Puslapio vaizdai

Sarwey, O. v. Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht. Tübingen, H. Laupp, 1887.

Stein, LORENZ v. Handbuch der Verwaltungslehre. Stuttgart, J. G. Cotta, 1876. 27+898 p. O.

Zorn, PH. Das Staatsrecht des deutschen Reichs. tag, 1880-83. 2 v. S.

Berlin, F. GuttenComparative Administrative Law and Science, by Prof. F. J. Goodnow, is in preparation for the series in Systematic Political Science, by the Univ. Faculty of Pol. Science, Columbia College, N. Y.

In J. F. Jameson's "Constitutional History of the U. S., 1775-89," [Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1889.] Mr. Guggenheimer has a chapter on "The Development of the Executive Departments."



Bowker, R: R. Electoral Reform, with the Massachusetts Ballot Reform Act, and New York (Saxton) Bill. Economic tract, no. 25. N. Y., Soc. for Political Education, 1889. 49 p. D. pap. 15 c.

McKnight, D. A. Electoral System of the United States; a critical and historical exposition of its fundamental principles, and of the acts and proceedings of Congress enforcing it. Phila., Lippincott, 1878. 433 p. O. $3.

McMillan, D. C. Elective Franchise in the United States, with a pref. by Horatio Seymour. N. Y., Putnam, 1880. 198 p. D. $1.

A review of the effects of the caucus system on the civil service, and the principles and policies of parties. Proposes the control of primary elections by law.

O'Neil, C: A.

acter and History.

American Electoral System. An Analysis of its Char-
N. Y., Putnam, 1887. 9+284 p. D. $1.50.

A discussion of the defects in the methods of choosing the President and Vice-President of the United States, with suggestions for reform.

Stanwood, E History of Presidential Elections. Rev. ed. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1888. 5+407 p. $1.50.

Stanton, Mrs. ELIZABETH CADY, Anthony, SUSAN B., and Gage, MATILDA J., eds. History of Woman Suffrage. N. Y., Fowler & Wells, 1882. 3 v. O. $5.

Sterne, SIMON. Suffrage in Cities. Economic monograph, no. 7. N. Y., Putnam, 1878. 41 p. D. pap. 25 c.

A sharp criticism. Proposes that only citizens who pay taxes shall vote. Wigmore, J: H. The Australian Ballot System as embodied in the legislation of various countries; with an historical introd. Bost., C. C. Soule, 1889.

155 p. O. $1.

Woman Suffrage. Imp.

Dilke, Mrs. ASHTON, and Woodall, W., M.P.
Parl. series, no. 5. Lond., Swan Sonnenschein, 1885. D. IS.

Lubbock, Sir J: Representation. Imp. Parl. series, no. 2. Lond., Swan Sonnenschein, 1885. 3+90 p. D. IS.

Walpole, SPENCER. The Electorate and the Legislature. English Citizen series. Lond., Macmillan, 1881. 160 p. D. $1.

Borgeaud, CHARLES. Histoire du plébiscité. V. 1. Le plébiscite dans l'antiquité. Paris, E. Thorin, 1887. 200 p. 3.50 fr.

The first volume in a series. The author thinks that the people will soon directly make laws as they now pass upon constitutional amendments-through the ballot-box.

Guer, E. G. de. Manuel électoral. 2me ed. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 372p. D.


A practical guide to elections municipal, departmental, legislative, and consular; also to the elections of councils of prud'hommes. Endorsed by the French Minister of the Interior.

Prins, ADOLPHE. La démocratie et le régime parlementaire. Bruxelles, C. Muquardt, 1887. 220 p. D. 4 fr.

A criticism of democratic government, with a suggestion that the suffrage be limited and representation distributed according to economic interests-those of farmers, laborers. artisans, etc.

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See Mrs. M. G. Fawcett on 'Why women require the franchise," in Essays and Lectures by H: and M. G. Fawcett. Lond., Macmillan, 1872.

262-91 p.

The leading journal in the United States for the advocacy of Woman Suffrage is the Woman's Journal, weekly, $2.50 per year, published at 3 Park Street, Boston.

The City Reform Club of New York issues an Annual Record from its office, 41 Park Row, giving a review of a session of the Legislature at Albany, a biographical sketch of each representative and senator of New York City, with an account of his conduct as a legislator, his votes, and the bills (if any) introduced by him.

The Ballot in England. E. Goadby and H. H. Asquith. Political Science Quarterly, Dec., 1888.

The Ballot in New York. A. C. Bernheim. Political Science Quarterly, March, 1889.

Compulsory Voting as a Means of Correcting Political Abuses. F: S. Holls. Annals Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc Science, Phila., April, 1891. Also, separately,

50 c.

