Mill, J: STUART. 1806-73. Principles of Political Economy. 1848. Lond. and N. Y., Longmans. Library ed., 2 v. O. $10. People's ed., I v. O. $1.75. Same. N. Y., Appleton. 2 v. 616, 603 p. O. $4. All his works demand attention, particularly also Essays on some unsettled principles of political economy,' ," written 1829-30, publ. 1844, which made his reputation as an economist. Of his great work Cossa says, "Even now the best English treatise on economics." For full analysis, see Brooklyn Lib. Cat. Mill, J: STUART. Principles of Political Economy, abridged, with critical, bibliographical, and explanatory notes, and a sketch of the history of political economy, by J. LAURENCE LAUGHLIN. N. Y., Appleton, 1884. 658 p. O., with maps and diagrams, $3.50. The best abridgment of the chief modern English economist. Its ample notes, incorporated in the text, bring it down to 1884, and adapt it for the use of American students who have mastered the rudiments of economics. It contains a prefatory sketch of the history of political economy and a comprehensive series of questions for review or examination. Ricardo, DAVID. 1772-1823. Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. 1817. In his WORKS. N. Y., Scribner & W., 1881. $8. R. was a retired banker, who devoted himself to study. "His fame rests on the theory of rent, already expounded by Anderson (1777), West (1815), and Malthus, but with less profundity and fulness."-Cossa. His doctrine of comparative cost" is at the basis of international trade. Rogers, J. E. THOROLD. 1824-90. Manual of Political Economy. N. Y., Macmillan, 1878. xxiii+324 p. D. $1.25. Differs from English school in Rev. for Amer. readers. Senior, NASSAU W. 1790-1864. Four Introductory Lectures on Political Economy. 1852. Lond. Twice Prof. at Oxford, 1826-47. Author of Political Economy (1836) in Encyc. Metro. politana. Author of the nearly discarded wage-fund theory and of the first complete analysis of cost of production. "Wealth, not happiness" is his dictum. See Cossa, p. 72, 178. Sidgwick, H: Principles of Political Economy. 1883. N. Y., Macmillan. $4. Shadwell, J. L. A System of Political Economy. Lond., 1877. 8°, $3. A complete treatise on the subject, in which the author takes issue with some of the positions of Prof. Cairnes. Smith, ADAM. 1723-90. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. 1776. Oxford, 1880. 2 v. 423, 594 p. O. 21s. Same, cheap edition. N. Y., Putnam, 1878. xvi-780 p. D. $1.25. This is the only book to which has ever been awarded the honor of a centenary commemoration. "Probably the most important book that has ever been wri ten," says Buckle. "Caused more money to be made, and prevented more money from being lost, than the writings of any other author," says the London Economist, 1876. It remains standard, and can always be read with profit and interest. It has been called "the inner atom of political economy." The best edition is the first mentioned, which is edited by Thorold Rogers. McCulloch's edition is also a standard one. A connected and comprehensive grasp of principles was the great achievement of Adam Smith; for though not without faults (for summary of which see Laughlin's Mill. p. 14, and Cossa. p. 168), The Wealth of Nations" has been the basis of all subsequent discussion and advance in political economy. "The new period begins with Adam Smith." "Undoubtedly the greatest economist the world has ever seen,' says Cossa. "Adam Smith stands in the centre of economic history," says Roscher; "what came before was preparation for, and after him, completion of his work." Whately, R: 1787-1863. Introductory Lectures in Political Economy. Lond., 1831. FRENCH WORKS. About, EDMOND. Handbook of Social Economy; or, The Worker's A, B, C. N. Y., Appleton, 1873. 20+284 p. D. $2. Trans. by W. F. Rae. A complete, readable book, which grew out of discussions with French workingmen. Cherbuliez, ANTOINE ELISE. 