Every subscriber ordering The Nineteenth Century & After, The Fortnightly Review, The Contemporary Review, Blackwood's Magazine, Edinburgh Review, Quarterly Review through the undersigned is Positively Guaranteed to receive copies of the Original Issue circulated in England, printed on the same paper and from the same plates as the British copies, and at the same time receive the advantage of A Substantial Price Saving The editions published and supplied by us are positively the original English editions; and the saving in price is nearly 50%. Leonard Scott editions should always be specified to obtain these real advantages. Annual Subscriptions and Combination Rates Leonard Scott Publication Company 249 West 13th Street :: :: New York tered as second-class matter, July 3, 1917, at the post omos at New York, N. X., under the act of March 8, 1879 ww College of St. Elizabeth Saint Mary's School Mount Saint PEEKSKILL-ON-THE-HUDSON, N. Y. Boarding School for Girls CORNWALL ON HUDSON, N. Y. FOR CATALOGUE WRITE TO THE PRINCIPAL THE LITCHFIELD SCHOOL Prepares boys under fifteen for secondary schools. Ideal location and equipment. Alttude 1200 feet. Thorough instruction. Sympathetic care. Winter sport. Horses and ponies. Rates $1000. References required. Address EARLE EVERETT SARCKA, Headmaster. P. O. 529, Litchfield, Conn. Learn Languages Private and Class instruction in all modern languages, English included. Skilled native teachers. Reasonable tuition. Day and Evening Classes. Enroll at a BERLITZ SCHOOL In New York, Brooklyn, Boston, Philadelphia Baltimore, Washington, Detroit, Chicago, etc. HOME STUDY COURSE for out of town students. Write for particulars 10 New York Berlitz School, 30 West 34th St. FERRY HALL, LAKE FOREST, ILL On Lake Michigan, 28 miles from Chicag Founded 1869. College preparatory, general high school and advanced courses. Special instruction in music, expression, art. domestic science. For catalogue address, MISS ELOISE R. TREMAIN, Principal. ST. CLARE'S SCHOOL For a limited number of little girls. Individual care and teaching. Beautiful grounds. In charge of Episcopal Sisters (College graduates). Aðdress THE MOTHER SUPERIOR Fairlawn, Noroton Hill, Stamford, Conn. SEVERN SCHOOL A country boarding school for boys. Idesi location on Severn River near Annapolis. Prepares for College, West Point and Annapolis Exceptionally thorough work given and demanded. Students taught how to study. Water sports and all athletics. Limited to afty. Catalogue. ROLLAND M. TEEL, Ph.D., Principal, OUR DEBT TO GREECE AND ROME The purpose of this series is to create a complete and convenient reference library in English, showing the direct influences of the Greek and Roman civilizations upon our own. Stimulating, human, vital, the series is addressed to an audience of general culture, rather than to a limited circle of specialists. The books are adequately prepared by competent editors, and are of the deepest interest. RECENT ISSUES MATHEMATICS. By David Eugene Smith, professor of mathematics in Teachers College, Columbia University. WARFARE BY LAND AND SEA. By Dr. Eugene S. McCartney, University of Michigan. ROMAN POLITICS. By Frank Frost Abbott, Princeton University. GREEK RELIGION AND ITS SURVIVALS. University of Pennsylvania. By Walter Woodburn Hyde, LANGUAGE AND PHILOLOGY. By Dr. Roland G. Kent, University of Pennsylvania. CATULLUS AND HIS INFLUENCE. By Karl Pomeroy Harrington, Wesleyan University. CICERO AND HIS INFLUENCE. By Dr. John C. Rolfe, University of Pennsylvania. EURIPIDES AND HIS INFLUENCE. By F. L. Lucas, King's College, Cambridge. THE POETICS OF ARISTOTLE: ITS MEANING AND INFLUENCE. Price per volume, $1.50; carriage extra. CO-OPERATIVE DEMOCRACY. By James P. Warbasse. By Marshall Jones Co. Service-motive as a substitute for profit-motive is the theme of this book. Dr. Warbasse, who is president of The Co-operative League of America, presents co-operation as the constructive method of escape from the present-day chaos, obviating the dangers of the bureaucratic state, and substituting for it Co-operative Democracy. A stimulating and interesting book, presenting many novel facts and arguments. Price, $3.50; carriage extra. LEONARD SCOTT PUBLICATION CO. 249 West 13th St., New York The Macmillan Co Every subscriber ordering The Nineteenth Century & After, The Fortnightly Review, The Contemporary Review, Blackwood's Magazine, Edinburgh Review, Quarterly Review through the undersigned is Positively Guaranteed to receive copies of the Original Issue circulated in England, printed on the same paper and from the same plates as the British copies, and at the same time receive the advantage of A Substantial Price Saving The editions published and supplied by us are positively the original English editions; and the saving in price is nearly 50%. Leonard Scott editions should always be specified to obtain these real advantages. Annual Subscriptions and Combination Rates |