Puslapio vaizdai

Chevalier, MICHEL. La monnaie. 2me ed. Aug. Paris, Capelle, 1866. 8+779 p. O.

Wolowski, L. 1810-1876. De la monnaie. Paris, 1868. 72 p. S.
Hertzka, H. Währung und Handel. Wien, 1876. 8+416 p. O.

The best book in the three languages on the operation of depreciation in the currency, whether by inconvertible paper or by the attempt to use two metals, one of which falls in value.

Hildebrand, R: Theorie des Geldes. Jena, G. Fischer, 1883. 147 p. O. Magliani, AG. La questione monetaria. Firenze, 1874.

T. Tooke in History of Prices [see Prices] gives a brief sketch of the state of the coinage in the last two centuries.


Atkinson, E: Bimetallism in Europe. 50th Congress, Ist Session, Ex. Doc. 34. Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1887. 280 p. O. Also published as U. S. Consular Report, no. 87, Dec., 1887.

Report to the President of the United States. It contains tr. of A. Soetbeer's "Materials toward the Elucidation of the Economic Conditions affecting the Precious Metals," by F. W. Taussig. A. Soetbeer is the first authority on Production of Gold and Silver.

Fawcett, W. L. Gold and Debt, an American Handbook of Finance. With 80 tables and diagrams, together with a digest of the monetary laws of the United States. Chicago, S. C. Griggs & Co., 1876. 270 p. D. $1.75.

Contains statistics of paper money, gold and silver in circulation in the U. S. and Europe at various periods since 1825; some account of the increase of public debts; and a compilation of the monetary laws of the U. S.

Ford, W. C. The Standard Silver Dollar and the Coinage Law of 1878. Economic tract, no. 13. N. Y., Soc. for Political Education, 1884. 31 p. D. pap. 20 c.

Horton, S. DANA. 1890. 290 p. 12°, $1.50. By a leading bimetallist. Includes review of Paris Monetary Congress (September, 1889); and Questions of the Royal [British] Commission on Gold and Silver (1870), and

Silver in Europe. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan,


Laughlin, J. LAURENCE. History of Bimetallism in the United States. N. Y., Appleton, 1885. 258 p. O. with charts and tables, $2.25.

An exhaustive work. Holds that gold has not appreciated, that silver has declined in value owing to decreased demand for it as coin, civilized nations preferring gold. These views are deduced from an extensive array of facts and figures. Author maintains that the coinage of silver dollars should cease. Includes a bibliography.

McCulloch, HUGH. Bimetallism. (Economic Monographs, no. 17.) N. Y., Putnam, 1879. O. pap. 25 c.

Richardson, H. W. The Standard Dollar. Economic tract, no. 15. N. Y., Soc. for Political Education, 1884. 40 p. D. pap. 25 c. Wells, DAVID A. Dollar of the Sons. D. pap. 25 c.

Silver Question, The, the Dollar of the Fathers vs. the (Economic Monograph, no. 2.) N. Y., Putnam, 1878.

Bagehot, W. The Depreciation of Silver. Lond., H. S. King & Co., 1877. 136 p. O. 5s.

Barbour, D. Theory of Bimetallism, and the effects of the partial demonetisation of silver on England and India. Lond. and N. Y., Cassell, 1886. 158 p. O. 6s.

Crump, ARTHUR. An Investigation into the Great Fall in Prices which took place coincidentally with the Demonetization of Silver in Germany. Lond. and N. Y., Longmans, 1889. 198 p. O. $2.

Fowler, W: Appreciation of Gold.

N. Y., Cassell, 1886. pap. 25 c.

Cobden Club tract. Lond. and

Gibbs, H. H., Grenfell, H. R., and others. Bimetallic controversy; a collection of papers, etc. Lond., E. Wilson, 1885. 7 +404 p. O.

Earl Grey, Lord Sherbrooke, Lord Bramwell, Bonamy Price, W. Stanley Jevons, Sir T: H. Farrer, R. Giffen, C. Daniell, H. A. Macleod and H. Cernuschi, are contributors.

Gold and Silver Commission. Final report of the Royal [British] Commission to inquire into the recent changes of the relative values of the precious metals. Senate Mis. Doc. 34. 50th Congress, 2d Session. Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1889. 199 p. O.

Reprint of final report presented to Parliament, 1888. The report in full was published Lond., 1887-88, 4 v. O.

Huskisson, W. The Question Concerning the Depreciation of our Currency, stated and examined. Lond., Murray, 1810. 154 p. D.

Jacob, W. Historical Inquiry into the Production and Consumption of the Precious Metals. Lond., 1831. 2 v. O. Phila., 1832. 12+427 p. O. Of historical value. Now superseded by Soet beer and other authorities.

Price, BONAMY. Principles of Currency and Banking. N. Y., Appleton, 1876. 176 p. D. $1.50.

Report on the High Price of Bullion, Select Committee, House of Commons, 1810. Lond., J. Johnson & Co., 1810. 237+115 p. O.

