Puslapio vaizdai
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331. Frankeleyn, a wealthy farmer. 332. berd, beard. dayesye, daisy. 333. The old school of medicine, following Galen, supposed that there were four humours," viz. hot, cold, moist, and dry, and four complexions or temperaments of men, viz. the sanguine, the choleric, the phlegmatic, and the melancholy. The man of sanguine complexion abounded in hot and moist humours (Skeat).' See note to line 421.

334. by the morwe, in the morning. wyn, wine with pieces of cake in it.

335. delyt, pleasure. wone, custom.

a sop in

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353. table dormant, a table fixed to the floor, irremovable. The Franklin kept open house.

355. sessiouns, meetings of the justices of the peace.

357. anlas, a knife or dagger. gipser, pouch. 358. heng, hung. morne, morning.

359. shirreve, governor of a county (Skeat)'; our modern word sheriff. countour, accountant. 360. vavasour, a sub-vassal of a king's vassal. 362. Webbe, weaver. Tapicer, upholsterer. 363. in o liveree, in one livery.

364. solempne, dignified. fraternitee, gild. 365. hir gere apyked, their apparel trimmed. 366. y-chaped, provided with chapes, caps of metal at the end of the sheath.

368. everydeel, every part. 369. burgeys, burgess, citizen. 370. To


.deys, to sit on a dais in a gild

371. Everich, each. can, knows.

372. shaply, adapted, fit.

373. catel, property. ynogh, enough. rente, in


376. y-clept, called.

377. vigilyës. It was the manner in times past, upon festival evens, called vigiliae, for parishioners to meet in their church-houses or church-yards, and there to have a drinking-fit for the time (Speght).' al bifore, before all the others.

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ward. 389. woot, know. Dertemouthe, Dartmouth, an important sea-port on the southwest coast of Eng land.

390. rouncy, nag. couthe, knew how.

391. falding, coarse cloth.

392. laas, cord, lace.

396-7. Ful

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sleep, Very many a draught of wine had he drawn (stolen!) from Bordeaux-way while the merchant slept.

398. Of nyce for a fussy conscience. 400. By water 'walk the plank.'

keep, He had no regard

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402. stremes, currents.

403. herberwe, harbor.

age, pilotage.

him bisydes, near him.

mone, moon. lodemen

404. Hulle, Hull. Cartage, Carthage.

405. undertake, assume responsibility.

408. Gootlond, Gottland, an island in the Baltic sea. Finistere, Cape Finisterre, on the northern coast of Spain.

409. cryke, creek, inlet.

414. astronomye, astrology. 415. kepte, watched.

416. houres, astrological hours. A great portio of the medical science of the middle ages depende. upon astrological and other superstitious obser ances (Wright).'

417. fortunen, predict. ascendent, the point of the zodiacal circle which happens to be ascending above the horizon at a given moment.

418. images. It was believed that images of mes and animals could be made of certain substances an at certain times, and could be so treated as to cause good or evil to a patient, by means of magical an planetary influences (Skeat).'

421. humour. The four elementary qualities, or humours, were hot, cold, dry, and moist. The excess of some one humor was thought to cause dis ease. The mixture of humors in a man determined his complexion, or temperament. The sanguin complexion was thought to be hot and moist; t phlegmatic, cold and moist; the choleric, hot and dry; the melancholy, cold and dry.

422. parfit practisour, perfect practitioner. 424. bote, remedy.

426. drogges, drugs. letuaries, electuaries, syrups 428. Hir, their.

429. Esculapius, Esculapius, god of medicine. 430. Deiscorides, Dioscorides, a Greek physician of the 2d century. Rufus, a Greek physician of the 1st century.

431. Ypocras, Hippocrates, a Greek physician (460-c. 377 B. C.). Galien, Galen, a Greek physician of the 2d century.

431-3. Haly, Serapion, Rhazis, Avicenna, Averroes, and John Damascene were Arabian medical authorities.

433-4. Constantinus Afer, Bernardus Gordonius, John Gatisden, and Gilbertus Anglicus were European medical authorities of the later middle ages. 435. measurable, moderate.

439. sangwin, red. pers, blue.

440. taffata, sendal, two kinds of thin silk.

441. esy of dispence, moderate in expenditure. 443. For, since, because.

445. of bisyde Bathe, from (a place) near Bath. 446. som-del somewhat. scathe, misfortune. 447. haunt, practice, use.

448. passed. surpassed. Ypres, Gaunt, Ypres, Ghent, cities in Flanders.

450. to the offring. The people themselves offered bread and wine for consecration at mass. 453. coverchiefs, coverings for the head. ground, texture.

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564. wered, wore.

490. suffisaunce, a sufficiency.

492. ne lafte not, left not, ceased not.

493. meschief, mishap.

494. ferreste, farthest. moche and lyte, great

and small.

496. ensample, example. yaf, gave.

497. wroghte, wrought, worked.

498. Out of the gospel, see Matthew V., 19. tho,


502. lewed, ignorant.

507. He did not leave his parish duties to be performed by a stranger.

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582. dettelees, without debt. but he were wood, unless he were mad.

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786. avys, consideration.

787. as him leste, as it pleased him.

