Bernhardi, THEODOR. Versuch einer Kritik der Gründe die für grosses und kleines Grundeigenthum angeführt werden. St. Petersburg, 1849. 668 p. D. The best early theoretical investigation. Eheberg, K. T. Agrarische Zustände in Italien. Leipzig, Düncker & Humblot, 1886. 9+158 p. D. Meyer, RUDOLF. Heimstätten und andere Wirthschaftsgesetze der Vereinigten Staaten von America, von Canada, Russland, China, Indien, Rumänien, Serbien und England. Berlin, H. Bahr, 1883. 32+632 p. D. Reitzenstein, F. F. v., und Nasse, E. Agrarische Zustände in Frankreich und England. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1884. 16+222 p. D. Roscher, W. Nationalökonomik des Ackerbaues. Cotta, 1878. 10+668 p. O. V. 2 of his System. A French tr. is pub. by Guillaumin, Paris. Wagner, ADOLPH. Stuttgart, J. G. Die Abschaffung des privaten Grundeigenthums. Leipzig, Düncker & Humblot, 1870. 84 p. D. One of the most valuable discussions on the legitimacy of private property in land. Loria, ACHILLE. La Rendita Fondiaria e la sua Elisione Natural. Milan, 1880. 15+713 p. O. The best book on rent as influencing methods of cultivation. Mortgages in Foreign Countries, are treated fully in U. S. Consular Reports, nos. II and III. (Washington Department of Senate, 1890.) Mortgage Statistics are discussed by G: K. Holmes in Pubs. of Am. Statis. Assoc., Boston, no. 9, March, 1890. An Investigation on Mortgage Indebtedness for the Eleventh Census is being conducted under the direction of G: K. Holmes. Statistics of Mortgages are given in Bureaus of Labor Reports: Illinois, 1888; Michigan, 1888; Nebraska, 1887-88. The Financial Reform Almanac gives very full statistical and other information on the Land Question of the United Kingdom. Lond., Simpkin, Marshall & Co. Is. Canadian Chapter in Agrarian Agitation. G: Iles. Popular Science Monthly, Aug., 1886. Farm Mortgages and the Small Farmer. W. F. Mappin. Political Science Quarterly, Sept., 1889. The Mortgage Evil (with special reference to Indiana). J. P. Dunn. Political Science Quarterly, March, 1890. Western Mortgages. J. W. Gleed. Forum, March, 1890. Western Farm Mortgages. D. R. Goodloe. Forum, Nov., 1890. Property in Land. Sir George Campbell. Westm. Review, Feb., 1890. Why the Farmer is not Prosperous. C. W. Davis. Forum, April, 1890. When the Farmer will be Prosperous. C. W. Davis. Forum, May, 1890. Exhaustion of the Arable Lands. C. W. Davis. Forum, June, 1890. Probabilities of Agriculture. C. W. Davis. Forum, Nov., 1890. The Nationalization of Land. 1. How to nationalize the land. Westm. Review, Sept., 1889. 2. The national administration of the ladd. F. L. Soper. Westm. Review, Oct., 1889. 3. The nationalization of the land: a reply. Westm. Review, Jan., 1890. Ethics of Land Tenure. Philadelphia, Oct., 1890. F. L. Soper. J. B. Clark. International Journal of Ethics, PUBLIC LANDS. Atkinson, E: Our National Domain. [Folded chart.] 2d ed. Bost., A. Williams & Co., 1880. 50 C. A graphical presentation of comparative areas of the States of the Union and of countries of Europe, also of principal crops of U. S. Decisions of the Department of the Interior and General Land Office in cases relating to the Public Lands. Washington, 1882. 5 v., 8°. The Department publishes subsequent decisions from time to time. Donaldson, T. The Public Domain, its history, with statistics. House Exec. Doc. 47, part 4, 46th Cong., 3d Session. Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1884. 1343 p. D. A comprehensive work. Knight, G: N. History and Management of Federal Land Grants for Education in the Northwest Territory. N. Y., Am. Historical Assoc., 1886. 175 p. 8°. Public Land Commission. Existing Laws Relating to Survey and Disposition of the Public Domain. I v. General and permanent. 2 v. Local Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1884. and temporary. 3 v. Shinn, C: H. Land laws of mining districts. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ.: 1884. D. pap., 50 c. The Land Commissioner of the U. S., Washington, publishes an annual report as part of the report of the Secretary of the Interior. It contains much practical information. The General Land Office also issues circulars showing the manner of proceeding to obtain title to public lands, etc., and other synopses of decisions, circulars, instructions, etc., for list of which see Appendix on U. S. Government Publications, in American Catalogue. Disposition of our Public Lands. A. B. Hart. mics, Jan., 1887. Railroad Indemnity Lands. F: Perry Powers. Sept., 1889. Quarterly Journal of Econo Political Science Quarterly, CAPITAL AND LABOR. Property as now existing is attacked as respects land by many writers [see Land and Rent], and otherwise by socialists and others [see Socialism]. The best historians of the Labor movement are Ely, for America, Thornton and Howell for Great Britain, and Le Play for Europe. Walker, for America, has written the best work on Wages, Rogers and Brassey are the leading English authorities. Barnard, Hughes, and Neale have treated Coöperation with much ability. Gilman's is the leading work on Profit-Sharing. The official reports of Wright on various phases of the Labor Question are very valuable. PROPERTY, CAPITAL. Clark, J: B. Capital and Its Earnings. nomic Assoc., 1888. 