1797-1869. Précis de la science économique. 2 v. O. Paris, 1862. Admirable for its exactness of method, profundity of investigation, order and clearness of exposition. Cossa declares it to be certainly the best treatise on economic science in the French language. Chévalier, MICHEL. 1806-79. Cours d'économie politique. 1842-50. 2d ed. Paris, 1855. 3 v. 8°. Stands first among recent French economists. Prof. in Collège de France, and negotiated Franco-English treaty of 1860. "This work expounds admirably money and the means of transport," says Cossa. Courcelle-Séneuil, J. G. b. 1813. Traité théorique et pratique d'économie politique. 1858-9. 2d ed. Paris, 1867. 2 v. $5.25. One of the best treatises on the subject in the French language. There is as yet no English translation. Cournot, M. 527 p. 8°. Principes de la théorie des richesses. Paris, 1863. Has attained a high reputation in late years. The founder of the mathematical school in economics. Much quoted by Jevons and Marshall. Gide, C. Principes d'économie politique. Paris, L. Larose & Forcel, 1884. 588 p. D. Noteworthy as parting company in some respects with the classic French economists. Laveleye, Emilé de. b. 1822. Elements of Political Economy. 1882. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1883. 288 p. D. $1.50. Prof. at Liege. "Ethical political economy." Rossi, P. Cours d'économie politique. 1843-'51. "This work naturalized the doctrines of Malthus and Ricardo on French soil," says Laughlin. Say, J. B. 1767-1832. Treatise on Political Economy, 1803. 6th ed. 1841. New Amer. ed. Phila., Claxton, 1869. $2.50. "To Say we must ascribe the merit of having developed in a clear, orderly, and attractive manner the truth contained in Adam Smith's work." See Cossa, p. 171. He developed a theory of "gluts." Sismondi, J. C. L. de. 1773-1842. Nouveaux principes d'économie politique. 1819. 2d ed. 2 v. Paris, 1827. "The earliest and most distinguished of the humanitarian economists," says Laughlin. GERMAN WORKS. 2 v., 649, 796 p. O., 32 marks. Cohn, GUSTAV. System der National Oekonomie. 1886. Stuttgart, F. Enke, Professor Cohn, of Göttingen, is one of the foremost economists of Germany. His chapters on coöperation, the normal labor day, and the fundamental right to freedom of industry are of special value. V. I treats principles; v. 2, science of finance, Hermann, F. B. W. V. d. 1869. chungen. 1832. 2d ed. 8°, Munich, 1870. Staatswirthschaftliche Untersu These researches determine the more general conceptions of the science, and much influence later economists. A follower of Adam Smith. See Cossa, p. 50. Hildebrand, BRUNO. d. 1878. Die Nationalökonomie der Gegenwart und Zukunft. V. 1. Frankfort, 1848. The unfinished work of the founder of the nationalist historical school of German economists. Knies, KARL. Die politische Oekonomie vom Standpunkte der geschichtlichen Methode. 1853. 2d ed. Brunswick, 1883. This work formulates with great precision the canons of the historical school, complementing Hildebrand and Roscher. Knies challenged absolutism of theory," says Ely, "and substituted the doctrine of relativism," i.e., that economic politics should vary with times and countries. Kautz, JULIUS. Die National Oekonomik als Wissenschaft. Vienna, 1858. O. Tr. by List, F: 1789-1846. National System of Political Economy. G. A. Matile, with notes by Richelot and Cotwell. Phila., Lippincott, 1856. 8°, $2. An unfinished work. The first of German protectionists. "List's system proclaimed the temporary necessity of protectionism to help the growth of important industries in Germany, and thus to educate the nation at the cost of a momentary loss to consumers,' says Cossa. The ruling idea is nationality, to which protection is ancillary. The parts treat of history of pol, econ., theory, various systems, public [international] policy. Rau, K. H. d. 1870. Lehrbuch der Politischen Oekonomie. 1826-32. 5th ed. Leipsic, 1864. 