788. herkneth, listen, 2d pers. plur. imperative. 791. shorte, make short.

792. viage, journey. tweye, two.

795. aventures, occurrences. whylom, formerly. han, have.

798. sentence, meaning, content. solas, amusement.

799. our aller cost, the cost of us all.

805. withseye, oppose.

807. vouche-sauf, grant.

809. shape me therfore, prepare myself for it.

810. othes swore, oaths sworn.

816. devys, direction.

819. fet, fetched.

820. echoon, each one.

823. our aller cok, cock of us all.

824. gadrede, gathered.

825. riden, rode. pas, foot-pace.

826. St. Thomas a Watering was two miles from Southwark.

828. herkneth; see note to 1. 788. if you leste, if it pleases you.

829. woot, know. forward, agreement. yow recorde, call to your mind.

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61. briddes, birds.

62. bifel, happened.

67. drecched, troubled.

70. eyleth, ails.

71. verray, true.

73. agrief, amiss.

74. me mette, I dreamed. meschief, mishap. 76. my


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aright, interpret my dream fa

78. me mette, I dreamed.

79. saugh, saw.

81. deed, dead.

842. wight, person.

844. sort, lot, destiny.

845. fil, fell.

847. resoun, reasonable.

848. forward, agreement. composicioun, compact.

850. saugh, saw.

854, a, in.

855. riden, rode.


1. widwe, widow. stope, advanced.

2. whylom, formerly. narwe, narrow, small.

5. thilke, that.

6. ladde, led.

7. catel, property. rente, income.

8. housbondrye, economy.

9. fond, found, supported. doghtren, daughters.

11. highte, was called.

12. bour, bower, inner room.

13. sclendre meel, slender meal.

85. tweye, two.

86. deye, die.

88. Avoy, fie. herteles, coward.

94. free, generous.

95. secree, secret, discreet.

96. tool, weapon.

97. avauntour, boaster.

99. aferd, afraid.

101. swevenis, dreams.

103. repleccions, gluttony.

104. fume, vapor arising from gluttony. complecciouns; see note to Prologue, 1. 421.

106. met, dreamed.

108. rede colera, red cholera caused by too much bile and blood (Skeat).'

110. lemes, gleams.

112. contek, strife.

113. humour of malencolye, i.e., black choler.

115. boles blake, bulls black.

120. Catoun, Cato's Distichs. This collection of


sayings, of uncertain authorship, was well known

as early as the 4th century.

121. do no fors, pay no heed to.

122. flce, fly. bemes, beams, perches.

124. Up, upon.

130. prow, profit.

131. tho, the.

132. kynde, nature.

133. bincthe, beneath.

135. colerik of compleccioun; see note to 1. 104. 136. Ware, beware.

137. humours hote; see note to Prologue, 1. 421. 138. grote, groat.

139. fevere terciane, tertian fever, a fever occurring every second day.

143. lauriol, laurel. centaure, the herb centaury. fumetere, the herb fumitory.

144. ellebor, hellebore.

145. catapuce, the herb spurge. gaytres beryis, dogwood berries.

146. yve, ivy. mery, pleasant. The herbs mentioned are disagreeable to the taste!

148. fader kyn, father's kinsmen.

149. Dredeth, 2d pers. plur. imperative.

150. graunt mercy, great thanks.

151. daun, dan, Lord, a title given to monks, and

to many other sorts of persons.

156. so moot I thee, as I may prosper.

pletive phrase.

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An ex

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auctours, refers to Cicero's De


165. whylom, formerly.

169. streit of herbergage, cramped of lodging,

lacking in quarters.

170. 0, one.

173. departen, separate.

175. as

me, God knows it causes

279. y-seyled, sailed.

280. cyled, ailed.

281. botme rente, bottom burst.


286. ensamples, examples. maistow lere, mayest thou learn.

287. recchelees, careless.

290. seint Kenelm. 'Kenelm succeeded

his fa

ther Kenulph on the throne of the Mercians in 821 at the age of seven years, and was murdered by order of his aunt, Quenedreda. He was subsequently made a saint (Wright).'

falle, as it chanced.

177. Fer, far.

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191. Him thoughte, it seemed to him.

nas, was

295. norice, nurse. del, part, bit.
296. kepe, guard.

292. Mercenrike, Mercia. mette, dreamed.
293. A lyte er, a little while before.


194. slawe, slain.

196. morwe-tyde, morning-time.


198. donge, dung.

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200. Do

arresten, have that cart stopped.

297. For traisoun, for fear of treason.

298. litel
300. levere, rather.

nas, was

told, little heed hath he paid.

201. sooth to sayn, to say the truth.

301. legende, life of a saint.

206. in, inn.

302. yow, to you.

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(carly 5th cen

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303-4. Macrobeus. Macrobius

tury) wrote a commentary on Cicero's Somnium Scipionis.

305. Affermeth, confirms.

307. loketh, look, 2d pers. plur. imperative.

308. Daniel. See Daniel, ii.

310-315. Joseph. See Genesis, xxxix-xli.

311. Wher, whether, or where.

312. falle, occur.

316. actes, history. remes, realms, kingdoms. 318. Cresus, Croesus. Lyde, Lydia.

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