69 p. O. pap., 75 c. Baltimore, American Eco Giffen, R. The Growth of Capital. Lond., Bell & Sons, 1890. 162 p. 8°, 7s. 6d. 2 v. O. A statistical review of the recent growth of British capital. Comte, F. C. L. De la propriété. Paris, 1834. Thiers, M. A. De la propriété. Paris, Paulin, L'Heureux & Cie., 1848. 439 p. D. Böhm-Bawerk, E. v. Capital and Interest: a critical history of economical theory; tr. with a preface and analysis by W. Smart. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1890. 45+431 p. 8°, $4. A critical work of great ability, covering not only Capital and Interest, but other important questions of political economy. For advanced students. Marx, KARL. Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. Hamburg, 1873. 8°. V. 2. Nach seinem tode herausgegeben von F. Engels, Hamburg, 1885, 8°. Same. 3d German ed. Capital: a critical analysis of capitalistic production, from Expounds the theory of surplus value. For criticisms, see Socialism. Constitutional Guarantees of the Right of Property. George Hoadley. Journal of Social Science (Saratoga papers of 1889). N. Y., Putnam, 1890. Theory of Capital. F. H. Giddings. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Jan., 1890. PROFIT, INTEREST, USURY. Atkinson, E: The Margin of Profits; how it is now divided, what part of present hours of labor can now be spared. N. Y., Putnam, 1887. 123 p. D. cl., 75 c.; pap., 40 c. Includes reply of E. M. Chamberlain, representing the labor unions, and Mr. Atkinson's rejoinder. Kelly, J. B. Summary of the History and Law of Usury. Lond., R. J. Kennett, 1835. 275 p. O. Murray, J. B. C. History of Usury Laws from the Earliest Period. Phila., 1866. O. $2. The Usury Question, by Calvin, Bentham, Dana, and Wells, with bibliography. Economic tract, No. 4. N. Y., Soc. for Political Education, 1881. pap., 25 c. Profits under Modern Conditions. J: B. Clark. Political Science Quarterly, Dec., 1887. Rate of Interest, and Laws of Distribution. Sidney Webb. Quarterly Journal of Economics, Jan., 1888. N. Y., LABOR, HISTORY, AND RELATIONS TO CAPITAL. Harper. Can be heartily recommended for the general reader. Barns, W. E. The Labor Problem; plain questions and practical answers; with an introduction by R: T. Ely, and contributions by Jas. A. Waterworth and Fred. Woodrow. N. Y., Harper, 1886. 330 p. S. $1. Mr. Ely discourses upon "Coöperation in Literature and the State;" Mr. Waterworth on "The Conflict Historically Considered;" and Mr. Woodrow on "Side-Lights on the Labor Problem." A symposium is added in which prominent political economists, manufacturers, workingmen, and others give their views. Bilgram, HUGO. Involuntary Idleness. An exposition of the discrepancy existing between the supply of, and the demand for, labor and its products. Phila., Lippincott, 1889. 119 p. S. $1. Holds that an expansion of the volume of money, by extending the issue of creditmoney, will prevent business stagnation and involuntary idleness. Disputes the claim that interest naturally accrues to capital. Ely, R. T. The Labor Movement in America. N. Y., T. Y. Crowell & Co.. 1886. 373 p. D. $1.50. A history which includes the platforms of the principal labor organizations. Fall, C. G. Employers' Liability for Personal Injury to their Employees. Boston, Mass. Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 1889. Prepared under the direction of Carroll D. Wright. Reprinted from Bureau's 14th Annual Report, for 1883. Gladden, Rev. W. Working-People and Their Employers. Funk & Wagnalls, 1887. 241 p. D. cl., $1; pap., 25 c. Outspoken, sympathetic, and sensible. N. Y., McNeill, G. E., George, H., and others. The Labor Movement. Bost., A. M. Bridgman & Co., 1886. 650 p. O. $3.75. Chiefly descriptive of the history of organizations of labor, written by representatives of the leading trades. Professor E. J. James contributes three excellent chapters on the history of labor and recent labor legislation in Europe. Meriwether, LEE. A Tramp's Trip: how to see Europe on fifty cents a day. N. Y., Harper, 1887. 