MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Allinson, E. P., and Penrose, BOIES. Philadelphia, 1681–1887; a history of municipal development. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. series, 1887. 392 p. O. $3; shp. $3.50. An account of a great municipality's growth, with special reference to the legislation of 1887, which largely transformed the city's government. A sketch of early systems of local administration is prefixed. Billings, J: S., M.D. Municipal Government and Public Health. Phila., Am. Academy of Pol. and Social Science, 1891. 23 p. pap. 25 c. Bugbee, JAMES M. City Government of Boston. Hopkins Univ. series, 1887. 60 p. O. pap. 25 c. Baltimore, Johns The Bullitt Bill-reorganizing the municipal government of Philadelphia, adopted December 16, 1886. Phila., T. & J. W. Johnson & Co., 1887. 36 p. O. pap. 25 c. Hodder, F. H. References on Municipal Government in the United States. Ithaca, N. Y., Library Cornell Univ., 1888. 8 p. pap. 5 c. A reference to books and articles on municipal government in the U.S., and in London, Berlin, Vienna and Paris. Howe, W: W. City Government of New Orleans. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. series, 1889. 33 p. O. pap. 25 c. James, EDMUND J. Relation of the Modern Municipality to the Gas Supply. Baltimore, Amer. Economic Assoc., 1886. 76 p. O. pap. 75 c. Argues that municipalities should retain functions, such as gas supply, which are necessarily monopolies. Low, SETH. The Problem of City Government. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. series (Notes supplementary to Studies), 1889. pap. 5 c. Mathews, ROBERT. Municipal Administration. Rochester, N. Y., R. Mathews, 1885. 16 p. O. pap. Moses, BERNARD. Establishment of Municipal Government in San Francisco. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Univ. series, 1889. 83 p. O. pap. 50 c. Municipal Reform. Cambridge, Civil Service Reform Assoc., 1884. 74 p. O. The selection of Municipal officers, by T. H. Pease; Their appointment, by J: Prentiss; Their selection and tenure of office, by H: T. Terry. Three prize essays. Relation of Modern Municipalities to Quasi-Rublic Works; a Report of the Committee on Public Finance to the Council of the American Economic Assoc. Baltimore, Amer. Econ. Assoc., 1888. 87 p. O. pap. 75 c. Baltimore, Johns Shaw, ALBERT. Municipal Government in England. Baltimore, Johns Birch, W. de G. Historical Charters and Constitutional Documents of the City of London. Lond., 1887. 48+338 p. O. 25S. Firth, J: F. B. Municipal London. Lond., Longmans, 1876. 775 p. O. Vine, J. R. S. English Municipal Institutions. Lond., Waterlow, 1879. 8+272 p. O. Ios. 6d. Their growth and development from 1835 to 1879 statistically illustrated. Block, MAURICE, and Pontich, H. de. Administration de la ville de Paris et du departement de la Seine. Paris, Guillaumin, 1884. 31+ 1032 P. O. The Municipal Administration of Berlin, a communication by Hon. Andrew Dickson White, U. S. Minister to Germany, to the Secretary of State, forms part of a report of Mr. Coleman (2d Secretary of Legation at Berlin). "Foreign Relations." Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1881. P. 478-89. A study of the organization and administration of municipal government of Vienna, by Hon. J: A. Kasson, U. S. Minister to Austria, is given in a communication to the Secretary of State. Foreign Relations." Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1879. p. 64-79. The Massachusetts Society for Promoting Good Citizenship, C. F. Crehore, M.D., Secretary, 87 Milk St., Boston, has published "Annotations on Works on Civil Government," 23 p. During the winter of 1888-9 it conducted a course of lectures on municipal government. Of the first seven, a syllabus is published; Hon. Mellen Chamberlain's lecture on Josiah Quincy, the Great Mayor, is published in full. During 1891 the Society plans to reprint from Education a series of articles on Preparation for Citizenship in New England Colleges." Subscription, to the Society, $1 per year. Municipal Ownership of Gas Works in the United States, by E: W. Bemis, will be published during 1891 by the American Economic Assoc., Baltimore. Glasgow: a municipal study. Albert Shaw. Century, March, 1890. The Government of American Cities. Andrew D. White. Forum, Dec., 1890. 1887. Municipal Government in Great Britain. Albert Shaw. Political Science Quarterly, June, 1889. POLICE. Horr, NELSON T., and Bemis, ALTON A. Treatise on the power to enact, the passage, validity, and enforcement of municipal police ordinances. Cincinnati, R. Clarke & Co., 1887. 312 p. O. shp. $4. Full and authoritative. Brayer, FELIX. Manuel de police, administrative et judiciaire. Paris, Bureau du Journal des Commissaires de Police, 1877. 