Payne, E: J. History of European Colonies. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1877. 11+408 p. S. $1.10. Seeley, J: R. Expansion of England: two courses of lectures. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1888. 8+309 p. D. $1.50. A survey of the British colonial empire. Excellent. Leroy-Beaulieu, PAUL. De la colonisation chez les peuples modernes. 3me ed., aug. Paris, Guillaumin, 1886. 19+766 p. O. Rambaud, ALF. La France coloniale, histoire, géographie, commerce. Paris, A. Colin & Cie., 1886. 38+714 p. O. Vignon, L. Les colonies Françaises, leur commerce, leur situation economique, leur utilité pour la metropole, leur avenir. Paris, Guillaumin, 1886. 236 p. O. Roscher, W: Kolonien, Kolonialpolitik und Auswanderung. 2d ed. Leipzig, 1856. 8455 p. D. The first of J. E. Cairnes' "Political Essays" is on Colonization and Colonial Government. (Lond., Macmillan, 1873.) Recent Experiments in Colonization. A. White. Contemporary Review, Nov., 1890. IMMIGRATION AND RACE QUESTIONS. IMMIGRATION. Bromwell, W: J. History of Immigration into the United States. N. Y., Redfield, 1856. 225 p. O. Kapp, F: Immigration and the Commissioners of Emigration of the State of New York. N. Y., 1870. 240 p. O. Report of the Standing Committee on Immigration, with the discussion thereon, read before the National Conference of Charities and Correction at Washington, June 9, 1885, by Dr. C: S. Hoyt. Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1885. Smith, RICHMOND MAYO. Emigration and Immigration. N. Y., Scribner, 1890. 316 p. D. $1.50. An historical and statistical survey. Discusses the political and social effects of immigration, as also the economic gain derived from it. Reviews the consequences to American labor of competition with recent immigrants having low standard of living. Recommends that" assisted" emigration be protested against as a breach of international comity, and that consular certificates be required from emigrants. Holds that if one nationality is to be built up in this country, one speech must be insisted upon. A bibliography is appended. An able and suggestive book, much the best on the subject. Testimony and Reports of Committee of the House of Representatives to inquire into alleged violations of the Immigration Law, etc. Three Reports, Testimony, and Reports from Consuls. Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1889. Bodio, LUIGI. Sulla condizione dell' emigrazione italiana. Roma, 1888. Scalabrini, G. B. L'emigrazione italiana in America. Placenza, 1887. The Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department, Washington, includes in its monthly summary report of Imports and Exports, a statement of immigration by ports and nationalities. The Bureau includes Immigration in its Annual Report on Foreign Commerce and Navigation, and annual statistics are tabulated in U. S. Statistical Abstract [annual]. The Department of State, Washington, published the State and National laws relating to Immigration, 1887, and issues reports on Immigration. Dr. J: B. Hamilton, Supervising Surgeon General, has an important report on The Immigration Service," included in the annual report U. S. Marine Hospital Service. [Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1890, 387 p. O.] He recommends restriction. The Emigration Commissioners of New York issue an annual report. V. I, 1847. In Sir C: Dilke's Problems of Greater Britain [see Colonies] is much information regarding Immigration, Exclusion of Chinese, etc. Anti-Chinese Legislation in Australasia. Joseph Lee. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Jan., 1889. Anti-Chinese Legislation in British America. Joseph Lee. Quarterly Journal of Economics, April, 1889. Chinese Exclusion Bill. H. L. Dawes. Forum, Jan., 1889. Chinese Immigration. S. W. Williams. Journal American Social Science Assoc., 1879. Government by Aliens. Bishop A. Cleveland Coxe. Forum, Aug., 1889. Immigration and Crime. W. M. F. Round. Journal of Social Science (Saratoga papers of 1889). N. Y., Putnam, 1890. Invasion of Pauper Foreigners. Arnold White. Nineteenth Century, March, 1888. 1889. Italian Immigration. Eugene Schuyler. Political Science Quarterly, Sept., Revue d'Economie Politique, L'Emigration Europeen. E. Phillipovich. Aug., 1890. Theory of Emigration. R. M. Smith. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Jan., 1891. THE NEGRO. Bill to Promote Mendicancy; facts and arguments showing that the South does not need Federal aid for her schools. N. Y., Evening Post Pub. Co., 1886. 