Seyd, ERNEST. Bimetallism in 1886, and the further fall in silver. Lond., E. Wilson & Co., 1887, pap. Is.

Seyd, ERNEST. Bullion and the Foreign Exchanges, Theoretically and Practically Considered. Lond., E. Wilson & Co., 1868. 699 p. O.

Followed by a defence of Double Valuation with special reference to the proposed system of Universal Coinage. Treats the subject from the standpoint of a bullion-broker. Contains essays in favor of the so-called "double standard."

Cernuschi, H: Nomisma; or "Legal Tender." N. Y., Appleton, 1877. 157 p. D. $1.25.

Evidence before U. S. Monetary Commission, Washington, Feb., 1877; "Monetary Pacification by Rehabilitation of Silver," and "The Bimetallic Future," from the París Siecle; "Silver Vindicated," and three letters on the Silver Question.

Chevalier, MICHEL. On the Probable Fall in the Value of Gold, the commercial and social consequences which may ensue, and the measures which it invites. Tr. by R: Cobden. N. Y., Appleton, 1859. O. $1.25.

Congrès monetaire international, compte rendu et documents. Paris,


Proceedings of congress held during Paris Exposition, 1889.

Wolowski, L. L'or et l'argent.

Knies, KARL. Geld und Kredit.

Paris, 1870.

40+440+134 P. Berlin, 1873-79. 2 v. O.

Knies is superior to Roscher in legal knowledge among German economists, though inferior to him in historic learning. This work has become classical.

Soetbeer, AD. Precious Metals, Materials toward the Elucidation of the Economic Conditions affecting.

Tr. by F. W. Taussig, included in E: Atkinson's report on Bimetallism in Europe, which see.

In the proceedings of the International Monetary Conferences held in Paris, August, 1878, April-July, 1881, and during the Exposition of 1889, and in the report of the U. S. Silver Commission organized under a joint resolution of Congress, August, 1876, all being public documents published for distribution, will be found a large amount of information pertaining to the use of the two metals, gold and silver, as standards of value.

An annual report on the state of the Finances is issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, Washington. An annual report of the Director of the Mint on the production of precious metals in the United States is published by the Treasury Department, Washington.

For bibliographies of bimetallism see Laughlin's History of Bimetallism, and Laughlin's abridgment of Mill's Political Economy.

Bimetallism is treated among the Collected Essays of Prof. W. G. Sumner. N. Y., Holt, 1885.

Our Gold Coinage. J. B. Martin. Journal of Institute of Bankers, Lond., June, 1882.

Silver or legal-tender notes. Worthington C. Ford. Political Science Quarterly, Dec., 1889.

Silver Question in the United States, with diagrams showing silver certificates and silver in circulation, net gold in treasury, and silver dollars coined 1878-90. F. W. Taussig. Quarterly Journal of Economics, April, 1890.

The Silver Situation. Horace White. Quarterly Journal of Economics, July, 1890.

The American Silver Bubble. Robert Giffen. Nineteenth Century, Aug., 1890.

How the Silver Act Will Work. F. W. Taussig. Forum, Oct., 1890.


Atkinson, E: What Is a Bank? What service does a bank perform? Economic tracts, no. I. N. Y., Society for Political Education, 1882. 36 p. D.

Now out of print as a tract. Forms a chapter in "The Distribution of Products," N. Y., Putnam, 1887.

Bolles, A. S. Practical Banking and Bankers' Commonplace Book. N. Y., Homans Pub. Co., 1884. 300 p. O. $3.

Bolles, A. S. The National Bank Act and Its Judicial Meaning. N. Y., Homans Pub. Co., 1888. 400 p. O. $3.

Clarke, M. ST. CLAIR, and Hall, D. A., comp. Legislative and Documentary History of the Bank of the United States, including the original Bank of North America. Washington, 1832. 808 p. O.

Cleaveland, J: Banking System of New York. Together with an account of the New York Clearing-House. 2d ed. by G. S. Hutchinson. N. Y., 1864. O. $5.50.

Goddard, T: H. General History of the most Prominent Banks in Europe and the United States; with Alex. Hamilton's report to Congress on currency. N. Y., H. C. Sleight, 1831. 254 p. O.

Hotchkiss, PHILO P. Banks and Banking, 1771-1888, an historical sketch based upon official records. N. Y., Putnam, 1888. 51 p. O. pap. 75 c.

Morse, J. T. Treatise on the Law Relating to Banks and Banking. 2d ed. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1879. O. $6.

A very complete and thorough presentation of positive law on this subject in the United States at the time of writing.

Richardson, H. W. The National Banks. N. Y., Harper, 1880. S. cl. 40 c.; pap. 25 c.

Royall, W: L. Andrew Jackson and the Bank of the United States, including a history of Paper Money in the United States. (Economic Monographs, no. 19.) N. Y., Putnam, 1880. O. pap. 25 c.

Scudder, M. L., JR.