3 v. O. Prof. at Heidelberg, an expounder of Adam Smith. The 3 vols. cover national economy, economic politics, finance. "An encyclopædia of economic doctrines, rich in statistical and bibliographical illustrations, and practical applications. Till 1854 unchallenged as the textbook in German universities." Roscher, W. b. 1817. Principles of Political Economy. 1854 (13th ed., 1877). N. Y., Holt, 1878. 2 v. 464, 452 p. O. $7.50. .. This translation covers V. 1, "Grundlagen der Nationalökonomie," of the German complete System der Volkswirthschaft; V. 2, "Ackerbau," v. 3, "Handel und Gewerbe," v. 4, "Finanzwissenschaft," are not translated. Represents the so-called historical school of the Germans, which differs from that of Mill. The uninformed reader would not, however, be likely to find any important difference of doctrine or method between Roscher and Mill. This work is a vast storehouse of learning, but its utility is somewhat impaired by the lack of an index. Author Prof. of Pol. Econ. at Univ. of Leipzig. "In the history of economics and in economic history the most learned man living," says Andrews. The Amer. translation by J: J. Lalor, from 13th German ed. has additional chapters by author on paper money, international trade and the protection system, and trans. of essay on the historical method in political economy of L. Wolowski. The German work is now in its 16th ed., Stuttgart, 1883, 4 v. For full analysis, see Brooklyn Lib. Cat.; for list of R.'s works, see Laughlin's Mill, p. 34. Schäffle, A. E. F. Das gesellschaftliche System der menschlichen Wirthschaft. 3d ed. Tübingen, 1873. 2 v. 8°. Remarkable for richness and variety of observations; author holds to the essential unity of ethics and economics. Stein, LORENZ VON. Lehrbuch der Nationalökonomie. Vienna, 1887. 8°, 457 p., 10 marks. A philosophical work, substantially in harmony with Schäffle's Socialism. POLITICAL ECONOMY: ESSAYS AND CRITICISMS. Bolles, A. S. Chapters in Political Economy. N. Y., Appleton, 1874. 206 p. D. $1.50. Sixteen papers, chiefly on importance of pol. econ., on labor, on value, money and banking, on taxation. For full analysis, see Brooklyn Lib. Cat. Carey, H: C. The Past, the Present and the Future. 1848. Phila., Baird. 174 p., 8°, $2.50. Developes his views on land, food, etc., as against Malthusianism. For full contents, see Brooklyn Lib. Cat. Elder, W: Conversations on the Principal Subjects of Political Economy. Phila., Baird, 1882. $2.50. Elder, W: Questions of the Day, economic and social. 1871. Phila., Baird, 1871. $3. A follower of H. C. Carey. Franklin, B: 1706-90. Essay on Political Economy. In his WORKS. N. Y., T. MacCoun, 1882. IO V., 4°, $20. Lunt, E. CLARK. Present Condition of Political Economy and the demand for a radical change in its methods and aims. N. Y., Putnam, 1888. 114 p. O. 75 c. Patten, SIMON N. The Premises of Political Economy. A reexamination of certain fundamental principles of economic science. Phila., J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1885. 244 p. D. $1.50. A radical and suggestive piece of criticism. Emphasizes social causes. Sumner, W. GRAHAM. Collected Essays in Political and Social Science. N. Y., H. Holt & Co., 1885. 173 p. O. $1.50. Contents: Bimetallism; Wages; The argument against protective taxes; Sociology; Theory and practice of elections: Presidential elections and civil service reform; Our colleges before the country. Vigorous essays by the foremost American representative of the individualistic school of economists. Wells, D. A. Practical Economics. A collection of essays respecting certain of the recent economic experiences of the United States. N. Y., Putnam, 1885. 59 p. O. $1.50. Contains among other chapters The Silver Question; The Foreign Competitive PauperLabor Argument for Protection; Our Experience in Taxing Distilled Spirits. Cairnes, J. E. Essays on Political Economy, Theoretical and Practical. 