Ferraris, C. F. Moneta e corso forzoso. Milano, 1879. Rota, P. Principii de scienza bancaria. 2da ed. Milano, 1873. Report of Comptroller of the Currency, for 1876 (Gov. Pr. Office, Washington) contains excellent history of State banking in the U. S. R. Giffen, in Essays in Finance, 2d series, N. Y., Putnam, 1886, has a chapter on Gold Supply; the Rate of Discount and Prices. State Tamperings with Money and Banks is one of the Essays, Moral, Political, and Esthetic, of Herbert Spencer. N. Y., Appleton. Bank Notes. J. B. Martin. Journal of Institute of Bankers, Lond, March, 1880. Future of Banking in the United States. Horace White. Political Science Quarterly, Dec., 1886. The Note Circulation. Bankers, Lond., Jan., 1890. R. H. Inglis Palgrave. Journal of Institute of Exhaustive discussion of present British system, with advocacy of local note circulation. SAVINGS BANKS. Keyes, EMERSON W. History of Savings Banks in the U. S. N. Y., Bradford Rhodes, 1876. 2 v. O. "Singles out in an admirable way the best provisions in the laws pertaining to savings banks, such as those regulating the investment of their funds and their supervision.-Herbert B. Adams. Lewins, W: History of Savings Banks in Great Britain and Ireland. Lond., C. E. Layton, 1882. 945 p. O. 7s. 6d. Includes a full account of the origin and progress of Mr. Gladstone's financial measures for Post-Office Banks, Government Ännuities, and Government Life Insurance. Postal Savings Banks for the United States. N. Y., State Charities Aid Assoc., 1885. 23 p. O. Describes their operation in foreign countries, and advocates their establishment in the U. S. State Charities Aid Assoc. also publishes Report of Special Committee on Postal Savings Banks, Jan., 1887. 13 p. O. The British Post-Office issues several pamphlets on Postal Savings Banks; the little pamphlet on "Thrift" is said to have been prepared by Prof. H: Fawcett, while Postmaster-General. Early History of School Savings Banks in the U. S. J. H. Thiry. Journal of Social Science, 1888. Savings Banks in the U. S. John P. Townsend. Journal of Social Science, 1888. SPECULATION, CRISES, PANICS. Financial Crises, their causes and effects. Baird & Co., 1863. 8°, pap. 25c. Carey, H. C. Phila., H. C. Gibson, G. RUTLEDGE. Stock Exchanges of London, Paris, and New York: a comparison. N. Y., Putnam, 1889. 125 p. D. $1. Scudder, M. L., Jr. Congested Prices. Chicago, Jansen, McClurg & Co., 1883. 52 p. D. 50 c. On financial panics, disputing the theory that they must recur periodically. Incidentally describes how prices are made in grain and stock exchanges. Baxter, ROBERT. Panic of 1866, with its lessons on the Currency Act Lond., Longmans, 1866. 100 p. D. Crump, ARTHUR. Theory of Stock Exchange Speculation, with preface and notes by H. W. Rosenbaum. N. Y., H. W. Rosenbaum, 1887. 14+136 p. O. Evans, D. M. Son & Steer, 1849. Commercial Crisis, 1847-8. 2d ed. enl. Lond., Letts, 155+103 p. O. Evans, D. M. Commercial Crisis, 1857–8, and the Stock Exchange panic of 1859. Lond., Groombridge & Sons, 1859. 200 p. O. 15S. Evans, D. M. Speculative Notes and Real. Lond., Groombridge & Sons, 1864. Notes on Speculation, Ideal and 10+340 p. O. 1os. 6d. Giffen, R. Stock Exchange Securities: an essay on the general causes of fluctuations in their prices. Lond., G. Bell & Sons, 1879. 8°, 8s. 6d. Goadby, EDWIN, and Watt, W. Present [1885] Depression in Trade. With preface by Leone Levi. Lond., Chatto & Windus, 1885. 99 p. pap. Is. Medley, G. W. The Trade Depression; its causes and remedies. den Club tract. Moffat, R. S. Cob Economy of Consumption. An omitted chapter in political Economy, with special reference to commercial crises and trades-unions. Lond., Kegan Paul, 1878. 653 p. O. 18s. Mongredien, A. Trade Depression, recent and present. Cobden Club tract. Lond. and N. Y., Cassell, 1885. pap. 10 c. Wallace, A. R. Bad Times. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1885. 118 p. D. 75 c. An essay on the depression of British trade 1874-85, attributing it to enormous foreign loans, excessive war expenditure, increase of speculation and of millionaires, and the depopulation of the rural districts. Land reform is specially advocated as a remedy. Juglar, CLEMENT. Des Crises Commerciales et de leur retour périodique en France, en Angleterre, et aux Etats Unis. 2me ed. Paris, Guillaumin, 1889. 