2 His reign hath no end, His wisdom ne'er errs, PSALM XXXI. All men, especially Britons, call'd to the praise of God. 2 Health and plenty crown our land, PSALM XXXII. God our shepherd. I LO, my shepherd is divine, He shall tend his happy charge. ME. 2 When I faint with fummer's heat He shall lead my weary feet 3 To the streams that, ftill and flow, He my foul anew shall frame, 5 Thou haft rais'd my drooping head, 6 Till my latest hour draws near PSALM XXXIII. ME. The true business of life, and the happy issue of a pa tient perfeverance in it. I BE this, O Lord, our business here, With ferious industry and fear, Our future blifs to enfure; Thine holy counfels to fulfil; To fuffer all thy righteous will; 2 Then, Lord, our willing fouls receive, And reign in heaven above, WE. PSALM XXXIV. Univerfal praife. 1 PRAISE to thee, thou great creator, 2 For ten thousand bleffings given, Sound his praise thro' earth and heaven, THE END. F. Every pfalm in the collection is ranged under fome If a proper palm should not be found under the title by which it is first fought, let it be fought under A ACTIVITY, chriftian, 1. 22.-II. 74. AFFLICTION, fee refignation, &c. 11. 28. tion, III. 20. ATTRIBUTES of God, fee God. ASCENSION and refurrection of Chrift, 11. 31. B BEATITUDES, Christian, 1. 25. BLESSINGS, fpiritual and temporal, 1. 408.- II. 91, 92, 117.-III. 12. Britain, her happiness, 1. 65.-IV. 20, 31. A a 3 CANDOR, C CANDOR, 1. 66, 78.—111. 21. CHRIST'S coming and office, fee gospel, word, II. 190. 's refurrection and afcenfion, 11. 31.- III. 17.-IV. 25. 's example, 1. 30. CHRISTIANITY, its excellence, 1. 62, 64.— II. 40. CHRISTIAN character, defire after it, fee holi- race, 11. 106. temper, defire after it, 11. 120. CHRISTIAN'S citizenship, 11. 40. CHRISTIAN, dying, II 125. CHARITY, fee candor, love, fympathy, 1. 66.— II. 90, 113. CIVIL GOVERNMENT, II. 119. CONVERSATION becoming the gospel, 1. 28. CON- |