Puslapio vaizdai

to leave a pas-sage, of which he ex-pect-ed us to a-vail our-selves. My horse hes-i-ta-ted; the el-e-phant ob-served it, and im-pa-tient-ly thrust him-self deep-er in-to the jun-gle, re-peat-ing his cry of urmph! but in a voice ev-i-dent-ly meant to en-cour-age us to ad-vance. Still the horse trem-bled, and anx-ious to ob-serve the in-stinct of the two sa-ga-cious an-i-mals, I fore-bore any in-terfe-rence. A-gain the el-e-phant of his own ac-cord wedged him-self fur-ther in a-mong the trees, and man-ifest-ed some im-pa-tience that we did not pass him. At length the horse moved for-ward; and when we were fair-ly past, I saw the wise crea-ture stoop and take up its heav-y bur-then, turn and bal-ance it on its tusks, and re-sume its route as be-fore, hoarse-ly snort-ing its dis-con-tent-ed re-mon-strance.-Tennent's" Ceylon."


Lit-tle trav-el-lers Zi-on-ward,
Each one en-ter-ing in-to rest,
In the king-dom of your Lord,
In the man-sions of the blest;
There to wel-come Je-sus waits,

Gives the crowns His fol-low-ers win;
Lift your heads, ye gold-en gates,
Let the lit-tle trav-el-lers in.

Who are they whose lit-tle feet,

Pa-cing life's dark jour-ney through,
Now have reached that heav-en-ly seat,
They had ev-er kept in view?
"I from Green-land's fro-zen land;"
"I from In-di-a's sul-try plain;"

"I from Af-ric's bar-ren sand;"
"I from is-lands of the main."

All our earth-ly jour-ney past,
Ev-er-y tear and pain gone by,
Here to-geth-er met at last,

At the port-al of the sky;
Each the wel-come "COME" a-waits,
Con-que-rors o-ver death and sin,
Lift your heads, ye gold-en gates!

Let the lit-tle trav-el-lers in !-Edmeston.


The mas-ter of a school was ac-ci-den-tal-ly look-ing out of the win-dow one day, and saw one of the boys throw-ing stones at a hat, which was put upon the fence for that pur-pose.

When the hour set a-part for at-tend-ing to the gen-e-ral bus-i-ness of the school had ar-rived, and all were still, he said, "I saw one of the boys throw-ing stones at a hat to-day; did he do right or wrong?"

There were one or two faint mur-murs, which sound-ed like "wrong;" but the boys gen-e-ral-ly made

no an-swer.

"Per-haps it de-pends a lit-tle upon the ques-tion whose hat it was. Do you think it does de-pend upon that?" "Yes, Sir."

"Well, then, sup-pose it was not his own hat, and he was throw-ing stones at it with-out the own-er's con-sent, would it be plain, in that case, wheth-er he was do-ing right or wrong?"

"Yes, Sir; wrong," was the u-ni-ver-sal re-ply.

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Sup-pose it was his own hat, would he have been right? Has a boy a right to do what he pleas-es with his own hat?"

"Yes, Sir;" "Yes, Sir." "No, Sir;" "No, Sir," answered the boys, con-fu-sed-ly.

wears it.

Well," said the mas-ter, "there are two sen-ses in which a hat may be said to be-long to any per-son. It may be-long to him be-cause he bought it and paid for it; or it may be-long to him be-cause it fits him and he In other words, a per-son may have a hat as his prop-er-ty, or he may have it only as a part of his dress. Now, you see that, ac-cord-ing to the first of these sen-ses, all the hats in this school be-long to your fath-ers. There is not, in fact, a sin-gle boy in this school who has a hat of his own.

"Your fath-ers bought your hats. They worked for them, and paid for them. You are only the wear-ers, and con-se-quent-ly ev-er-y gen-e-rous boy will be care-ful of the prop-er-ty which is in-trust-ed to him; but which, strict-ly speak-ing, is not his own.”—J. Abbott.


