Puslapio vaizdai

Thought, such stores as silent, 453. | Thread, feels at each, 286.

sudden, strikes.me, 433.
sweet silent, 139.

thou couldst have died, 549.
thou wert a beautiful, 519.
thy wish was father to that, 69.
to have common, 293.

two souls with a single, 597-
vain or shallow, 571.
want of, wrought by, 554.
what oft was, 297.

whistled for want of, 237.
would destroy, 354.

Thoughts, all, 472..

alone with noble, 19,
as boundless, 524.
as harbingers, 221.
calm, 475.

dark soul and foul, 208.
downward bent, 185.
give thy worst of, 132.
great feelings great, 566.
high erected, 19.
more elevate, 188.

no tongue, give thy, 109.
of men are widened, 581.
of mortality, 221.

on hospitable, intent, 197.
pleasant, bring sad, 453.
pretty to force together, 472.
regular as infant's breath, 475.
river of his, 527-
shut up want air, 279.
sober second, 247.
strange, transcend, 222.
style is the dress of, 324.
that breathe, 355.
that shall not die, 460.

that voluntary move, 191.
that wander, 187.
to conceal his, 657.
too deep for tears, 458.
whose very sweetness, 452.
Thousand apparitions, 32.

crimes, one virtue and, 525.
decencies, 200.
fearful wracks, 76.
fragrant posies, 15.
hills, cattle upon a, 616.
innocent shames, 32.
lines, dry desert of a, 305.
liveried angels, 209.
melodies, 434.

one among a, 625.

one become a, 630.

years in thy sight, 617.

years scarce serve a, 515.

Thousands die without or this, 294.
slave to, 133.

to murder, 283.

of his verbosity, 36.
Threadbare sail, set every, 589.
Threats, no terror in your, 93.
of a halter, 413.

Three corners of the world, 58.
firm friends, 475.

gentlemen at once, 414.
hundred pounds a year, 26.
insides, carrying, 433.
merry boys, 155.
misbegotten knaves, 63.
per cents, simplicity of, 413.
poets in three ages, 238.
removes bad as a fire, 336.
treasures love and light, 475-
years' child, 461.

Threefold cord, 624.
Three-hooped pot, 73.
Three-man beetle, 67.
Threescore, bachelor of, 30.
burden of, 370.

years and ten, 617.
Thrice flew thy shaft, 277.
he assayed, 184.

he routed all his foes, 233-
he slew the slain, 233.

is he armed, 72.

my peace was slain, 277.

Thrift may follow fawning, 118.
thrift Horatio, 108.

Throat, Amen stuck in my, 99.
Throbs of fiery pain, 338.
Throne, ebon, 277.

here is my, 56.

king upon his, 546.

living, sapphire blaze, 355.
my bosom's lord sits lightly
in his, 87.

no brother near the, 302.
of rocks, 529.

of royal state, 185.
power behind the, 346.
whisper of the, 585.

wrong for ever on the, 593.
Thrones and globes elate, 411.
dominations, 197.

stakes were, 530.

Throng into my memory, 207.
lowest of your, 196.

Throwing a tub, 261.
Thumb, miller's golden, 2.
Thumbs, pricking of my, 103.
Thumping on your back, 400.
Thumps upon the back, 400.
Thunder heard remote, 188.
in his lifted hand, 237.
leaps the live, 517.
lightning or in rain, 95.
steal my, 254-

Thunderbolts, with all your, 94.
Thunder-harp of pines, 596.
Thunder-storm against the wind,

Thus let me live, 311.

Thwack, with many a stiff, 226.
Thyme, pun-provoking, 352.
wild, blows, 38.
Thyself and thy belongings, 26.
Tickle your catastrophe, 67.
Tickled with a straw, 289.
Tide in the affairs of men, 94.
of love, pity swells the, 279.
of times, lived in the, 91.
Tidings as they roll, 268.

when he frowned, 373.
Tie, love endures no, 238.

silver link the silken, 488.
up the knocker, 301.
Tiger, Hyrcan, 102.

in war imitate the, 70.
Tight little island, 544-
Tiles and chimney-pots, 464.
Till angels wake thee, 339.
Tilt at all I meet, 304.
Tilts with a straw, 452.
Timber, like seasoned, 163.

wedged in that, 246.

