Puslapio vaizdai

They should in fstrictest friendship dwell
Who the fame Lord obey.

4 Thus will the church below
Refemble that above,

Where fprings of purest pleasure rife,
And every heart is love.


Viciffitudes of life under the direction of divine wisdom and goodness.

I AS various as the moon

Is man's eftate below;

To his bright day of gladnefs foom
Succeeds a night of woe:

The night of woe refigns
It's darkness and it's grief;
Again the morn of comfort fhines,
And brings our fouls relief.

3 Yet not from fickle chance
These varying scenes arise;

Our dark and brighter hours advance
By laws fupremely wife.

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4 Their portion comes to all
From God's unerring will
Nor ever is the good too fmall,
Nor yet too great the ill.

5 Let man conform his mind
To every changing state;

Be joyful now, and now refign'd,
And the great iffue wait.


Praife to God from all nations.

I YE nations, praise the Lord,
Each in a different tongue;
In every language learn his word,
And let his name be fung.


While angels found his praise
In heaven, with nobler powers;
On earth, let us his honors raise;
Their God is also ours.

3 Praise him with awe profound; Let knowledge lead the fong; Nor mock him with a folemn found

Upon a thoughtless tongue.

4 Still

4 Still be his honors spread,

Still let the world adore,

Till funs their cheering influence shed
And moons give light no more.

5 The God who guides us now
Will guide us till we die;

Will be our God while here below,
And ours above the sky.


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Invitation to the worship of God our creator, preferver, and deliverer.

1 LET us with a glad fome mind
Praife the Lord, for he is kind,
For his mercies ftill endure,
Ever faithful, ever fure.

2 Let us found his name abroad,
For he is of gods the God,
And his mercies, &c.

3 He by wifdom did create Heaven above in all its ftate, And his mercies, &c.

4 Earth beneath he did ordain To confine the unruly main, And his mercies, &c.

5 He, by his commanding might,
Fill'd the new-made world with light,
And his mercies, &c.

6 All his creatures he doth feed,

His full hand fupplies their need,
For his mercies, &c.

7 He, with watchful pitying eye, Helps us in our mifery,

For his mercies, &c.

8 Let us therefore utter forth His great majefty and worth, For his mercies, &c.

9 He his manfion hath on high, Far beyond an human eye, Yet his mercies, &c.



The incomparable goodness and greatness of God.

I YE fervants of the eternal King,
To God your cheerful praises fing,
His name be prais'd for evermore;
His goodness over all is great,
Where'er the fun doth rife or fet,

Since all are bless'd, let all adore.

2 O'er all the earth the Lord doth reign, And heaven is too narrow to contain

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