Great Britain. BY WILLIAM AND MARY HOWITT. The Photographic Illustrations BY BEDFORD, SEDGFIELD, WILSON, FENTΟΝ, AND OTHERS. London: A. W. BENNETT, 5, BISHOPSGATE WITHOUT. 1862. 1 Hatch/Gruo ! 500007941 UGLRS 9/23/04 PREFACE. In this volume the Publisher has availed himself of the accuracy of Photography to present to the reader the precise aspect of the places which, at the same time, are commended to his notice by the pen. It appears to us a decided advance in the department of Topography, thus to unite it to Photography. The reader is no longer left to suppose himself at the mercy of the imaginations, the caprices, or the deficiencies of artifts, but to have before him the genuine presentment of the object under confideration. We trust that this idea of our Publisher will be pursued to the extent of which it is capable ; and that hereafter we shall have works of topography and travel, illustrated by the photographer with all the yet-to-be improvements of the art, so that we shall be able to feel, when reading of new scenes and lands, that we are not amused with pleasant fictions, but presented with realities. With this sentiment we submit the present work to the public, as a step in the right direction, and as an evidence on the part of the publisher of a defire to assist in authenticating literature by the splendid achievements of modern art. 21st October, 1861. |