Electoral Reform Legislation. C: Claflin Allen. Arena, Dec., 1890.

With special reference to Corrupt Practices Acts.

The Federal Election Bill. H. C. Lodge and T. V. Powderly. N. A. Review, Sept., 1890.

National Control of Elections. Sen. W. E. Chandler. Forum, Aug., 1890.


Buckalew, C. R. Proportional Representation. Ed. by John G. Freese. Phila., 1872. 8°, $3.

Treats of the representation of successive majorities in the federal, state, municipal, corporate, and primary elections. With an appendix.

Dutcher, SALEM. Minority or Proportional Representation, its nature, aims, history, processes, and practical operation. N. Y., U. S. Pub. Co., 1872. 165 p. O. $1.50.

Quincy, J. P. Protection of Majorities; or, Considerations Relating to an Electoral Reform, with other papers. Bost., Roberts, 1876. 163 p. D. $1.

Sterne, SIMON. Representative Government and Personal Representation. Phila., Lippincott, 1871. D. $1.75.

Hare, T: Election of Representatives,_parliamentary and municipal. 4th ed. Lond., Longmans. 1873. 47 +380 p. D. 75.

Representation of Minorities. D: D. Field. Journal Am. Social Sci. Assoc.,



Bernard, G: S. Civil Service versus The Spoils System. N. Y., J: B. Alden, 1885. 128 p. S. pap. 10 c.

Articles reprinted from the Index-Appeal of Petersburg, Va.

Bonaparte, C: J. Civil Service Reform as a Moral Question. N. Y., National Civil Service Reform League, 1889. 8 p. D. pap. 2 c.

Bowker, R: R. Civil Service Examinations. Economic tract, no. 22. N. Y., Soc. for Political Education, 1886. 45 p. D. pap. 15 c.

Introduction stating the principles of Civil Service Reform examinations, followed by question papers representing national, state, and municipal examinations, with actual answers of successful and unsuccessful candidates.

Brown, WILLARD. Civil Service Reform in the New York CustomHouse. N. Y., N. Y. Civil Service Reform Assoc., 1882. 19 p. D. pap. 5 c. Bugbee, JAMES M. The Selection of Laborers. N. Y., National Civil Service Reform League, 1885. 8 p. D. pap. 2 c.

By a member of the Massachusetts Civil Service Commission. Also published in German at same price.

Civil Service Question-Book. Syracuse, N. Y., C. W. Bardeen, 1888. 282 p. S. $1.50.

Intended to be a sufficient review in all subjects upon which questions are asked in civil service examinations; with full answers and directions as to applications for examinations and positions.

Clarke, W. H.


The Civil Service Law. N. Y., L. K. Strouse & Co., 200 p. D. $1.

A defence of the law passed by Congress Jan. 16, 1883, with corroborative evidence from the works of eminent American statesmen.

Comstock, J. M. Civil Service in the United States. N. Y., Holt, 1885. 602 p. D. $2.

A catalogue of non-elective positions and information in regard to competitive examinations, under the Act of 1883. Also, a description of the Civil Service of New York and Massachusetts and of their municipalities.

Curtis, G: W: Address to the Voters of the United States. N. Y., National Civil Service Reform League, 1882. 10 p. S. pap. 2 c.

Eaton, DORMAN B. Civil Service in Great Britain: A History of Abuses and Reforms, and Their Bearing upon American Politics. With an introd. by G: W: Curtis. N. Y., Harper, 1879. 14+469 p. O. $2.50. Also, 1881 (Franklin Square Library.) 82 p. Q. pap. 25 c.

The most comprehensive and complete exposition of administrative abuses and reforms yet published, traced historically from Norman times. It sets forth the theoretical and practical effects of the reform in Great Britain and India, and explains the bearing of that experience upon the administration of this country.

Eaton, DORMAN B. The Spoils System and the Custom-House and Post-Office at New York. Reform Assoc., 1881. 136 p. D. pap. 15 c.

Civil 'Service Reform in
N. Y., N. Y. Civil Service

Eaton, DORMAN B. Term and Tenure of Office. 2d ed. abridged. N. Y., N. Y. Civil Service Reform Assoc., 1882. 76 p. D. pap. 15 c.

Foulkes, W: D. Civil Service Reform, its later aspects. Economic tract, no. 31. N. Y., Society for Political Education, 1890. 13 p. D. pap. 10 c. The author was Chairman Special Committee National Civil Service Reform League. Godkin, E. L. The Danger of an Office-Holding Aristocracy. N. Y., N. Y. Civil Service Reform Assoc. pap. 5 c.

