THE TEAR OF REPENTANCE. [From "Lallah Rookh," an oriental romance. ONE morn a Peri at the gate The fabled Peri of the East closely corresponds to the Fairy of our legends.] Through the half-open portal glowing, She wept to think her recreant race Should e'er have lost that glorious place! How happy," exclaimed this child of air, sea, Then swift his haggard brow he turned Yet tranquil now that man of crime One blossom of heaven out-blooms them Fell on the boy's, its lurid glance Over the vale of Baalbec winging, Met that unclouded, joyous gaze, But hark! the vesper call to prayer, From Syria's thousand minarets! Of flowers, where he had laid his head, Kneels, with his forehead to the south, From purity's own cherub mouth; And how felt he, the wretched man There was a time," he said, in mild, child! When young, and haply pure as thou, And hope and feeling which had slept PARTING OF HECTOR AND ANDROMACHE. THE nurse stood near, in whose embraces Thou from this tower defend th' important Hung on his hand, and then dejected How would the sons of Troy, in arms re spoke; Her bosom laboured with a boding sigh, And the big tear stood trembling in her eye. nowned, And Troy's proud dames, whose garments sweep the ground, Attaint the lustre of my former name, Too daring prince! ah, whither dost thou Should Hector basely quit the field of run? Ah, too forgetful of thy wife and son! And think'st thou not how wretched we shall be A widow I, a helpless orphan he! fame! My early youth was bred to martial pains, My soul impels me to th' embattled plains: Let me be foremost to defend the throne, And guard my father's glories, and my own. Yet come it will, the day decreed by fates-(How my heart trembles while my tongue relates!) For sure such courage length of life denies; Some haughty Greek, who lives thy tears to see, Imbitters all thy woes, by naming me. shame, A thousand griefs shall waken at the name! He spoke, and fondly gazing on her charms, Restored the pleasing burden to her arms: Soft on her fragrant breast the babe she laid, Hushed to repose, and with a smile surveyed. The troubled pleasure soon chastised by fear, She mingled with the smile a tender tear. The softened chief with kind compassion viewed, Thus having spoke, th' illustrious chief And dried the falling drops, and thus pur of Troy Stretched his fond arms to clasp the lovely boy. The babe clung crying to his nurse's breast, Scared at the dazzling helm and nodding crest. sued: Andromache! my soul's far better part! Why with untimely sorrows heaves thy heart? No hostile hand can antedate my doom, With secret pleasure each fond parent Till fate condemn me to the silent tomb. smiled, And Hector hasted to relieve his child; bound, ground, Fixed is the term to all the race of earth; save And placed the beaming helmet on the All sink alike, the fearful and the brave. No more-but hasten to thy tasks at home; There guide the spindle, and direct the loom: Then kissed the child, and lifting high in air, Me glory summons to the martial sceneO thou! whose glory fills th' ethereal The field of combat is the sphere for men : throne, Where heroes war, the foremost place I claim And all ye deathless powers! protect my Whole hosts may hail him with deserved Sought her own palace, and indulged her acclaim, woe. And say, This chief transcends his father's There, while her tears deplored the godlike While pleased amidst the general shouts of Through all the train the soft infection ran; His mother's conscious heart o'erflows with joy. shed, And mourn the living Hector as the dead. ADAM AND EVE IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN. Now Morn, her rosy steps in the eastern clime Tunes sweetest his love-laboured song; now reigns Advancing, sowed the earth with orient Full-orbed the Moon, and with more pleaspearl, When Adam waked, so customed.... He, with voice Mild as when Zephyrus on Flora breathes, Eve's hand soft touching, whispered thus: 66 Awake, My fairest, my espoused, my latest found, Heaven's last, best gift, my ever new delight! ing light Shadowy sets off the face of things; in vain, his eyes, Whom to behold but thee, Nature's desire? In whose sight all things joy, with ravishment Attracted by thy beauty still to gaze.' I rose, as at thy call, but found thee not; Awake; the morning shines, and the fresh field Calls us; we lose the prime, to mark how That brought me on a sudden to the tree spring Of interdicted knowledge: fair it seemed,Our tended plants,-how blows the citron Much fairer to my fancy than by day: grove,And, as I wondering looked, beside it stood What drops the myrrh, and what the One shaped and winged like one of those balmy reed,from Heaven How nature paints her colours,-how the By us oft seen; his dewy locks distilled bee Ambrosia on that tree he also gazed: And, O fair plant,' said he, with fruit surcharged! Sits on the bloom extracting liquid sweet." Such whispering waked her, but with startled eye On Adam; whom embracing, thus she spake: EVE RELATES HER DREAM. Deigns none to ease thy load, and taste thy sweet, Nor God, nor Man? is knowledge so despised? "O sole in whom my thoughts find all Or envy, or what reserve, forbids to taste? repose, Forbid who will, none shall from me withhold My glory, my perfection! glad I see Thy face, and morn returned; for I this Longer thy offered good; why else set here?' night, This said, he paused not, but with ventur He plucked, he tasted: me damp horror chilled (If dreamed,) not, as I oft am wont, of thee, Works of day past, or morrow's next design; At such bold words vouched with a deed But of offence and trouble, which my mind so bold; But he thus, overjoyed: 'O fruit divine! Knew never till this irksome night. Me- Sweet of thyself, but much more sweet thought, Close at mine ear, one called me forth to walk thus cropt! Forbidden here, it seems, as only fit For gods, yet able to make gods of men: With gentle voice; I thought it thine: it | And why not gods of men, since good, the said, more 'Why sleep'st thou, Eve? now is the plea- Communicated, more abundant grows, sant time, The author not impaired, but honoured more? The cool, the silent, save where silence yields To the night-warbling bird, that now awake Here, happy creature, fair angelic Eve, (13) |