Timbrel, sound the loud, 501.
Time, abysm of, 22.

age and body of the, 118.
ambles withal, 48.
and the hour runs, 96.
bank and shoal of, 97.
bastard to the, 56.
bid, return, 59.
break the legs of, 590.
brings increase, 349.
choose thine own, 409.
count, by heart-throbs, 569.
curious, 143.

delight to pass away the, 75.
do not squander, 336.
elaborately thrown away, 284.
even such is, 17.

flies death urges, 278.
fools with the, 67.
footprints on the sands of, 573.
forefinger of all, 582.
foremost files of, 581.
forget all, 195.

frozen round periods of, 189.
gallops withal, 48.
gaze of the, 106.

travels withal, 48.

trots withal, 48.
hallowed is the, 107.

has laid his hand gently, 574.
has not cropt the roses, 349.
hath to silver turned, 147.

Time, he that lacks, 567.
his, is forever, 177.
how small a part of, 179.
is fleeting, 573-

is out of joint, 113.
is quiet as a nun, 445.
is still a-flying, 167.


kept the, with falling oars, 231.
look into the seeds of, 95.
look like the, 97.
makes these decay, 158.
noiseless falls the foot of, 480.
noiseless foot of, 52.
nor place adhere, 98.

not of an age but for all, 152.
now is the accepted, 641.
of scorn, 135.

of the singing of birds, 627.
panting, toii'd after him, 338.
procrastination thief of, 277.
promised on a, 15.

rich with the spoils of, 358.
robs us of our joys, 602.
rolls his ceaseless course, 491.
saltness of, 67.

sent before my, 75.

shall throw a dart, at thee, 152.
silence and slow, 547.
so gracious is the, 107.
still as he flies, 349.
syllable of recorded, 105.
take no note of, 277.
taught by, 316.
teeth of, 570.
to beguile the, 96.
to every purpose, 624.
to mourn, lacks, 567.
too swift, 147-

tooth of, 29, 284.
transported, with envy, 602.
tries the troth, 7.
unthinking, 239.

what will not, subdue, 316.
whereof, 379.
whips and scorns of, 116.
whirligig of, 55.

will doubt of Rome, 534.
will run back, 216.
will teach thee, 575.
with reckless hand, 578.
with thee conversing, 195.
writes no wrinkle, 521.

Time's devouring hand, 332.
furrows, 280.

noblest offspring, 273.

Times, corrector of enormous, 158.
fashion of these, 46.
giddy-paced, 53.
glory of the, 632.
good or evil, 142.

[blocks in formation]

stand a, 71.

stands on, 164.

Tired he sleeps, till, 289.

nature's sweet restorer, 277.

Tithe of mint, 636.

or toll, 57.

Title long and dark, 235.

who gained no, 295.

Titles, high though his, 488.
To all to each, 490.

be of no church, 341.

be or not to be, 116.
be undonne, 12.

horse away, 264.

see her was to love her, 423.

Toad, squat like a, 195.

ugly and venomous, 45.
Toad-eater, Pulteney's, 364.
Toast pass, let the, 415.
Tobacco, sublime, 530.
Tocsin of the soul. 534.
To-day already walks in, 476.
be wise, 277.

I have lived, 240.
pleasure to be drunk, 333.
Toe, light fantastic, 213.

of frog, eye of newt, 102.
of peasant, 123.
Toil and trouble, 102, 233.
days with, 71.

envy want the jail, 337.
from, he wins, 361.
govern those that, 370.
morn of, 491.

not neither do they spin, 633.

o'er books, 319.

patient of, 402.

verse sweetens, 368.
why all this, 453.

Toiled, forgot for which he, 139.

Tokay, imperial, 352.
Toledo trusty, blade, 225.