3+423 p. D. Held, OTTO Die bestehende Organisation und die erforderliche Reorganisation der preussichen Polizeiverwaltung. Berlin, F. Ludhardt, 1886. 6+228 p. O. INTERNATIONAL LAW, TREATIES, ARBITRATIONS, AND DIPLOMACY. The best introductory works on international law are those of Woolsey and Maine. Field presents a capital summary of existing principles, and cites every eminent authority. Wheaton, Phillimore, Twiss, and Heffter are authoritative treatises for the advanced student, Wheaton especially. Kent's Commentary may follow in order. Bluntschli's is the best codification ever prepared Wheaton and Woolsey are the principal historians of international law. Martens is the chief compiler of treaties. Those of the United States are presented in an official volume, which should be accompanied in study by Wharton's excellent Digest. In diplomacy Schuyler's and K. Marten's works are the best. Davis, G. B. Outlines of International Law; with an Account of its Origin and Sources, and of its Historical Development. N. Y., Harper, 1887. 469 p. D. $2. An introductory text-book. Field, D: DUDLEY. Outlines of an International Code. Book 1, On Peace. Book 2, On War. 2d ed. enl. N. Y., Baker, Voorhis & Co.; Lond., Trübner & Co., 1876. 3+45 +712 p. O. shp. $6.50. While this work is a project of law, it gives a concise statement of the principles of international law as now recognized by nations in their intercourse with each other. A full citation of treaties is presented, with ample notes on the leading authorities. Gallaudet, E. M. International Law. New ed. N. Y., Holt, 1886. 20+321 p. D. $1.50. Halleck, H. W. International Law; or, Rules Regulating the Intercourse of States in Peace or War. Phila., Lippincott, 1866. $2.50. International American Conference. Plan of Arbitration for the Settlement of Disputes Between the American Republics. Report and Recommendations. Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1890. 6 p. O. International American Conference. Report and Recommendations Concerning a Uniform Code of International Law. Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1890. 30 p. O. Kent, JAMES. Commentary on International Law. Rev., with notes and cases. by J. T. Abdy. 2d ed. rev. Lond., G: Bell & Sons, 1877. JOS. 6d. Includes: Naval Prize Act. 1864; Treaty of Washington and Geneva Award, 1871; Geneva Convention, 1864; Proclamation of Neutrality and Declaration as to Belligerents and Neutrals, 1877; Foreign Enlistment Act, 1870; and a tabulated list of the Russian and Turkish Treaties, 1699-1871. Lyman, THEO. Diplomacy of the United States. Boston, Wells & Lilly, 1828. 2 v. 8°. An important work. May be had in the chief public libraries. Personal Instructions to diplomatic agents of the United States in foreign countries. (State Department), Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1885. Pomeroy, J. N. International Law in Time of Peace. Ed. by Theo. D. Woolsey. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1886. 14+481 p. O. $5. Lectures delivered in 1866-7; serves as a good introduction to the subject. Schuyler, EUGENE. American Diplomacy and the Furtherance of ComN. Y., Scribner, 1886. 469 p. O. $2.50. merce. Explains the workings of the Consular and Diplomatic Service. Treaties and Conventions Between the United States and the Powers, 1776 to 1887. Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1889. 13 +1334 P. O. Contains notes, with reference to negotiations preceding the several treaties, to the executive, legislative, or judicial construction of them, and to the causes of some of them. A chronological list is given, and an analytical index. Trescot, W. H. Diplomacy of the Revolution, an Historical Study. N. Y., Appleton, 1852. Out of print. May be had in the larger public libraries. Wharton, FRANCIS. Digest of the International Law of the United States, taken from documents issued by Presidents and Secretaries of State, from decisions of Federal Courts and Opinions of Attorneys-General. Senate misc. doc. no. 162, pts. 1-3. Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1886. 3 v. Wheaton, H. Elements of International Law. 2d annotated edition by W: B. Lawrence. Bost., Little, Brown & Co.; Lond., Sampson Low, 1863. 2 v. 1095+47 p. O. Wheaton, H. Elements of International Law. 8th ed. Ed. by R: H. Dana. Bost., 1866. 47+749 p. O. Wheaton, H. 1848. Elements du droit international. 2 v. in 1. Leipzig, Wheaton, H. History of the Law of Nations in Europe and America from the earliest times to the treaty of Washington, 1842. N. Y., 1845. 