"who has lost his own ideas in the pursuit of "those of antiquity; for the sentence in the text, "which seems proverbial, must have arisen to the "meanest peasant, from an object almost every "day before his eyes." HERON'S Letters of Literature, p. 107. The justice of this animadversion I think no sane person can deny. P. 346.-270.-499. Hero. And seem'd I ever otherwise to you? Claud. Out on thy seeming! I will write against it: I think clearly we should read seem'd. Leon. P. 349.-272.-502. Griev'd I, I had but one? Chid I for that at frugal nature's frame? O, one too much by thee! Why had I one? I think Steevens's is the right explanation. P. 350.-273.-503. But mine, and mine I lov'd, and mine I prais'd, Dr. Johnson seems clearly right. P. 351.-505. Friar. Lady, what man is he you are accus'd of? Warburton's note appears to me very just. Friar. P. 353.-275.-507. For it so falls out, That what we have we prize not to the worth, Virtutem incolumen odimus; Leon. P. 354.-276.-508. Being that I flow in grief, The smallest twine may lead me. Dr. Johnson's remark is very just. P. 356.-277.-510. Bene. Tarry, sweet Beatrice. Beat. I am gone, though I am here. Is not the meaning rather, my thoughts are absent though my person is present. P. 358.-279.-513. I am for admitting Mr. Tyrwhitt's regulation, which appears to me very judicious. P. 362.-281.-517. Dogb. Come, let them be opinion'd. Con. Off, coxcomb! I incline to Mr. Malone's regulation of this passage. P. 363,4.-282.-520. Leon. If such a one will smile, and stroke his beard; This appears to me a very difficult passage. P. 363.-283.-521. make misfortune drunk With candle-wasters; bring him yet to me, I incline to believe that Steevens's first explanation of candle-wasters is the true one. P. 368.-285.-522. Leon. I pray thee, peace; I will be flesh and blood; That could endure the tooth-ach patiently; Steevens is right. P. 371.-288.-526. D. Pedro. Gentlemen both, we will not wake your patience. My heart is sorry for your daughter's death; But, on my honour, she was charg'd with nothing But what was true, and very full of proof. I am almost inclined to admit Warburton's emendation, Dr. Johnson's explanation not being to me perfectly satisfactory. Sed Q. P. 373.-289.-529. D. Pedro. I think, he be angry indeed. Claud. If he be, he knows how to turn his girdle. I incline to think Mr. Steevens has explained this rightly. P. 375.-291.-531. D. Pedro. What a pretty thing man is, when he goes in his doublet and hose, and leaves off his wit. I incline to think Mr. Steevens's explanation is the true one. P. 379.-295.-537. Dogb. And also, the watch heard them talk of one De- Malone is right. P. 384.-299.-545. Beat. Will you go hear this news, signior? Bene. I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be In former editions to thy uncle; I think rightly. P. 386.-301.-548. Claud. And, Hymen, now with luckier issue speeds; I do not think Dr. Thirlby's emendation necessary. The contraction is very harsh. Claudio speaks as he hopes and trusts. [59] LOVE'S LABOUR'S LOST. P. 396.-310.-182. Dum. My loving lord, Dumain is mortified; I think Dr. Johnson is right. P. 398.-312.-184. Too much to know, is, to know nought but fame; Dr. Johnson is clearly right. P. 399.-312.-185. King. How well he's read, to reason against reading! I much doubt whether Shakespeare had the academical sense of proceeded in his mind. I find Mr. M. Mason has made the same remark. P. 404.-316.-192. Dull. Which is the duke's own person? I incline to admit Theobald's regulation.Sed Q. Ibid.-193. King. A letter from the magnificent Armado. Biron. How low soever the matter, I hope in God for high words. Long. A high hope for a low having. I think Theobald is right. |