Tolerable not to be endured, 32.
Toll for the brave, 398.

or tithe, 57-

Tom, he that calls me, 174.
Tomb, awakes from the, 403.
darkness encompass the, 505.
kings for such a, 216.
nature cries from the, 359.
nearer to the, 281.

no inscription on my, 486.
of him who would have made
glad the world, 559.
of the Capulets, 385.
threefold fourfold, 174.
Tombs, hark from the, 270.
To-morrow, already walks, 476.
and to-morrow, 105.
boast not thyself of, 623.
cheerful as to-day, 294
defer not till, 272.

do thy worst, 240.

is falser, 243,

never leave that till, 336.
the darkest day live till, 400.
tints with prophetic ray, 524-
to be put back, 15.
to fresh woods, 212.
we shall die, 629.
will be dying, 167.
will repay, 243.
To-morrow's sun, 272.
To-morrows, confident, 461.
Tom's food seven long year, 127.
Tone of languid nature, 390.
Tonge, kepen wel thy, 4.
Tongs, shovel and, 566.
Tongue an unruly member, 644-
braggart with my, 104.
brings in a several tale, 77.
can no man tame, 644.
dropped manna, 186.
give thy thoughts no, 109.
in every wound of Cæsar, 93.
let the candid, 118.
man that hath a, 24.
music's golden, 547-
never in the, of him, 36.
no, to wound us, 499.
of midnight, 39.
rancour of your, 322.
stopped his tuneful, 312.
sweet morsel under his, 247-
that Shakespeare spake, 449.
though it have no, 115.
understanding but no, 109.
win a woman with his, 24.
Tongues, airy, 207.

aspic's, 134.

in trees, 45-
lovers', by night, 85.

[blocks in formation]

to name his, 224.

Tooth for tooth, 609.
of time, 29, 284.

poison for the age's, 56.
sharper than a serpent's, 125.
Tooth-ache, endure the, 33.
Top, die at the, 262.

of my bent, 120.

whips his taxed, 466.
Topples round the west, 584.
Tops of the eastern pines, 59.
Torches, as we do with, 26.
Torments our elements, 187.
Torrent and whirlwind's roar, 370.
is heard on the hill, 402.
of a downward age, 328.
of a woman's will, 276.
of his fate, 337.
so the loud, 370.

Torrent's smoothness, 485.
Torrents, motionless, 473.
Torture his invention, 260.
of the mind, 101.
one poor word, 238.
Torturing hour, 354-
Toss him to my breast, 164.
Touch harmonious, 339-

not taste not, 642.

of a vanished hand, 582.
of celestial temper, 196.
of joy or woe, 364.
of Liberty's war, 502.
of nature, 81.

put it to the, 181.
wound with a, 321.

Touched nothing that he did not

adorn, 339.

Touched the highest point, 78.
Touches of sweet harmony, 4+.
Toucheth pitch, 632.
Touchstone, man's true, 157.
Touchy testy fellow, 268.
Tough is J. B., 588.
Tower, Athena's, 515.
of strength, 77.
Towering passion, 125.
Towers above her sex, 265.
along the steep, 483.
and battlements, 213.
indorsed with, 203.
of Ilium, 20.
of Julius, 356.

the cloud-capp'd, 23.
Town, man made the, 390.
Towns, for want of, 260.
Toys, fantastic, 362.
of age, 289.

to the great children, 330.
we spent them not in, 177.
Trade, two of a, 679.
Trade's proud empire, 339.
Tragedies, attic, 219.
Tragedy, gorgeous, 215.
of Hamlet, 494.

Trail of the serpent, 495.
Trailing clouds of glory, 457.
Train, a melancholy, 370.
of night, 197.
starry, 195.
up a child, 622.

Traitors, fears do make us, 103.
our doubts are, 27.

Trammel up the consequence, 97.
Trample on my days, 222.
Trance, unimaginable, 475.
Tranquillity, heaven was, 496.
Transfigures its golden hair, 592.
Transforms old print, 391.
Transgressors, way of, 620.
Transient chaste, 280.