5+276 p. D. $1.25. Meriwether, LEE. Tramp at Home. N. Y. Harper, 1889. 10+296 p. D. $1.25. Both the foregoing give valuable pictures of workingmen as they are. Newcomb, SIMON. A Plain Man's Talk on the Labor Question. N. Y., Harper, 1886. 195 p. S. 60 c. ་་ This work discusses "Society and Its Wants," Capital and Its Uses," and "The Laborer and His Wages," in a candid and conciliatory spirit. Porter, R. P. Bread-Winners Abroad. N. Y., J. S. Ogilvie & Co., 1885. 420 p. $1.50. Thompson, PHILLIPS. The Politics of Labor. N. Y., Belford, Clarke & Co., 1887. D. $1.25. Trumbull, M. M. "Wheelbarrow's" articles and discussions on the Labor Question, including controversy with Lyman J. Gage on the ethics of the Board of Trade, and controversy with Hugh O. Pentecost and others on the Single Tax Question. Chicago, Open Court Pub. Co., 1890. 303 p. D. $1. Ward, C. OSBORNE. History of the ancient working people from the earliest known period to the adoption of Christianity by Constantine. Washington, W. H. Lowdermilk & Co., 1889. 519 p. D. $ Williams, TALCOTT. Labor a Hundred Years Ago. Economic tract, No. 24. N. Y., Soc. for Political Education, 1888, pap., 15 c. Willoughby, W. F., and Graffenried, Miss CLARE de. Baltimore, American Economic Assoc., 1890. 75 c. Two prize essays. Child-Labor. Wright, CARROLL D. Growth and Purposes of Bureaus of Statistics of Labor. Boston, Wright & Potter, 1888. Wright, CARROLL D. Present Actual Condition of the Workingman. Boston, G: H. Ellis, 1887. Wright, CARROLL D. Relation of Political Economy to the Labor Question. Boston, A. Williams & Co., 1882. 53 p. S. 60 c. Considers phases of the Labor Question from the ethical standpoint. Wright, CARROLL D. The Factory System. Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1884. 78 p. Reprinted from v. 2, Tenth Census Reports, Washington, 1882. Wright, CARROLL D. Uniform Hours of Labor. Boston, Mass., Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 1889. Reprinted from Bureau's 12th Annual Report, for 1881. Proves that mills working ten hours were as profitable as mills working eleven to twelve hours. Wright, CARROLL D. Working Girls of Boston. Boston, Mass. Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 1889. 133 p. O. Reprinted from Bureau's 15th Annual Report, for 1884. Labor in Europe and America. A special report on the rate of wages, the cost of subsistence, and the condition of the working classes in the countries of Europe, and also in the United States and British America. Wash., Gov. Pr. Office, 1875; also, Phila., S. A George & Co., 1875. 864 p. O. $3.50. Contains elaborate historical introduction on ancient labor. Author was chief of U. S. Bureau of Statistics. Giffen, R. The Progress of the Working Classes in the Last Half Century. Economic tract, No. 16. N. Y., Soc. for Political Education, 1884, pap., 25 c. A later word on this subject is included in Essays on Finance, 2d series [see Public Finance.] Howell, G. Conflicts of Capital and Labor, historically and economically considered. New and rev. ed. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1890. 6+536 p. 12°, $2.50. Treats of British trades-unions from the standpoint of a trades-unionist. A most important work. Kay, JOSEPH. Social Condition and Education of the People in England-1848. N. Y., Harper, 1864. 323 p. D. $1.50. Ludlow, J. M., and Jones, LLOYD. Progress of the Working Classes, 1832-1867. Lond., A. Strahan, 1867. 304 p. D. Morrison, C. Essay on the Relations between Capital and Labor. Lond., Longmans, 1854. 328 p. O. Pidgeon, D. Old World Questions and New World Answers. N. Y., Harper, 1885. 193 p. S. pap. 25 c. An Englishman's appreciative description of leading fnctory towns of New England, with chapters on The Factory System, Labor, Wages, and the Tariff, etc. 3 v. Ruskin, J: Fors Clavigera; letters to the workmen of Great Britain. N. Y., J. Wiley & Sons, 1871-78. O. Stubbs, Rev. CHAS. W. Village Politics. Addresses on the Labor Question. Lond., 1878. 193 p. S. $1.25. Interesting in its suggestions concerning English agricultural laborers. Taylor, E. W. C. Introduction to a History of the Factory System. London, R. Bentley & Sons, 1886. 441 p. demy O. 16s. A faithfully prepared volume. Only English authorities are cited. Thornton, W. T. On Labor: its claims and dues. 3d ed. rev. Macmillan, 1888. O. Chiefly valuable for its laws, purposes, abuses, etc. Toynbee, ARNOLD. ton, 1884. 37+263 p. O. Lond., positive information about trades-unions, their organization, Industrial Revolution in England. Lond., Riving- The best book on the subject. Inspired with the highest moral feeling. |