1873. Lond., 1878. 8°, $3.50. Can be read to advantage as a supplement to his larger work. For full contents, see Brooklyn Lib. Cat. Leslie, Th. E: CLIFFE-. d. 1882. Essays in Political and Moral Philosophy. 1879. Dublin. Represents in England the historical school and the " Germany. "professorial socialists of Price, BONAMY. Chapters on Practical Political Economy. 8°, London, 1878. $4.80. Author Prof. of Pol. Econ. at Oxford. Includes a chapter on tariff revision in U. S. For full analysis, see Brooklyn Lib. Cat. Ruskin, J: b. 1819. Munera Pulveris. 1863. Rev. ed. N. Y., Wiley, 1872. xxvii+164 p. 12°, 50 c. "Six essays on the elements of political economy." Contents: Preface, Definitions, Store-keeping, Coin-keeping, Commerce, Government, Mastership. "The first accurate analysis," claims preface," of the Laws of Political Economy which has been published in England, because no exhaustive examination is possible except to one acquainted with the Fine Arts." Ruskin, J: "Unto this Last": four essays on the first principles of political economy. 1862. N. Y., Wiley. 12°, 50 c. A glowing attack on orthodox political economy, culminating in more or less socialistic teachings. "The Crown of Wild Olive," "Political Economy of Art" and others of Ruskin's books also touch on economics, and should be read for their inspiring criticism on non-ethical economics. Torrens, ROBERT. 1784-1864. Essay on the Production of Wealth. 1821. Bastiat, M. F. 1801-50. Essays on Political Economy. N. Y., Putnam, 1877. xi+291 p. D. $1.25. Contents: Capital and Interest (The Sack of Corn, the House, the Plane). That which is seen and that which is not seen (The Broken Window, etc.). Government. What is Money. The Law. Of this last the N. Y. Nation says: "The laws of an abstruse science have never been made more clear or expressed more forcibly." Translation revised, with notes, by D. A. Wells. This is a selection from and adaptation of his essays, and "Harmonies économiques," publ. 1850. "A less profound but popular and effective writer, an economic optimist," says Cossa. For list of B.'s works, see Laughlin's Mill, p. 28. Schäffle, A. E. F. Gesammelte Aufsaetze. Tubingen, 1886. 2 v., 311 p. 12 marks. 298, Essays written during thirty years on political, economical and social topics of the time. The author is a social philosopher of the first rank; he holds to the essential unity of ethics and economics. Wagner, AD. Rede über die sociale Frage. 1872. Berlin. Wagner represents the "professorial socialists" (Katheder-Socialisten), who belittle universal or natural laws, and emphasize the modifying action of the social power. Wagner's edition of Rau's "Course," and his large original work, "Lehrbuch der Oekonomie," in course of publication, are authoritative works of this school. The American Economic Association, Professor R. T. Ely, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, Secretary, issues six pamphlets yearly, from leading economist of America (v. 1, 1886), membership subscription, $3, other, $4, yearly. The series is indispensable to an economic library. The American Academy of Political and Social Science, Prof. E. J. James, Univ. of Penn., Philadelphia, Secretary, issues its Annals quarterly (v. 1, 1890-1)., membership subscription, $5 yearly. The American Statistical Association, Prof. D. R. Dewey, Inst. of Technology, Boston, Secretary, issues four publications yearly (new series, v. I, 1889), membership subscription, $2 yearly. The American Social Science Association, F. B. Sanborn, Concord, Mass., Secretary, which includes an economic section, issues the Journal of Social Science, containing its transactions, in occasional parts (v. 1, 1866), membership subscription, $5 yearly. The Political Science Quarterly, edited by the University Faculty of Political Science of Columbia College (v. 1, 1886), is published by Ginn & Co., 743 B'way, New York, $3 per annum. |