20 p. O. pap. 5 c. Blair, L. H. Prosperity of the South Dependent on the Elevation of the Negro. Richmond, Va., J. W. Randolph & English, 1890. 147 p. D. $1. Lays stress on the need of education. Brackett, JEFFREY R. The Negro in Maryland: a Study of the Institution of Slavery. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. series, 1889. 268 p. O. $2. A valuable work, for the student of politics rather than the general reader. Brackett, JEFFREY R. Notes on the Progress of the Colored People of Maryland Since the War. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. series, 1890. 96 p. O. $1. A supplement to "The Negro in Maryland." The first, or at least the most satisfactory effort ever made to gather and arrange the statistics of an entire State on almost every feature of the negro's daily life. Without either argument or drawing of conclusions shows the best way to solve the problem of civilizing the negro.-Frederic Bancroft. Bruce, PHILIP A. The Plantation Negro as a Freeman: Observations on his Character, Condition, and Prospects in Virginia. Questions of the Day, no. 57. N. Y., Putnam, 1889. 9+262 p. D. $1.25. Takes an unfavorable view. Frederick Bancroft says: "Seems entirely blind to the prosperity, resources, and education of many of the negroes in such cities as Charleston, Washington, and Baltimore." Cable, G: W. The Negro Question. N. Y., Scribner, 1890. 173 p. D. 75 c. Cable, G: W. The Silent South; the Freedman's Case in Equity, and the Convict Lease System. N. Y., Scribner, 1885. 180 p. D. $1. Three articles reprinted from the Century Magazine. The first two plead for civil justice to the negro. Fortune, T. T. Black and White: land, labor, and politics in the South. N. Y., Fords, Howard & Hulbert, 1884. 310 p. S. $1. Claims that the Southern problem is not racial or political, so much as economic. A protest against land monopoly. Mayo, A. D. Third Estate of the South. Bost., G: H. Ellis, 1890. A sympathetic review of the negro's progress, by an Educational Commissioner. Delivered as an address to American Social Science Assoc., Saratoga, Sept. 2d, 1890. Stetson, G. R. Problem of Negro Education. Boston, Cupples, Upham & Co., 1884. 21 p. O. pap. 10 c. The Reports of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Hampton, Va., Gen. S. C. Armstrong, Principal, are important. The Institute educates young negroes and Indians of both sexes, at nominal fees. In Plain Black and White. H: W. Grady. Century, April, 1885. The Republican Party and the Negro. E. L. Godkin. Forum, May, 1889. THE INDIAN. Harrison, J. B. Latest Studies on Indian Reservations. Phila., Indian Rights Assoc., 1887. 233 p. D. pap. 25 c. A record of personal investigation from Omaha to Puget Sound and the lava-bed region of Southern Oregon. Jackson, HELEN HUNT. A Century of Dishonor. 457 p. D. $1.50. 1888. Bost., Roberts Bros., A sketch of the dealings of the United States Government with some of the Indian tribes. Ludlow, HELEN W. Ten Years' Work for Indians, 1878-88. Hampton, Va., 1888. 80 p. D. pap. 15 c. An account of the work of the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, by a teacher. Manypenny, G: W. Our Indian Wards. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & Co., 1880. 336 p. O. $3. Author Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1853-57, and Chairman of Sioux Com. of 1876. An historical and critical review, asking in the words of Chief Ouray; "Is not the Government strong enough to keep its agreement with us?" An annual report is published by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washington. A supplemental report on Indian Education was issued Dec. 1, 1889. The Indian Rights Association issues reports and publications intended to diffuse information regarding the Indian problem, and enlist the sympathy and aid of all who wish the Indian's rights respected. The Assoc. issues an annual report (no. I, 1883); also, an annual report of the Lake Mohonk Conference (no. I, 1883). Herbert Welsh, Corresponding Secretary, 1305 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Membership fee, $2 per annum, entitling subscribers to publications. PAUPERISM AND POOR LAWS. Brace, C: LORING. Dangerous Classes of New York, and Twenty Years' Work Among Them. N. Y., Wynkoop & Hallenbeck, 1872. 448 p. D. $1.25. Hoyt, C: S., M.D. Causes of Pauperism. Albany, N. Y., State Pr. Office, 1877. 240 p. O. Extract from report as Secretary State Board of Charities to Legislature of New York. Booth, General W: In Darkest England, and the Way Out. