Puslapio vaizdai

to sep-a-rate the grain from the husk, without bruis-ing it. After this it is read-y for use. Mr. Todd tells a very pret-ty sto-ry a-bout the man-ner in which rice is grown in E-gypt. Here it is:

Rice is the food most used in east-ern coun-tries, es-pe-cial-ly in E-gypt, even to this day. Ev-er-y year, when the snows all melt off the moun-tains, the riv-er Nile ri-ses high up, and o-ver-flows its banks, and cov-ers all the coun-try round it with wa-ter. The peo-ple set down stakes, ev-er-y man in his land, be-fore the wa-ters come. And when the Nile has ris-en, and all the ground is covered with wa-ter, they go out in their lit-tle boats, and sow, or cast their rice upon the wa-ters. The rice sinks down, and sticks in the mud be-neath, and when the wa-ters are gone, they find it has ta-ken root and sprout-ed, and it grows up and gives them a har-vest. This is "cast-ing their bread upon the wa-ters, and find-ing it af-ter many days."


Now I shall tell you of the last thing God made. God took some of the dust of the ground, and madė the bod-y of a man; then He breathed on it, and gave it a soul; so the man could un-der-stand a-bout God. Ad-am was quite good like God. Ad-am loved God very much.

God put him in a very pret-ty gar-den, full of trees cov-ered with fruit. This gar-den was called the gar-den of Eden. God showed Ad-am all the beasts and birds, and let Ad-am give them what names he pleased. He said to Ad-am, "I give you all the fish-es, and in-sects, and birds, and beasts; you are their mas-ter." So Ad-am was king over all things on the earth.

God said to Ad-am, "You may eat of the fruit that grows on the trees in the gar-den." Still God did not let him be i-dle, but told him to take care of the gar-den. You see how very kind God was to Ad-am.

But Ad-am had no friends to be with him; for the beasts and the birds could not talk to Ad-am. Then God said He would make a wom-an to be a friend to Ad-am. So God made Ad-am fall fast a-sleep; and while he was a-sleep, God took a piece of flesh out of his side, and made it into a wom-an. When Ad-am a-woke, he saw her. He knew that she was made of his flesh and bones, and he loved her very much. Her name was Eve.

You have heard of all the things God made. They were all beau-ti-ful; and all the liv-ing things were quite hap-py; there was no pain; and no sigh-ing, and no sin in all the world.

God had been six days in ma-king the world. And when He had fin-ished it, He rest-ed, and made no more things. The an-gels saw the world that God had made: they were pleased, and sang a sweet song of praise to God. Je-sus Christ the Son of God was pleased, for He loved Ad-am and Eve.-" Peep of Day."


By a sud-den burst of wa-ter into one of the Newcas-tle col-lier-ies, thir-ty-five men and for-ty-one lads were driv-en into a dis-tant part of the pit, from which there was no pos-si-bi-li-ty of re-turn un-til the wa-ter should be drawn off. While this was ef-fect-ing, though all pos-si-ble means were used, the whole num-ber died, from star-va-tion or suf-fo-ca-tion. When the bod-ies were drawn up from the pit, seven of the youths were

dis-cov-ered in a cave sep-a-rate from the rest. A-mong these was one of very mor-al and re-li-gi-ous hab-its, whose dai-ly read-ing of the sa-cred Scrip-tures to his wid-owed moth-er, when he came up from his la-bours, had been a com-fort in her lone-ly con-di-tion. Af-ter his fu-ne-ral, a kind friend of the neg-lect-ed poor went to vis-it her; and while the moth-er showed him, as a rel-ic of her son, his Bible worn and soiled with constant pe-ru-sal, he hap-pened to cast his eyes on a can-dle-box, with which, as a mi-ner, he had been fur-nished, and which had been brought up from the pit with him; and there he dis-cov-ered the fol-low-ing af-fect-ing rec-ord of the fil-ial af-fec-tion and stead-fast pi-e-ty of the youth. In the dark-ness of the suf-fo-ca-ting pit, with a bit of point-ed iron, he had en-graved on the box his last mes-sage to his moth-er, in these words :

"Fret not, my dear moth-er-for we were sing-ing and prais-ing God while we had time. Moth-er, fol-low God more than I did. Joseph, be a good lad to God and moth-er."

This was faith; and oh, what com-fort did it give this poor boy in the hour of death; and what com-fort to the poor wid-ow as she wept over her dear son! May you, dear chil-dren, all have such a faith.-Todd.


One day, Ma-ry Jack-son and her broth-er Tom were walk-ing to-geth-er in a green field; they stopped to look at the sheep that were eat-ing the grass, and at the lit-tle lambs that were skip-ping a-bout.

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do you see how clean The fleece is the wool

Do you know, Ma-ry,

what is done with the wool when it is cut off the sheep's back?"

"O yes, Tom, I know that; for I have seen folks spin the wool into yarn; and then I knit some of the yarn into this pair of stock-ings; so that these stock-ings, Tom, once grew on a sheep's back."

"But, Ma-ry, do you think that stock-ings are the on-ly things that wool is made into ?"-"No, Tom; I know that flan-nel, and blan-kets, and cloth for men's coats, and many oth-er things are made of wool; but I do not know how, for I am sure I could not knit a blanket or a coat."


'No, Ma-ry, you could not, in-deed. Fath-er told me that flan-nel, and blan-kets, and cloth, are wov-en; and he said, that when I was old-er, he would take me to a weav-er to see some cloth wov-en."

"But, Tom," said Ma-ry, "does it not hurt the sheep to cut off their wool?"—"No, Ma-ry, I be-lieve it does not hurt them more than it hurts us to have our hair cut. As the sheep are out in the cold win-ter nights, they would be very cold if God had not giv-en them wool to keep them warm; but they are very glad in tho sum-mer to have their wool ta-ken from them, be-cause it would make them very hot to have their fleec-es on their backs in warm weath-er."

"Oh, broth-er," said Ma-ry, "how good it is of God to make the wool grow on the sheeps' backs, to keep them warm in win-ter! and when the fine weath-er comes, and the sheep do not want it any more, this same wool makes use-ful things to keep us warm. How good is God!"


Sweet to the morn-ing trav-el-ler

The song a-mid the sky,

Where, twink-ling in the dew-y light,
The sky-lark soars on high.

And cheer-ing to the trav-el-ler

The gales that round him play,
When faint and heav-i-ly he drags
A-long his noon-tide way.

And when be-neath the un-cloud-ed sun
Full wea-ri-ly toils he,
The flow-ing wa-ter makes to him
A sooth-ing mel-o-dy.

And when the eve-ning light de-cays,
And all is calm a-round,

There is sweet mu-sic to his ear,

In the dis-tant sheep-bell's sound.
But oh! of all de-light-ful sounds,
Of eve-ning or of morn,

The sweet-est is the voice of love

That wel-comes his re-turn.-Southey.


Tea is the leaf of a pret-ty del-i-cate shrub grow-ing in Chi-na. It has white blos-soms, very much like those of the dog rose. The Chi-nese cul-ti-vate their fa-vourite plants with great care, wa-ter-ing and weed-ing them con-stant-ly. They gath-er the leaves three times a year. The ear-li-est har-vest is the most val-u-a-ble. You lit-tle think how much time and la-bour it costs the Chi-nese to pre-pare the tea for our use. They are

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