Puslapio vaizdai

autumn of 1914. The country was then recovering from the first shock and the short but extreme depression caused by the great war. Neutral markets, cut off from their accustomed supplies, began to buy here. Enormous demands for goods. and materials came from the warring nations. An entire change came in the character of the exports. Many of the things sent abroad in normal times were no longer wanted. But food, clothing, horses, motor-cars, metals, guns, and explosives could not be shipped fast enough. In the thirty-six months before the war exports amounted to $7,034,000,000. These figures were exceeded in the two fiscal years following the outbreak of the war; the movement for that period totaled $7,102,000,000, of which last year's proportion was the world's-record-breaking sum of $4,333,000,000, an amount nearly equal to the combined figures of the five years from 1891 to 1895 inclusive. No less than seventy-five per cent. of the whole was sent to the Allies. Blockades cut off the German market. England controlled most of the ocean freighters and removed them from usual trade routes for purposes of the war. Such heavy increases occurred in freight rates that shipments of certain classes of goods were virtually prohibited. These conditions, and in addition the congestion of freight at terminals, inadequate loading facilities, scarcity of labor and materials, and the strained credit situation in South America and elsewhere, undoubtedly kept the volume of exports from reaching even more extraordinary totals.

given much gratuitous advice. All this has resulted in a mutual increase in trade. Thus far Latin America has the lion's share of the increase. Considering the heavy indebtedness of some of the governments and importers in South America, their position must have been embarrassing when European support was no longer available. The loans and goods and markets furnished by the United States have been a great help to South America during a trying time.

The Russian, Italian, and Peninsular markets are engaging a great deal of attention at the present time. Very great developments of benefit to America are expected, particularly in Russia.

At the time of the last change in the Government of Canada there was a lot of political claptrap against trade with the United States. Although the party responsible for that sentiment came into power, the trade has grown faster than ever. 'Canada still holds its place as the second largest customer of the United States, and is one of the safest, most convenient, and most promising markets for American goods. With a population of fewer than eight million inhabitants, that country buys more goods here than the combined millions of people in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, all the other South and Central American countries, Mexico, and Cuba.

Having sold to other countries since July 1, 1914, goods worth over seven billion dollars, the United States used something over half this enormous credit to settle for things imported. With the balance it made at various times foreign loans aggregating fifteen hundred millions, and bought back American securities for a similar amount. It was also able to keep most of its own production of gold and to collect from abroad about six hundred millions as well. Many forecasts have been made of the conditions that will confront American domestic and foreign trade when peace is declared in Europe. Some of these predictions are rather alarm(Continued on page 54 following)

In recent years Norte Americanos have followed the lead of the British and Germans in assiduous cultivation of LatinAmerican markets. Pan-Americanism has been carefully fostered by historic conferences, associations, a flood of books and pamphlets, and much speechmaking. Distinguished statesmen and many prominent business men have made the long journey through those interesting countries. Exporters and manufacturers have been


That old Eagerness to Get on the Job

To operate at high speed day after day, and enjoy it, the body requires a full quota of its essential foods-albumen (the builder) and phosphorus (the vitalizer). Ordinarily the body gets this from the regular diet.

But in periods of unusual work or worry, the normal diet does not supply sufficient of these vital foods to replace and repair the wasted body cells and nerve tissues. Then the joy goes from work, and the body lags at its task.

Those who have put their trust in Sanatogen in such emergencies have not done so in vain. For Sanatogen gives just these vital foods and in


most easily digestible form!

That is why Hon. W. C. Adamson, M. C., Chairman, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, was able to write that he had "found Sanatogen valuable to restore wasted energies and to compose the nerves in cases of longsustained effort." And why Sir Gilbert Parker was able to acclaim Sanatogen "a true food-tonic, feeding the nerves, increasing the energy and giving fresh vigor to overworked body and mind."

Scores of other prominent laymen and more than 21,000 physicians have gone on record voluntarily approving the use of Sanatogen, after having watched and felt the benefits derived from it.

Sanatogen is sold by good druggists, everywhere, in sizesfrom $1.00 up.

Grand Prize InterNational Congress of Medicine, London, 1913.

[blocks in formation]

Finance and Banking Continued from page 160 preceding ing; others foresee only a temporary disturbance of labor and industry followed by active production along normal lines. Whatever readjustments may become necessary, the United States may face the future with composure, for its position is indeed fortunate and enviable when compared with the war-worn countries. It is a creditor nation, possessed of more liquid capital than ever before, having an abundance of materials, and a manufacturing equipment greatly enlarged out of extraordinary profits. Its laws are becoming less restrictive and will probably permit manufacturers to work together for foreign trade, and banks to combine in the establishment of branches abroad. The mercantile marine is growing and will be an important factor if navigation standards permit successful competition with British and Continental vessels.

The country has entered upon a new banking era. Reserves have been mobilized, a discount market established, and a strong and dependable banking system evolved, with the solid underpinning of the federal reserve banks. International finance has been undertaken in a large way. Its intimate relationship with foreign trade is bound to be reflected in the volume of exports. But in the growth of foreign trade, mechanical and financial equipment are only the branches; the root is-work. Will the American barter his services as attractively as the Briton and the German? Wages here increased nineteen per cent. in the five years ended 1914; the increase since then is striking.



THE British Board of Trade's figures for August show that imports increased £6,716,000 and that exports advanced £15,281,000 over that month last year. Increases in imports were chiefly in cotton, which advanced £3,000,000, and oil, seeds, and fats, which advanced £2,250,000. The export increases were in cotton textiles, £3,000,000 iron and steel, £2,500,

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is warmly recommended by physicians for the convalescent, the weak, and the anaemic. Should be taken at each meal and before retiring by all who are tired, overworked or undernourished.

There are some cheaper preparations
calling themselves malt preparations-
they are beverages, not tonics. Malt-
Nutrine is rich in malt-that's what
gives it its value to you. Insist.
All Druggists-Most Grocers

Malt-Nutrine declared by U. S.
Internal Revenue Department
to be a pure malt product, not
an alcoholic beverage. Contains
14.50 per cent malt solids-1.9
per cent alcohol.

[merged small][graphic]

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