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls, 1890. 300 p. D. cl. $1; pap. 50 c. By the founder and General of the Salvation Army. In the main a proposal that "the submerged tenth " be set to work in city refuges, farm colonies, and colonies over sea. Eden, Sir F: MORTON. State of the Poor or, History of the Laboring Classes in England from the Conquest to the Present Period. Lond., 1797. 3 v. A standard work. Gives details of diet, dress, fuel, and habitation; with the various plans proposed and adopted for the relief of the poor. Fawcett, H: Pauperism, its Causes and Remedies. Lond., Macmillan, 1871. 5s. 6d. Author in the later edition of his Political Economy [see Political Economy, English works] incorporated the substance of his special study of Pauperism. Fowle, Rev. T. W. The [English] Poor Law. English Citizen series. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1881. 163 p. D. $1. Nicholls, Sir G: History of the English Poor Law. Lond., Murray, 1854. 29+408, 467 p. D. Nicholls, Sir G: History of the Irish Poor Law. Lond., Murray, 1856. 10+ 424 p. D. Poor Laws in Foreign Countries. Reports to Local Government Board. Lond., Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1875. 482 p. O. Laurent, EMILE. Le paupérisme et les associations de prévoyance, nouvelles études sur les sociétés de secours mutuels. 2 v. Paris, Guillaumin, 1865. Monnier, ALEXANDRE. Histoire de l'assistance publique. Paris, Guillaumin, 1866. 8+568 p. O. 3me ed. Aschrott, P. F. Das englische Armenwesen in seiner Historischen Entwickelung. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1886. 22+450 p. D. Same. English Poor Law System, Past and Present. Tr. by H. Preston-Thomas, with preface by H: Sidgwick. Lond., Knight & Co., 1888. 18+332 p. D. Fano, ENRICO. Della carita preventiva. Milano, 1868. Poor Law Experiment at Elberfeld. Rev. W. W. Edwards. Contemporary Review, July, 1878 Relief of the Poor in Germany. Amos G. Warner. Pub. American Statistical Assoc., Dec., 1889. CHARITIES AND CHARITY ORGANIZATION. Adams, HERBERT B. Notes on the Literature of Charities. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. Hist. Series, 1887. 48 p. O. pap. 25 c. Contains as appendix " English Charity Organizations," by D. R. Randall. Gurteen, Rev. S. H. N. Y., S. H. Gurteen, 1882. Handbook of Charity Organization. Buffalo, 254 p. O. Handbook for Friendly Visitors Among the Poor. N. Y., Charity Organization Soc., 1883. 88 p. S. cl. 50 c.; pap. 35 c. Handbook for Hospitals. N. Y., Putnam, 1883. 263 p. D. 75 c. Handbook for Visitors to the Poorhouse. 4th ed. rev. N. Y., Putnam, 1888. 90 p. D. pap. 25 c. Ed. by a special committee State Charities Aid Assoc. Lowell, JOSEPHINE SHAW. Public Relief and tiens of the Day, no. 13. N. Y., Putnam, 1884. 40 c. Private Charity. Ques- Methods of Assisting the Working Classes in the Enforcement of Their Legal Rights. N. Y., State Charities Aid Assoc., 1885. 27 p. O. gratis. New York Charities Directory. N. Y., Charities Organization Soc., 1890. 400 p. S. $1. Schuyler, Miss LOUISA LEE. Importance of Uniting Individual and Associated Volunteer Effort in Behalf of the Poor. N. Y., State Charities Aid Assoc., 1878. 13 p. O. 15 c. Wayland, Fcs. Out-Door Relief and Tramps. New Haven, Conn., 1877. Read at Saratoga meeting Am. Social Science Assoc., 1877. Charities' Register and Digest. 3d issue, rev. and enl. Lond. [for the Charity Organization Soc.], Longmans, 1890. 1200 p. O. Ios. 6d. Loch, C. S. Charity Organization. Lond., Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1890. 8°, 2s. 6d. The Annual Proceedings of the National Conference of Charities and Correction, published at 141 Franklin St., Boston, Mrs. I. C. Barrows, ed., contain papers of interest to the student of social problems. The State Charities Aid Assoc., 21 University Place, New York, issues a variety of pamphlets, price list on application. Its annual reports are gratis. The Association's library comprises works in every department of practical reform; catalogue, revised to April, 1886, and supplements, gratis, form a good bibliography. The Charity Organization Society, 21 University Place, New York, issues a large variety of pamphlets for general information, gratis. The Charity Organization Societies of New York, and the Society for Organized Charity, Philadelphia, publish periodicals and reports of value. The Charity Organization Society, London, publishes a valuable Review, and reports. |