Transition, what seems so is, 577-
Transitory, action is, 436.
Translated, thou art, 38.

Translucent wave, 210.

Transmitter of a foolish face, 326.
Transmuted ill, 337-

Transmutes bereaves, 455.
Transport know, can ne'er a, 348.
Trappings and suits of woe, 108.
of a monarchy, 341.
Travail, labour for 81.
Travel on life's common way, 449.
twelve stout miles, 437.
Travelled life's dull round, 351.
Traveller from Lima, 561.

from New Zealand, 561.
from the Zuyder Zee, 561.

Traveller, lighted the, 499.

spurs the lated, 101.
Travel's history, in my, 129.
Travels, contemplation of my, 49.
Tray Blanch and Sweetheart, 127.
Treacle, fly that sips, 319.
Tread a measure, 36.

again the scene, 479.
each other's heel, 279.
where'er we, 515.
Treads on it daily, 209.
Treason can but peep, 122.

doth never prosper, 149.
has done his worst, 101.
if this be, 407:

none dare call it, 149.
Treasons, is fit for, 44.

Treasure is, where your, 633.

miser's, 208.

of his eyesight,

rich the, 233.


Treasures hath he not always, 475.
sea-born, fetched my, 571.
three, love light and calm
thoughts, 475.

up a wrong, 530.

Treatise, rouse at a dismal, 105.
Treble, childish, 48.
Tree, die like that, 262.

falleth, where the, 626.

fruit of that forbidden, 182.
I planted, 518.

in the wide waste, 526.
is inclined, 292.

is known by his fruit, 634.
like a green bay, 615.
my hollow, 304-

of deepest root is found, 410.
of liberty, 428.
of Life, 193.
things done in a green, 638.
under the greenwood, 46.
woodman spare that, 564.
Trees, blossoms in the, 287.
bosom'd high in tufted, 213.
drop tears as Arabian, 136.
just hid with, 537.
like leaves on, 315.
tongues in, 45.
venerable, 447-

Tremble thou wretch, 126.

when I wake, 391.
Tremblers, boding, 373.
Trembles too, turning, 364.
Trenchant blade, 225.
Trencherman, valiant, 30.
Tresses like the morn, 210.
Trial by juries, 406.

Tribe, richer than all his, 136.

the badge of all our, 40.

Tribe were God Almighty's gen-
tlemen, 236.

Tribes that slumber, 556.
Tribute, nature under, 431.
not one cent for, 427.
of a sigh, 359.

vain, of a smile, 487.
Trick, in doubt win the, 657.
of our English nation, 67.
of singularity, 54.
worth two of that, 62.
Tricks, fantastic, 28.
in simple faith, 93.
sportive, 74

that are vain, 598.
Tride, thou that hast not, 15.
without consent, 154.

Tried each art, 372.

to blame who has been, 321.
Trifle, careless, 96.

think naught a, 283.

Trifles light as air, 133.
painted, 362.
unconsidered, 55.
with honest, 95.
Trim reckoning, 66.
Triton blow his horn, 445-
of the minnows, 81.
Triumph, pursue the, 292.
Triumphal arch, 484.
Triumphant death, 202.

faith, o'er our fears, 576.
Trivial fond records, 113.
Trodden the wine-press alone, 630.
Trojans, distant, 314.

Troop, farewell the plumed, 134-
Troops of error, 181.

of friends, 104.
Trope, out there flew a, 224.
Trophies, need not raise, 175.
Tropic, under the, 179.
Troth, time tries the, 7.
Troubadour, gaily the, 553.
Trouble, double toil and, 102.
man is born unto, 611.
of few days and full of, 612.
Troubles, against a sea of, 116.
of the brain, 105.
Trousers, steam-engine in, 465.
Trowel, laid on with a, 45.
Troy divine, tale of, 215.
fired another, 234.
half his, was burned, 66.
heard, doubted, 534
hope of, 315.

laid in ashes, 251.
where is, 332.

Troy's proud glories, 314.

Truant, aged ears play, 35.

husband should return, 531.

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