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IN one of the early days of July last, I, in common doubtless with most of my fellow-subjects, found in my morning paper an interesting item of intelligence under the heading Annexation of CyThe news gave me pleasure; prus.' there was a savor of strength, of a policy, of a masterfulness in it. There was the ring of a coup, so dear to the British Philistine, in the secrecy of the negotiation and in the éclat of the dénouement. And the transaction gratified that amor habendi which lies deep down in the heart of the properly constituted Briton, in regard as well to his national as to his individual aspirations. In fine, I threw up my hat and crowed, as beseemed an honest and docile Jingo.

A few days later, I was instructed at a moment's notice to betake myself to Cyprus as the representative of a London paper, for the purpose of narrating the circumstances of the occupation of NEW SERIES.-VOL. XXVIII., No. 6

it by the British officials and soldiers, and of describing the characteristics which the island presented in its various aspects. Under these circumstances, it became necessary to go somewhat deeper into the matter than the cursory perusal of a leading article and a glance over the summaries of a few speeches. In common, as I suppose, with most of my fellow-countrymen, I had, in the first instance, to grope for the position of Cyprus on the map. I discovered that the authorities, in their laudable thirst for knowledge, had bought up the few outstanding copies of Murray's Turkey in Asia, an investment which a borrowed copy caused me to regard as better-intentioned than resulting in practical benefit. I read later how, on July 23d, the Premier, replying to Lord Granville, declared that it was a great error to suppose that the Government decided on this step of the occupation


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