Parton, JAMES. Beginning of the Spoils System in the National Government, 1829-30. N. Y., N. Y. Civil Service Reform Assoc., 1882. 23 p. D. pap. 5 c.

Reprinted from Parton's "Life of Andrew Jackson."

Primer of Civil Service Reform. N. Y., N. Y. Civil Service Reform Assoc., 1885. 20 p. S. pap. 2 c.

Also published in German at same price.

Richmond, H: A. The Workingmen's Interest in Civil Service Reform. N. Y., N. Y. Civil Service Reform Assoc., 1888. 19 p. D. pap. 3 c.

Shepard, E: M. The Competitive Test and the Civil Service of States and Cities. Economic tract, no. 14. N. Y., Soc. for Political Education, 1884. 43 p. D. pap. 25 c.

The United States Civil Service Commission issues reports, (no. 1, 1884), also a compilation of laws. (Washington, Gov. Pr. Office.)

The Civil Service Commission of Massachusetts issues an annual report of especial value. The Civil Service Commission of New York (Albany) issues an annual report (no. 1, 1884).

The Supervisory Board of Commissioners of the New York Municipal Civil Service, City Hall, New York, issues an annual report, no. 1, 1885, Nos. I and 2 are out of print. These reports give the regulations of the New York City Civil Service, with details of their working. The schedules filled out by applicants are included.

The National Civil Service Reform League, W: Potts, Secretary, 56 Wall St., New York, is an organization of the local Civil Service Reform Associations throughout the Union, and is maintained by them. It publishes the proceedings of its annual meetings, 1882, 10 c. per copy; 1884-87, 5 c. per copy; 1889-90, 8 c. per copy, to be had from the Secretary, or from G: P. Putnam's Sons, New York. These give the annual addresses of G: W: Curtis, President of the League.

The New York Civil Service Reform Association, W: Potts, Secretary, 56 Wall St.. New York, annual subscription, $5, publishes an annual report, (no. I, 1883.) These and other publications of the Association may be had from the Secretary, or from G: P. Putnam's Sons, New York.

There are many other similar Associations throughout the United States. The most important of them are those of Baltimore, Boston, Brookline, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Cambridge, Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Rochester, and Syracuse.

Journals advocating the reform are The Civil Service Chronicle, Indianapolis, monthly, 50 c. per year; The Civil Service Record, Boston, monthly, 50 c. per year, and The Civil Service Reformer, Baltimore, monthly, $1 per year.

Do the People Wish Civil Service Reform? A. B. Hart. Forum, March, 1890.

Merit System vs. Patronage System. Theodore Roosevelt. Century, Feb., 1890.

An Object Lesson in Civil Service Reform. Theodore Roosevelt. Atlantic Monthly, Feb., 1891.

Obstacles to Civil Service Reform. W. M. Ferriss. Forum, July, 1890. Some Popular Objections to Civil Service Reform. O. T. Morton. Atlantic Monthly, April and May, 1890.

Why Patronage in Offices is un-American. H. C. Lodge. Century, Oct., 1890.


Francisco, M. J. Review of Argument for Limited Post and Telegraph by the Postmaster-General. Rutland, Vt., M. J. Francisco, 1891. 48 p. O. pap. gratis.

An adverse review.

Wells, DAVID A. Relation of the Government to the Telegraph: a review of propositions for changing the telegraphic service of the country. N. Y., 1873. 170 p. pap. O.

Hill, G. B. Life of Sir Rowland Hill, and History of Penny Postage. Lond., De La Rue, 1880. 2 v. 30s.

Lewins, W: Her Majesty's Mails, an historical and descriptive account of the British Post Office. Lond., 1864. 9+348 p. D.

Rothschild, ARTHUR.

Histoire de la poste aux lettres. 2me ed. aug Paris, Hachette & Cie., 1873. 394 p. D.

König, B. E. zur Gegenwart.

Schöttle, G. Stuttgart, 1883.

Geschichte der Deutschen Post, von ihren Anfängen bis
Eisenach, 1889. 8+479 p. D.

Der Telegraph in administrativer und finanzieller Hinsicht.
327 p. O.

An excellent work.

The Post-Office Department of the United States (Washington, Gov. Pr Office), issues an annual report.

The Postal Telegraph Service in Foreign Countries, a report compiled by R. B. Lines, is contained in v. 4, 19th Census Reports, Washington, Gov. Pr. Office, 1883.

Public Control of the Telegraph. Bronson C. Keeler. Forum, June, 1890.


Cooper, J. F. History of the Navy of the United States to 1853. Continued to 1860. Bost., Mason, 1860.

Ingersoll, L. D. History of the War Department of the United States. Washington, F. B. Mohun, 1879. 613 p. O. $3.50.

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