19 27334. T. 15 HARVARD JUN 10 1941 Peassaly Fund DECICATION To My Wife, JOSEPHINE TAYLOR, Whose Sympathy and Understanding has been A Constant Encouragement. PREFACE. Because of one reason and another, disappointment by the printer, etc., the publication of this little book has been postponed so that some of the material is not as up to date as I might wish. It can be said without fear of contradiction that conditions in Detroit have not improved any during the past winter. In fact the statistics put out by the Department of Labor in December, 1919, show the increased cost of living in 14 American cities, from December 1, 1914, as follows: We have many evils today, but the basic one is ignorance. I have not attempted in any way to point out the details of a new order of society, although hinting at some of the possible steps to be taken if we are to accomplish the transition without violence and bloodshed. Nor is this book a thorough study of conditions in Detroit. There is a mass of details which could only be collected by a large force of people working over quite a period of time. I do think, however, that the book presents a very fair picture of living conditions in Detroit. conditions which the great majority of the people have to face. |