20+560 p. O. Laveleye, E. de. Le Marché Monetaire et ses Crises depuis 50 ans. Paris, Guillaumin, 1865. 314 p. O. Wirth, MAX, Geschichte der Handelskrisen. Sauerländer, 1883. 660 p. D. The best work on the subject. Frankfort am Main, Carl Schurz in life of Henry Clay, and E. M. Shepard in life of Martin Van Buren [American Statesman Series], give sketches of the panic of 1837. David A. Wells, in Recent Economic Changes, N. Y., Appleton, 1889. reviews the business depression which began in 1873. R. Giffen, in Essays on Finance, 2d series, N. Y., Putnam, 1886, has a chapter on Trade Depression and Low Prices. Horace White, in Lalor's Cyclopædia of Political Science, treats Commercial Crises. COMMERCE AND TRADE. Works of Reference for Commerce and Trade will also be found under Political Economy, General, also under International Trade, and Statistics. The official reports of the Treasury Department, Washington, and of the British Board of Trade, as noted, are most valuable. Tooke's History of Prices is a classic; Rogers' work [Land and Rent] worthily extends it. The Railroad Question in its American phase has been treated from a manager's standpoint with most ability by Fink. Sterne is his principal critic. Of official reports on railroads those to the N. Y. State Legislature and of the Inter-State Commerce Commission are the most informing. Among foreign writers on railroads and their problems, the principal are Jeans, Picard, Cohn, and von Weber. For a general survey Hadley (American) is best. James' essay on The Canal and Railway is suggestive. HISTORY, WORKS OF REFERENCE. Bristed, J: Resources of the United States, agricultural, commercial, financial, political, and literary. N. Y., J. Eastburn & Co., 1818. 506 p. O. Homans, I. S. and I. S., Jr., eds. Cyclopædia of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. N. Y., 1858. 6+2007 p. Q. Pitkin, TIMOTHY. Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States, including account of banks, manufactures, internal trade, revenues and expenditures. New Haven, Conn., Durrie & Peck, 1835. 600 p. O. A reliable work. Weeden, W. B. Economic and Social History of New England, 16201789. Boston, Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1890. 2 v. 964 p. D. $4.50. Full of interesting detail. Cunningham, W. Growth of English Industry and Commerce during the early and middle ages. 2d ed. enl. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1890. 15+626 p. O. $5. A capital book. Contains a list of authorities. Gilbart, J. W. Ancient Commerce. Lond., 1847. Also in his Lectures and Essays, Lond., Bell & Daldy, 1885. 5 v. Levi, LEONE. History of British Commerce and of the Economic Progress of the Nation from 1763 to 1878. Lond., Murray, 1879. 8°, 18s. An excellent commercial and industrial history, with illustrations of economic doctrine. Lindsay, W. S. History of Merchant Shipping and Ancient Commerce. Lond., Sampson Low, 1876. 4 v. O. 90s. McCullagh, W: T. Industrial History of Free Nations considered in Relation to their Domestic Institutions and External Policy. Lond., 1846. 2 v. 8°. A work of interest. The second volume, treating of the commercial history of Holland and Flanders, is of special value. It is unfortunately out of print. Macgregor, J: Commercial and Financial Legislation of Europe and America, with a pro-forma revision of the taxation and customs tariff of the United Kingdom. Lond., H: Hooper, 1841. 320 p. O. Wilson, A. J. Resources of Modern Countries. Essays toward an estimate of the economic position of nations, and British trade prospects. Lond., Longman, 1878. 2 v. 8°. Full of information not otherwise readily accessible, respecting the wealth, debts and resources of the different commercial countries. Yeats, J: Growth and Vicissitudes of Commerce from 1500 to 1789. An historical narrative of the industry and intercourse of civilized nations. 2d ed. Lond., Virtue, 1872. 8°, 5s. Yeats, J: Technical History of Commerce. New ed. Lond., Virtue 1872. 8°, 5S. Yeats, J: Manual of Recent and Existing Commerce from 1789 to 1872. Showing the development of industry at home and abroad during the continental system, the protectionist policy, and the era of free trade. Lond., Virtue, 1872. 8°, 21S. The three foregoing works are mediocre in quality. Pigeonneau, H. Histoire du commerce de la France. Cerf, 1885-89. 468, 486 p. D. From its origin to the time of Richelieu. An admirable work. 2 v. Paris, L. Murhard, CARL. Theorie des Handels. Göttingen, 1831. 