(And what can't numbers, when bewitch'd,
They talk themselves to something like belief, That all earth's joys are theirs: as Athens' fool Grinn'd from the port, on ev'ry sail his own.
They grin; but wherefore? and how long the laugh?
Half ignorance, their mirth; and half a lie; To cheat the world, and cheat themselves, they
Hard either task! The most abandon'd own, That others, if abandon'd, are undone: Then, for themselves, the moment reason wakes (And Providence denies it long repose) O how laborious is their gaiety!
They scarce can swallow their ebullient spleen, Scarce muster patience to support the farce, And pump sad laughter, till the curtain falls: Scarce, did I say? Some cannot sit it out; Oft their own daring hands the curtain draw, And shew us what their joy, by their despair.
The clotted hair! gored breast! blaspheming eye! Its impious fury still alive in death!- Shut, shut the shocking scene-But Heav'n denies A cover to such guilt; and so should man. Look round, Lorenzo! see the reeking blade, Th' envenom'd phial, and the fatal ball; The strangling cord, and suffocating stream: The loathsome rottenness, and foul decays From raging riot (slower suicides!) And pride in these more execrable still! How horrid all to thought!-But horrors, these, That vouch the truth; and aid my feeble song. From vice, sense, fancy, no man can be blest: Bliss is too great to lodge within an hour: When an immortal being aims at bliss.hiện ở Duration is essential to the name. O for a joy from reason! joy from that, Which makes man, man; and, exercis'd aright, Will make him more: a bounteous joy! that gives And promises; that weaves with art divine, The richest prospect into present peace: A joy ambitious! joy in common held With thrones ethereal, and their greater far: A joy high privileged from chance, time, death! A joy, which death shall double! judgment
Crown'd higher, and still higher, at each stage, Through blest eternity's long day; yet still, Not more remote from sorrow, than from him, Whose lavish hand, whose love stupendous, pours So much of deity on guilty dust.
There, O my Lucia! may I meet thee there, Where not thy presence can improve my bliss! Affects not this the sages of the world? Can nought affect them, but what fools them too? Eternity depending on an hour,
Makes serious thought man's wisdom, joy, and
[signs Nor need you blush (though sometimes your deMay shun the light) at your designs on heav'n; Sole point! where over-bashful is your blame.
Are you not wise? You know you are. Yet
One truth, amid your num'rous schemes, mislaid, Or overlook'd, or thrown aside, if seen; • Our schemes to plan by this world, or the next, Is the sole difference between wise and fool.' All worthy men will weigh you in this scale; What wonder, then, if they pronounce you light? Is their esteem alone not worth your care? Accept my simple scheme of common sense:
Thus, save your fame, and make two worlds your The world replies not; -but the world persists, [own. And puts the cause off to the longest day, Planning evasions for the day of doom. So far, at that re-hearing, from redress, They then turn witnesses against themselves. Hear that, Lorenzo! nor be wise to-morrow. Haste, haste! a man, by nature, is in haste; For who shall answer for another hour? 'Tis highly prudent to make one sure friend; And that thou canst not do this side the skies.
Ye sons of earth! (nor willing to be more!) Since verse you think from priestcraft somewhat
Thus, in an age so gay, the muse plain truths (Truths, which at church you might have heard in
Has ventured into light; well-pleased the verse Should be forgot, if you the truths retain; And crown her with your welfare, not your praise. But praise she need not fear; I see my fate; And headlong leap, like Curtius down the gulf. Since many an ample volume, mighty tome, Must die; and die unwept; O thou minute, Devoted page! go forth among thy foes; Go, nobly proud of martyrdom for truth, And die a double death. Mankind incensed, Denies thee long to live: nor shalt thou rest, When thou art dead; in Stygian shades arraign'd. By Lucifer, as traitor to his throne; And bold blasphemer of his friend, -the world; The world, whose legions cost him slender pay, And volunteers around his banner swarm; Prudent, as Prussia, in her zeal for Gaul.
Are all, then, fools? Lorenzo cries.-Yes, all, But such as hold this doctrine (new to thee;)
The mother of true wisdom is the will;' The noblest intellect, a fool without it.
World-wisdom much has done, and more may do, In arts and sciences, in wars and peace;
But art and science, like thy wealth will leave
And make thee twice a beggar at thy death.
This is the most indulgence can afford ;
Thy wisdom all can do, but-make thee wise.'
Nor think this censure is severe on thee;
Satan, thy master, I dare call a dunce.
Containing, among other things,
Inscribed to his Grace, the Duke of Newcastle, One of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State.
-Fatis contraria Fata rependens.-Virg.
As when a traveller, a long day past In painful search of what he cannot find, At night's approach, content with the next cot, There ruminates awhile, his labour lost; Then cheers his heart with what his fate affords, And chants his sonnet to deceive the time, Till the due season calls him to repose: Thus I, long-travelled in the ways of men, And dancing, with the rest, the giddy maze, Where disappointment smiles at hope's career; Warn'd by the languor of life's evening ray, At length have housed me in an humble shed: Where, future wand'ring banish'd from my thought, And waiting, patient, the sweet hour of rest;
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