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God. Many may not require this aid, who, however, may be benefited by it, while to some it may give the needed help, and prevent the rising generation from falling into the snares of infidelity.

Humanity, philanthropy, and patriotism, alike furnish powerful motives to vindicate the word of God.

When we know the dreadful state of the heathen world, under the fearful oppression of their cruel superstition, and see in the Bible a complete remedy for all the evils they suffer, its value is apparent to every reflecting person. Not less important is it to our country, for a nation of infidels cannot preserve its civil privileges. During the French revolution, in the latter part of the last century, the Bible was declared to be a fiction, and death an eternal sleep. The consequences were what wise men foresaw and expected. The nation seemed threatened with universal destruction. The vine-clad hills and beautiful plains of France were sprinkled with the blood of her children.

This Treatise does not profess to teach Geology as a Science, but to make inductions from acknowledged facts, and apply them to moral and religious improvement, by supporting the truth of divine revelation.

Those who wish to study Geology, or to examine

facts, will find them in the common books on Geology. The work of Dr. Hitchcock, President of Amherst College, is perhaps the best for that purpose, where all desired information may be easily found. In that work the descriptions are clear, and the engravings are beautiful.

Such is the interest taken in the subject of Geology at this time, that there is an almost universal desire to obtain some information concerning the science. Indeed it implies some degree of disgrace, for any one making pretensions to literature or reading, not to have some acquaintance with it. All lovers of natural science are anxiously looking for information and books on the subject from different motives. This curiosity will seek gratification. If it can be obtained, in consistency with divine revelation, be made to support divine truth, satisfy the infidel, and strengthen the faith of Christians, much may be gained. To smoothe the way to a correct understanding of Geology, to aid the student in his investigations, and impart information to all general readers, is the object of the book. The writer does not design to enter into a controversy with any author on the subject, but to give a plain account of his views in accordance with Geological facts, and inductions made by the best authors on the subject. Nor is the book designed for merely

men of learning, but for any and every class of men. It is therefore written in the plainest language and style, so that the farmer and mechanic at the fireside may be amused, instructed, and edified. A few words of Hebrew are introduced, but those who do not understand the language may pass them by without injury to the sense of the passage; while the learned may judge for themselves the correctness of the interpretation.

Numerous works have been consulted while writing this Treatise, but it was thought unnecessary to make continued reference to them.

These facts have been freely used as proof or illustration of the great object which the Author has in view, viz. the establishment of the harmony among the works of God, and especially the perfect consistency between the oracles of God and the different periods of creation, the divine knowledge, wisdom, power, and benevolence, and his manifest superiority over all that the heathen have called Gods.

The importance of these truths may be known from the fact, that there never has been a single nation who has had the least idea of the moral character of God, and consequently no just conception of a pure morality without a divine revelation. Nor has any people ever satisfactorily answered the

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question, what shall I do to be saved? until they obtained the knowledge from the Bible.

The Bible is the moral lever to move the world; to establish its truth, and send it to every people, is therefore one of the most sacred duties of the Christian and philanthropist. If the author can give efficient aid in such a work, his end is obtained.

With these few prefatory remarks, the author submits this Book to the public, by no means indifferent to the opinions of good men, but feeling indifferent to criticism only so far as facts may be concerned.




THE Sciences, as they have been demonstrated true in modern times, have disturbed the ancient and long settled notions of men. If a given system of Philosophy has long prevailed, the multitude embrace it; all doubt passes away; and the opinions of some man, or men, are received as facts so settled as not to require investigation. Thus the opinions of Aristotle were received for ages in all the schools of Europe. No one doubted, no one examined. When the opinion of the Stagyrite was known, all question ended. No one thought of seeking a reason, or inquiring on what series of observations or facts the opinion was founded. The Ptolemaic system of Astronomy prevailed in all the seminaries of Europe. No one doubted. It was sufficient to know the opinion of Ptolemy. When Co

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