Puslapio vaizdai

2 His reign hath no end,
His hand who can stay?

His wisdom ne'er errs,
His truth never fails.
They are fafe in his friendship,
Who walk in his way;
To them, thro' all changes,
Still mercy prevails..


All men, especially Britons, call'd to the praise of God.
I LET thy various realms, O earth,
Praises yield to heaven's high Lord;
Praise him, all of human birth,
And his wondrous acts record.

2 Health and plenty crown our land,
We have freedom, truth, and peace:
Ever bounteous is his hand ;
Never let your praises cease.


God our shepherd.

I LO, my shepherd is divine,
Care fhall never more be mine;
In his pastures fair and large

He shall tend his happy charge.


2 When I faint with fummer's heat He shall lead my weary feet


To the streams that, ftill and flow,
Thro' the verdant meadows flow.

He my foul anew shall frame,
And, his mercy to proclaim,
When thro' devious paths I ftray,
Guide my steps the better way.
4 Tho' the dreary vale I tread
By the fhades of death o'erspread,
There I walk from terror free
While protected, Lord, by thee.

5 Thou haft rais'd my drooping head,
Thou my daily table spread;
By thee guarded from my foes
I have fure and fweet repofe.

6 Till my latest hour draws near
I will truft my fhepherd's care:
To my fuccor he will come
And conduct me fafely home.



The true business of life, and the happy issue of a pa

tient perfeverance in it.

I BE this, O Lord, our business here,

With ferious industry and fear,

[blocks in formation]

Our future blifs to enfure;

Thine holy counfels to fulfil;

To fuffer all thy righteous will;
And to the end endure.

2 Then, Lord, our willing fouls receive,
Tranflated from below, to live.

And reign in heaven above,
Where faith is fweetly loft in fight;
And hope, in full, fupreme, delight
And everlasting love.



Univerfal praife.

1 PRAISE to thee, thou great creator,
Praise be thine from every tongue :
Join, my foul, with every creature,
Join the universal fong.

2 For ten thousand bleffings given,
For the richest gifts bestow'd

Sound his praise thro' earth and heaven,
Sound Jehovah's praise aloud.



Every pfalm in the collection is ranged under fome
head or other of the following index, and most
of them under many.

If a proper palm should not be found under the title

by which it is first fought, let it be fought under
fome other title of fimilar import, or under fome
bead related to thefe, or within which they may
be comprehended. The roman numerals denote
the books; the lefer figures the pfalms of each


ACTIVITY, chriftian, 1. 22.-II. 74.
EQUANIMITY, fee contentment, refignation,
truft, hope, &c. II. 3.

AFFLICTION, fee refignation, &c. 11. 28.
ALARM from the rapidity of life, 11. 105.
ANXIETY, fee truft, contentment, refigna-

tion, III. 20.

ATTRIBUTES of God, fee God.

ASCENSION and refurrection of Chrift, 11. 31.


BEATITUDES, Christian, 1. 25.

BLESSINGS, fpiritual and temporal, 1. 408.-

II. 91, 92, 117.-III. 12.

Britain, her happiness, 1. 65.-IV. 20, 31.

A a 3



CANDOR, 1. 66, 78.—111. 21.
CARE, III. 20.

CHRIST'S coming and office, fee gospel, word,

II. 190.

's refurrection and afcenfion, 11. 31.-

III. 17.-IV. 25.

's example, 1. 30.

CHRISTIANITY, its excellence, 1. 62, 64.—

II. 40.

CHRISTIAN character, defire after it, fee holi-
nefs, II. 41, 120.

race, 11. 106.

temper, defire after it, 11. 120.

CHRISTIAN'S citizenship, 11. 40.

CHRISTIAN, dying, II 125.

CHARITY, fee candor, love, fympathy, 1. 66.—

II. 90, 113.

COMPASSION, fee love, brotherly, 1. 86.
COMMUNICATIONS, evil and good, I. 31.-IL 23.
CONTENTMENT and hope, 11. 4, 47.-IV. 13.
CONVICTIONS, our own, right and duty of fol-
lowing them, 1. 78.-11. 119.-III. 19.
CONSOLATION in God, 1. 3, 15, 83.-11. 21, 53,

CONVERSATION becoming the gospel, 1. 28.


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