396 p. D. Neumann-Spallart, F. X. von. Uebersichten der Weltwirthschaft. Stuttgart, J. Maier, 1879-84. 1880-84. Roscher, W: Nationalökonomie des Handels und Gewerbefleisses. Stuttgart, Cotta, 1881. 823 p. D. V. 3 of his System. McCulloch's Dictionary of Commerce and Commercial Navigation contains important information [see Works of Reference, under Political Economy, General]. The Treasury Department, Washington, publishes an annual Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics, on the Foreign Commerce, navigation, immigration, and tonnage of the United States, also a quarterly report covering the same field. Also, an annual report on Domestic Commerce of the U. S. The Boards of Trade in the principal cities publish annual statements of local commerce. The British Board of Trade, London, publishes annual Statistical Abstracts of Commerce of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and with the Colonies and India. Nature and Significance of Corporations. R: T. Ely. Harper's Magazine, May, 1887. Growth of Corporations. R: T. Ely. Harper's Magazine, June, 1887. PRICES. Patten, SIMON N. The Stability of Prices. Baltimore, American Economic Assoc., 1888. 64 p. O. pap. 75 c. Discusses, among other topics, the Ricardian theory of rent. Tables of Prices of commodities, and immigration for a series of years. Bureau of Statistics, Treasury Department. Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1886. 2 V. 528, 598 p. O. Mulhall, M. G. History of Prices Since 1850. Lond., Longmans, 1885. 204 p. D. 6s. Of little value. Tooke, T: History of Prices and of the state of the circulation, 1793-1837, preceded by a brief sketch of the state of the coinage in the last two centuries. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8°. Continuation, 1838–9. Lond., 1850. 1839-47. Lond., 1848. Tooke, T: and Newmarch, W. Same, 1848-56. Lond., 1867. 2 v. 8°. This work forms a series with Rogers' History of Agriculture and Prices [see Land]. The series deservedly occupies a very high rank in economic literature. Tooke, T: High and Low Prices of the last thirty years, from 1793 to 1822. Lond., Murray, 1824. Gives tabular details, with observations thereon. A. Soetbeer's Precious Metals, tr. by F. W. Taussig [see Atkinson's report, Gold, Silver, Bimetallism] pt. vii, treats of Changes in General Prices. Appendix II. gives prices in 1886. Valuable schedules of prices will be found in Evans' "Imports and Duties' [see International Trade]; also in annual issues of the "American Almanac." The catalogues of the English coöperative stores and of the American drygoods or bazar houses are useful for comparison of prices. Index Numbers. R. Giffen. Bulletin de l'Institut internationalde Statistique. Paris, 1887. The Economist, London, publishes monthly a Commercial Supplement, with prices computed on an Index number. RAILROAD MANAGEMENT AND LEGISLATION. Adams, C: F., Jr. 1835. Notes on Railroad Accidents. N. Y., Putnam, 1879. 6+280 p. D. $1.50. Adams, C: F., Jr. Railroads: their Origins and Problems. N. Y., Putnam, 1878. 230 p. D. $1.25. Rev. ed. Adams, C: F., Jr., and H. Chapters of Erie, and other essays. Boston, J. R. Osgood & Co., 1871. $2. Contains A Chapter of Erie, An Erie Raid, The Railroad System, by C. F. Adams, Jr. The New York Gold Conspiracy, Captaine John Smith, The Bank of England Restriction, British Finance in 1816, by H: Adams. The Legal-Tender Act, by Francis A. Walker and H: Adams. Alexander, E. PORTER. Railway Practice: its principles and suggested reforms reviewed. N. Y., Putnam, 1887. 60 p. D. 75 c. A criticism from a railway manager's standpoint of proposed solutions of the railway problem, especially those of Mr. J. F. Hudson in his work "The Railways and the Republic," and Professor R. T. Ely in Harper's Magazine, July, August, and September, 1887. Amendment to the Inter-State Commerce Act, approved March 2, 1889: with a summary of its provisions. Phila., T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 1889. 15 p. O. pap. 10 c. American Railway, The, its construction, management, and appliances. With an introd. by Hon. T: M. Cooley, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission. N. Y., Scribner, 1889. xxviii+456 p. Q. $6. Each chapter is written by a specialist. For the general reader. Abundantly illustrated. |