14+ 797 p. O. Woolsey, THEODORE D. Introduction to the Study of International Law. 6th ed. N. Y., Scribner, 1891. $2.50. Revised to date and enlarged by Theodore Salisbury Woolsey, Professor of International Law, Yale Univ. This work, specially designed as an aid in teaching and in historical studies, is the best introduction to the subject. Amos, SHELDON. Political and Legal Remedies for War. N. Y., Harper, 1880. 2+364 p. O. $1.50. Hosack, J: On the Rise and Growth of the Law of Nations from the Earliest Times to the Treaty of Utrecht. Lond., Murray, 1882. 12+394 P. O. 12s. Levi, LEONE. International Law, with Materials for a Code of International Law. International Scientific series, no. 60. N. Y., Appleton, 1888. 12+346 p. D. $1.50. The chapters on treaties are very full. Maine, Sir H: J. SUMNER. International Law. N. Y., Holt, 1888. 234 p. O. $2.75. A series of twelve lectures introductory to the subject, characterized by the author's encyclopedic knowledge. ed. Phillimore, Sir ROBERT. Commentaries upon International Law. 2d Lond., Butterworth, 1871-74. 4 v. O. 53s. Twiss, Sir TRAVERS. Law of Nations Considered as Independent Political Communities. Pt. 1, On the Rights and Duties of Nations in Time of Peace. 2d ed. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1875. 60+620 p. O. $3.75. Westlake, J: Treatise on International Law, with principal reference to its practice in England. Lond., W: Maxwell & Son, 1880. 27+340 p. O. 15s. Garden, GUILLAUME, Comte de. Histoire générale des traités de paix, et autres transactions principales entre tous les puissances de l'Europe, depuis la paix de Westphalie. Paris, 1848-59. 14 V. Lefèvre, EMILE. Réorganisation du consulat Français a l'étranger. Bibliothèque du Cercle Parisien. Paris, E. Dentu, 1883. 160 p. Q. Cours diplomatique; ou, Tableau des relations extél'Europe tant entre elles qu'avec d'autres états dans les Berlin, 1801. 3 v. O. Martens, G: F. v. rieures des puissances de diverses parties du globe. Martens, G: F. v. Précis du droit des gens modernes de l'Europe. Augmenté des notes de Pinheiro-Ferreira, avec bibliographie pas Ch. Verge. 2me ed. aug. Paris, 1864. Martens, G: F. v. Recueil de traités des puissances et états de l'Europe, 1761-1808. 2me ed. aug. Gottingue, 1817-35. 8 v. O. Martens, G: F. v. Nouveau recueil de traités des puissances et états de l'Europe, 1808-37. Gottingue, 1817-41. 16 v. O. Martens, G: F. v. Nouveaux supplemens au recueil de traité des puissances et états 1761-1339. Suivié d'un appendix par F: Murhard. Got tingue, 1837-42. 3 v. O. Martens, G: F. v. Nouveau recueil général de traités, 1840-73, redigé par F: Murhard. Gottingue, 1843-75. 22 v. O. Martens, G: F. v. Nouveau recueil général de traités et autre actes relatif aux rapports de droits international. Par C. Samwer et Jules Kopf. Gottingue, 1876. 14 v. O. Martens, G: F. v. Table générale du recueil des traités. Gottingue, 1875-6. V. I, Chronological. V. 2, Alphabetical. Martens, K., Freiherr v. Le guide diplomatique. 5me éd. Refondue par F. H. Geffcken. Leipzig, 1866. 3 v. O. Tetot, A. Repertoire des traités de paix. Paris, Amyot, 1866–73. 2 v. O. Bluntschli, J. K. Das moderne Völkerrecht der Civilisirten Staaten als Rechtsbuch dargestellt. 3d ed. Nördlingen, C. H. Beck, 1878. 12+541 p. O. Same. Le droit international codifié. Tr. par C. Lardy, et précéde d'une préface par E: Laboulaye. 3me ed. aug. Paris, Guillaumin, 1881. 8+ 590 p. O. Ghillany, F. W., ed. Diplomatisches Handbuch. Nördlingen, C. H. Beck, 1855-68. 3 v. O. Heffter, A. W. Das Europäische Völkerrecht der Gegenwart auf den bisherigen Grundlagen. 6te aufl. 12+523 p. O. Berlin, 1873. Same. Le droit international public de l'Europe. Tr. par J. Bergson. Berlin, 1866. 12+507 P. O. Holtzendorff, FRANZ V. Handbuch des Völkerrechts. Hamburg, J. F. Richter, 1886-7. 3 v. 523, 671, 797 p. 68 marks. A valuable contribution to the literature of international jurisprudence. Kamarowsky, L., Count. Le tribunal international. Tr. par Serge de Westman et précédé d'une introd. par J. Lacointa. Bibliothèque internationale et diplomatique, no. 21. Paris, G. Pedone-Lauriel, 1887. 4+34+528 p. O. Grotius, HUGO. De Jure Belli et Pacis. Lond. and N. Y., Macmillan, 1875. 3 v. O. $3.50. With the notes of Barbeyrac and others; accompanied by an abridged translation of the text by W: Whewell, D.D. The translation separate, 1 V., $1.75. Grotius is the father of the science of international law, but his work is now referred to rather than read. The State Department, Washington, published in 1881 a catalogue of the works in its library relating to the law of nations and diplomacy. The Assoc. for the Reform and the Codification of the Law of Nations, 33 Chancery Lane, London, publishes an annual report (no. 1, 1873). |