. By JAMES BRYCE. Macmillan.

Vivid notes of a tour in the autumn of last year.

The Khedive's Egypt; or, The Old House of Bondage under New Masters. By EDWIN DE LEON. Sampson Low and Son.

The general spirit of this impartial survey of Egyptian affairs is indicated by the latter clause of the title.

Two Years of the Eastern Question. By A GALLENGA. 2 vols. S. Tinsley.

The reprinted letters of the Times' correspondent, presenting in general the Russian side of the question.

Under the Balkans. By R. JASPER MORE. Kegan Paul & Co.

The observations and inquiries of a visitor to Roumelia after the massacres of last year.

The Personal Government of Charles I. By SAMUEL RAWSON GARDINER. 2 vols. Longmans.

The history of the period from the murder of Buckingham to 1637, being that during which Charles was virtually an absolute sovereign.

Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. By LOUISE CREIGHTON. Rivingtons. A condensed but highly finished biography.

The Story of my Life. By the late Col. MEADOWS TAYLOR. 2 vols. Blackwood.

Memoirs of a great Indian administrator on a small scale.

Thoreau: his Life and Aims.

A Study. By H. A. PAGE. Chatto and

A mosaic portrait of Thoreau from characteristic passages in his writings.

The Agamemnon of Eschylus. Transcribed by ROBERT BROWNING. Smith, Elder & Co.

Aiming, as the title-page implies, at close literality of rendering.

Erema; or, My Father's Sin. By R. D. BLACKMORE. 3 vols. Smith, Elder & Co.

The Hon. Miss Ferrard. By the Author of "Hogan, M.P." 3 vols. Bentley.

Illustrates a highly characteristic phase of Irish life.

Pauline. By L. B. WALFORD. 2 vols. Blackwood.

By the author of "Mr. Smith."

Lutchmee and Dilloo. By EDWARD JENKINS. 3 vols. Mullan.

A "novel with a purpose," treating of the coolie immigration into British Guiana.

Les Pharisiens. Par J. COHEN. 2 tom. Calmann Lévy; Barthès and Lowell.

An apology for the Pharisees.

Supplément au Dictionnaire de la Langue Française de E. Littré. Hachette ; Barthes and Lowell.

Technical terms and neologisms.

Guerre d'Orient en 1876. Par FERDINAND LECOMTE. Tanera; Barthès and Lowell.

A narrative of the occurrences preceding the outbreak of hostilities.

Hommes et choses d'Allemagne. Par G. VALBERT. Hachette; Barthes and Lowell.

Principally a reprint of articles from the Revue des Deux Mondes.

Histoire d'un Crime.

Déposition d'un témoin. Par VICTOR HUGO. Tom. 1. Calmann Levy; Barthes and Lowell.

A diary of occurrences at the time of the coup d'état of December, 1851.

Les Rénégats de 1789. Par M. SAINT RÉNÉ TAILLANDIER.

Barthes and Lowell.

A protest against the rehabilitation of the chiefs of the Terror.


Deux Croisières. Par G. DE LA LANDELLE. Dentu; Barthès and Lowell. An investigation of some minor passages of French naval history.

Histoire politique et diplomatique de P. P. Rubens. Par A. GACHARD. Office de Publicité, Bruxelles; Barthes and Lowell.

Contains numerous hitherto inedited documents.

Geschichte des Vatikanischen Konzils. Von J. FRIEDRICH. Bd. 1. Neusser; Williams and Norgate.

By a leader of the German Old Catholics. This first volume treats chiefly of the preliminaries of the Council.

Die Mythologie der Ilias. Von LUDWIG VON SYBEL. Elwert; Williams and Norgate.

A metaphysical view of Homeric mythology.

Russlands Geschichte und Politik. Von A. KLEINSCHMIDT. Kay; Williams

and Norgate.

Russian history in a biographical form.

Umschau in Runischen Turkestan. Nebst einer allgemeinen Schilderung des Turkestanschen Beckens. Von ALEXANDER PETZHOLDT. Fries; Williams and Norgate.

Records of travel combined with topographical and ethnographical dissertations and political forecasts.

Der Krieg Montenegro's gegen die Pforte in Jahre 1876. Von S. GOPVCEVIS. Seidel; Williams and Norgate.

From the Servian point of view, which is by no means the same as the Montenegrin.

Stambul und das moderne Türkenthum. Bilder von einem OSMANEN. Duncker and Humblot; Williams and Norgate.

Sketchy and anecdotical. The writer's Ottoman nationality seems questionable.

Rumänien. Land und Volk. Geschildert von R. HENke. Wigand; Williams and Norgate.

A thorough account of everything relating to the country.

Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg. Ein Tagwerk auf dem Felde der Naturforschung des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Von JOHANNES HANSTEIN. Marcus; Williams and Norgate.

A contribution to the history of microscopical science.

Clemens Brentano. Von A. DIEHL. Bd. 1. Williams and Norgate. The first part of a complete biography of this remarkable personage.





THE object which the former article in this Review1 sought to attain has been answered far more completely than its author ever ventured to hope. The question has not been allowed to go by default. Not only has an answer been given, but it has come from the person of all the most competent to give it, not only from his large and long experience, but from a power of argument and wealth of illustration in which no one can pretend to vie with him. When Mr. Gladstone enters the arena, we may be quite sure that if the argument fail to convince, it is from the inherent weakness of the cause, and not from any failure on the part of the advocate. Having in full measure what we asked for a statement of the case in favour of household suffrage in the counties—and also what we did not expect -a full statement of Mr. Gladstone's opinions and reasons in favour of equal electoral districts and universal suffrage-we cannot, without some suspicion of cowardice, refuse to examine a subject so interesting, and brought forward under such commanding auspices.

We were at considerable pains to prove what appeared to us a rather startling conclusion: that the extension of the suffrage to country householders made necessary a complete redistribution of seats on a new principle, and that this in its turn would make it impossible to resist the accomplishment of universal suffrage. To this part of our argument Mr. Gladstone has no objection to offer. We have pointed out that the House of Commons is not rising in public estimation, that the elections are becoming more and more expensive, that thus youth and talent, except when accompanied by riches, are excluded, and that any lowering of the franchise and the consequent redistribution of seats must still further increase expense. To this also Mr. Gladstone agrees. In fact, the differences between us are reduced to the expediency of lowering the franchise, and of creating new and equal electoral districts. Both propositions, as (1) See Fortnightly Review for October last.

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