There were once three lit-tle sil-ver trouts who lived in a stream of clear wa-ter, which ran be-tween two high green banks. The banks pro-tect-ed it from the winds and storms, so that the wa-ter was al-ways smooth; and as the sun shone there, it was a very de-light-ful place. Be-sides, these lit-tle fish-es had plen-ty to eat and drink, and no-thing to trou-ble them; so that you would have ex-pect-ed them to be per-fect-ly hap-py. But, a-las! it was not so; these lit-tle trouts were so fool-ish as to be dis-con-tent-ed and un-hap-py; and God heard their com-plain-ing. So He told the lit-tle fish-es that each of them might wish for what-ev-er he pleased, and it should be granted. So the first lit-tle trout said, “I'

am tired of mo-ping up here in the wa-ter, and of hav-ing to stay all the time in one place; I should like to have wings to fly in the air as the birds do, and go where I pleased."

The next said, "I am a poor ig-no-rant lit-tle fish, and I do not know how to pro-tect my-self from dan-ger; I should like to have a great deal of know-ledge, and un-der-stand all a-bout hooks and nets, so that I may al-ways keep out of dan-ger."

The other lit-tle trout said, "I too am a poor ignorant lit-tle fish, and for that rea-son I do not know what is best for me; my wish is, that God would take care of me, and give me just what He sees best for me; I do not want a-ny-thing that He does not choose to give me."

So God gave wings to the first, and he was very hap-py, and soared a-way in-to the air, and felt very proud, and de-spised his com-pan-ions whom he had left in the riv-er. He liked so much to fly, that he flew a-way off, till he came to a great des-ert where there was no wa-ter-no-thing but sand as far as he could see. By this time he was tired of fly-ing, and was faint and thirs-ty, but he could see no wa-ter. He tried to fly far-ther, but could not; his wings failed, and he fell down pant-ing on the hot sand, where he died mis-era-bly.

And God gave the second lit-tle fish know-ledge, as he had de-sired, and he un-der-stood all kinds of dan-ger, but in-stead of be-ing hap-pi-er, he was all the time in ter-ror. He was a-fraid to go in-to the deep wa-ter, lest the great fish-es there should swal-low him up; and he was a-fraid to go in-to the shal-low wa-ter, lest it should dry up and leave him. If he saw a fly, or any thing

that he would like to eat, he did not ven-ture to touch it, lest there should be a hook con-cealed un-der it. So he pined a-way and died.

But God loved the oth-er lit-tle trout, and took care of him, and kept him from all dan-gers, so that he was the hap-pi-est lit-tle trout that ev-er lived.—Henry Brooke.


This river flows through Bra-zil. It is the lar-gest. in the world. It is the long-est, the wi-dest, and the deep-est; it may well, there-fore, be called the lar-gest riv-er. It is near-ly two thou-sand miles long; it is one hun-dred and eight-y miles wide at the mouth; in some pla-ces it is more than one hun-dred and twen-ty feet deep.

This large riv-er is al-so beau-ti-ful, for its banks are clothed by beau-ti-ful trees. Monk-eys sport a-mong the branch-es and par-rots scream.

Both monk-eys and par-rots are oft-en caught to be sold as pets, but they are oft-en-er killed to be served up for sup-per. There is no an-i-mal con-sid-ered such good eat-ing as a monk-ey. The most splen-did of the par-rot tribe are the ma-caws. They are val-ued for their feath-ers of red, blue, and yel-low. The In-di-ans make splen-did feath-er dress-es. Small feath-ers glued on a cot-ton cap turn it in-to a splen-did crown. Long feath-ers make a scep-tre. A feath-er man-tle completes the splen-dour of the In-di-an kings.

There are vast plan-ta-tions of ca-ca-o trees close by the Am-a-zon. These are the trees whence choc-o-late and co-co-a are made; they are low and stump-y, and they are quite dif-fer-ent from co-co-a nut trees. There

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