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There was once a little boy whose name was Har-ry, and he stood by a win-dow, and tried to catch the flies which crawled up the panes of glass. At last he got hold of one, and he pinched it so hard that it might not get away, that the poor fly was killed. He then pulled off its legs and its wings, and brought them to show to his moth-er.

"Oh! poor fly!" said his moth-er, "it is quite dead; how much you must have hurt it. It will nev-er fly a-bout any more with these pret-ty wings, which you have torn from its bod-y; nev-er run any more with all these six legs which you have pulled off; nev-er eat and drink an-y more; nev-er be gay and hap-py a-gain!"

Har-ry looked down, and tears stood in his eyes. He had not meant to do wrong in kill-ing the fly; he had thought on-ly of his own pleas-ure, and not of the fly's pain; and he was ver-y sor-ry for what he had done.

"You are but a lit-tle boy," said his moth-er," and so you never thought that a fly could feel pain as well as your-self; but, now that you know a fly does feel pain, it would be very wrong if you ev-er did an-y thing of this kind a-gain, ei-ther to a fly or to an-y oth-er liv-ing


crea-ture. To give pain with-out an-y use is cru-el; and I should not love my lit-tle Har-ry if he were cru-el : and, if you were to for-get what I now tell you, I should have to pun-ish you, in or-der to make you re-mem-ber it, and to pre-vent your do-ing so any more.-Mrs. Marcet.


The sheep has a fleece to keep it warm.

The bea-ver has a thick fur.

The horse has hair and a fine mane; how it flows o-ver his neck, and waves in the wind!

The ox has a thick hide.

The ducks have feath-ers; thick, close feath-ers. Puss has a warm fur; put your hands up-on it, it is like a muff.

The snail has a shell to shel-ter it from the cold.
Has the lit-tle boy got any thing?

No; nothing but a soft thin skin; a pin would scratch it and make it bleed; poor lit-tle na-ked boy!

But the lit-tle boy has got ev-er-y thing; fur and wool, and hair, and feath-ers; your coat is made of warm wool, shorn from the sheep, your hat is the fur of the rab-bit or the bea-ver, and your shoes are made of skin.

Look at this green tall plant; do you think it would make you a gar-ment? No, in-deed.

But your shirt is made of such a plant; your shirt was grow-ing once in the fields.

In some coun-tries they make clothes of the bark of trees.

Men can make things; the sheep and the ducks can-not spin and weave: that is the rea-son why the lit-tle boy has on-ly his soft na-ked skin.—Mrs. Barbauld.


Down in a green and sha-dy bed,
A mod-est vi-o-let grew;

Its stalk was bent, it hung its head,
As if to hide from view.

And yet it was a love-ly flow'r,
Its col-ours bright and fair;
It might have grac'd a ro-sy bower,
In-stead of hi-ding there.

Yet there it was con-tent to bloom,
In mod-est tints ar-ray'd;
And there dif-fus'd a sweet per-fume,
With-in the si-lent shade.

Then let me to the val-ley go,
This pret-ty flower to see;
That I may also learn to grow

In sweet hu-mil-i-ty.-Jane Taylor.


Gold is of a deep yel-low col-our. It is very pret-ty and bright. It is ex-ceed-ing-ly heav-y; plat-i-num on-ly is heav-i-er. Men dig it out of the ground. Shall I take my spade and get some? No, there is none in the fields here-a-bout: it comes from a great way off; and it lies deep-er a great deal than you could dig with your spade. Guin-eas are made of gold; and half-guin-eas. This watch is gold; and the look-ing-glass frame, and the pic-ture frames, are gilt with gold. Here is some leaf gold. What is leaf gold? It is gold beat-en very thin; thin-ner than leaves of pa-per.

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