National Banking. (Economic Monographs, no. 12.) N. Y., Putnam, 1879. O. pap. 25 c.

Bagehot, W. Lombard Street. A description of the money market. N. Y., Scribner, 1874. viii+359 p. D. $1.25.

Interesting descriptions of the mechanism of the English credit institutions, with able discussions of many points of theory.

Crump, ARTHUR. Banking, Currency, and the Exchanges. Lond., Longmans, 1866. D. 6s.

Crump, ARTHUR. English Manual of Banking. Lond., E. Wilson & Co., 1886.

D. 15s.

A compendium of valuable information about banking institutions, banking methods, phraseology, devices, etc.; also about laws of banking in Great Britain, with much information about methods, etc., on the continent.

Francis, J: History of the Bank of England from 1694 to 1844, continued to 1862 by I. S. Homans. N. Y., 1862. O. $4.

Gilbart, J. W. History, Principles, and Practice of Banking. Rev. to 1881 by A. S. Michie. 2 v. Lond., G. Bell & Sons, 1882. O. ros. 6d. A standard work. The most exhaustive on the subject.

Goschen, G: J. Theory of the Foreign Exchanges. Wilson & Co., 1886. O. 6s.

The standard work on the subject.

Hankey, T. Principles of Banking. remarks on the Bank of England. 4th ed. O. 2s. 6d.

Lond., E.

Its utility and economy, with
Lond., E. Wilson & Co., 1884.

Treats of the organization and working of the Bank of England, with discussions on some disputed points in the management of the Bank.

Kerr, A: W. History of Banking in Scotland. Glasgow, D. Bryce & Son, 1884. 245 p. O.

Lawson, W: J. History of Banking, with account of the origin, use, and progress of the Banks of England, Ireland, and Scotland. Lond., R: Bentley, 1850. 525 p. O.

Macleod, H: DUNNING. Elements of Banking. Lond. and N. Y., Longmans. D. $1.75.

2 v.

Macleod, H: DUNNING. Theory and Practice of Banking. 2d ed. Lond. and N. Y., Longmans. O. $9.50.

Works which are full of suggestion, and also very rich in historical material and economic discussion: but they contain matters of doctrine in which the author is at issue with the recognized authorities, and that, too, on points of the first importance.

Macleod, H: DUNNING. Theory of Credit. Lond. and N. Y., Longmans, v. 1, 1889, 366 p. O. $2.50. V. 2, pt. 1, 1890, 180 p. O. $1.50. "Confuses capital and credit. Is right in holding that value depends not on cost of production, but on supply and demand."-Horace White.

Price, BONAMY. Currency and Banking. N. Y., 1876. 176 p. D. $1.50. Rae, G: The Country Banker; his clients, cares and work; with an American preface by Brayton Ives. N. Y., Scribner, 1886. 14+320 p. D. $1.50.

One of the best popular accounts of the banking business.

Rogers, J. E. THOROLD. First Nine Years of the Bank of England. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1887. 31+183 p. O.

Seyd, ERNEST. Reform of the Bank of England Note-Issue. 1873. 181 p. O.


Statistical critique on the operation of the Bank Charter Act of 1844, with the Bank of England's weekly statements from 1844 to 1871.

Somers, R: Scotch Banks and System of Issue; including tr. of "Les banques d'Ecosse," by L. Wolowski. Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1873. 12+ 244 p. O.

Tennant, C: Bank of England and the Organization of Credit in Eng2d ed. enl. Lond., Longmans, 1866. 16+869 p. D.


With the evidence of Isaac and Emile Périere before the French commission of inquiry into the Bank of France; also abstract of the American free banking act.

Torrens, R. Sir Robert Peel's Act of 1844 explained and defended. Lond., 1857. 16+216 p. O.

With examination of the principles of currency propounded by Mr. Tooke and Mr. Wilson, and of the chapter on the regulation of the currency in J: S. Mill's "Principles of Political Economy."

Wilson, A. J. Banking Reform; an essay on prominent banking dangers and the remedies they demand. Lond., 1879. 6+190 p. O.

Courcelle-Seneuil, J. G. Traité théorique et pratique des opérations de banque. 1853. 6me ed. Paris, 1876.

Courtois, ALPH., fils. Histoire des Banques en France. 2me ed. Paris, Guillaumin, 1881. 7+375 p. O.

Horn, J. E. La liberté des banques. Paris, Guillaumin, 1866. 464 p. D. Péreire, ISAAC. Principes de la constitution des banques et de l'organisation du credits. 2me ed. Paris, Guillaumin, 1865. 324 p. O.

Walras, L. Théorie mathématique du billet de banque.



Wolowski, M. L. La question des banques. Paris, Guillaumin, 1864.

592 p. D.

Hübner, OTTO. Die Banken. Leipzig, H. Hübner, 1854. 9+476 p. O. Schulze-Delitsch, H. Vorschuss- und Creditvereine als Volksbanken 1855. 15th ed. Leipzig, 1876.

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