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" Marlowe, bathed in the Thespian* springs, Had in him those brave translunary* things That the first poets had; his raptures were All air and fire... "
Blackwood's Magazine - 813 psl.
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The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland, to the Time of ..., 1 tomas

Robert Shiells, Theophilus Cibber - 1753 - 366 psl.
...characterized. Next Marloe bathed in Thefpian fprings, Had in him thofe brave fublunary things, That your.firA poets had ; his raptures were All air and fire, which made his verfes clear ; For that fine madnefs ftill he did retain, .. Which rightly fhould poflefs a poet's...
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A Select Collection of Old Plays: Gammer Gurton's needle

1780 - 428 psl.
...Marlow, bathed in the Thefpian fprings, " Had in him thofe brave fublunary things, " That your firft poets had; his raptures were " All air and fire, which made his verfes clear : " For that fine madnefs ftill he did retain, " Which rightly fhould poflefs a poet's...
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The Quarterly Review, 46 tomas

William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith, Sir John Murray (IV), Rowland Edmund Prothero (Baron Ernle), George Walter Prothero - 1832 - 644 psl.
...crowded on the daring imagination of the Greet : — as the fine lines of Drayton express it — ' Our Marlowe, bathed in the Thespian springs, Had in him those brave translunary things That your first poets had : his raptures were All air and fire, which made his verses clear ; For that fine...
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The Ancient British Drama ...

Walter Scott - 1810 - 618 psl.
...: " Next Marlow, bathed in the Thespian springs, Had in him those brave sublunary things, That your first poets had ; his raptures were All air and fire,...made his verses clear : For that fine madness still be did retain, Which rightly should possess a poet's brain." And George Peele, in The Honour of the...
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Drayton, WArner

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 692 psl. With almost wonder, so fine, clear, and new, As yet they have been equalled by few. Ne^t Marlow bathed in the Thespian springs, Had in him those brave translunary things, That the first poet* had, his raptures were, All air, and fire, which made his verses clear, For that fine madness...
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pt.2. Authors and actors : I-Y. Appendix. Additions and corrections

David Erskine Baker - 1812 - 430 psl.
..." Next Marme, bathed in the Thespian springs, "Had in Mm those brave transluuary things " That your first poets had ; his raptures were " All air and fire, which made his v erses clear ; " For that fine madness #till he di d retain, ' " Which rightly should possess a ipoet's...
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Biographia Dramatica: pt. 2. Authors and actors: I-Y. Appendix. Additions ...

David Erskine Baker - 1812 - 416 psl.
...called The Censure of the Poets, in which he speaks of him in the folio-wing manner : " Next Marine, bathed in the Thespian springs, " Had in him those brave translunary things " That your first poets had ; his raptures were " A4 airai.d fire, which made his verses clear ; " For that...
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The General Biographical Dictionary, 21 tomas

Alexander Chalmers - 1815 - 512 psl.
...lines : " Next Marloe bathed in Thespian springs, Had in him those brave translunary things, That your first poets had ; his raptures were All air and fire,...which made his verses clear : For that fine madness stilj he did retain, Which rightly should possess a poet's brain." 1 Nichols's Bowyur — with the...
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The General Biographical Dictionary:– Containing an Historical and Critical ...

Alexander Chalmers - 1815 - 540 psl.
...lines : " Next Marloe bathed in Thespian springs, Had in him those brave translunary things, That your first poets had ; his raptures were All air and fire, which made his verses clear: For thut fine madness still he did return. Which rightly should possess a poet's brain." 1 Nichols's Bowyer...
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The Works of Ben Johnson– In Nine Volumes with Notes Critical and ...

Ben Jonson, William Gifford - 1816 - 482 psl.
...than parallel." What! the " envious" Ben ? Impossible. Drayton thus characterises him : " Next Marlow, bathed in the Thespian springs, Had in him those brave...which made his verses clear ; For that fine madness he did still retain, Which rightly should possess a poet's brain.'* When, like Apollo, he came forth...
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