2 Thy hand hath all things made, Let all things own thy power, Till morning light and evening shade PSALM XVI. Domestic happiness. I BLEST are the fons of peace,. 2 Bleft is the pious house W. Where zeal and friendship meet, Their mingled praife, their mingled vows Make their communion fweet; 3 Such blifs their bofoms fills Who dwell with God above: There joy like morning dew diftils, And all the air is love. PSALM XVII. Refurrection of Christ.. I SEE what a living ftone The builders did refuse Yet God hath rais'd a church thereon 2 The work, O Lord, is thine, And glorious in our eyes: This day declares it all divine; 3 This day did Jefus rife. Your loud hofannas fing, And spread his name abroad: He comes, ye faints, he comes to bring 4 We bless thine holy word PSALM XVIII. The Lord's Supper. I JESUS invites his faints 2 His people here may fit, and hold Here we show forth his love W. Prompted Prompted each action of his life, 3 Here let our powers unite Thy glorious name to praife, Great fource of all that grace and truth 4 Let love inspire our breasts, 5 One faith, one hope, one Lord, 6 Warm'd with our master's love, Our hearts, in one wide wifh of peace, I PSALM XIX. Truth, the love of it. IMPOSTURE fhrinks from light, D. But But christian truths the teft invite, 2 A meek inquiring mind, Lord, help us to maintain; That from thy word, with growing joy, 3 Do thou our fpirits lead; 4 The truths that God imparts Abhorring all illufive arts, PSALM XX. Anxiety unavailing and unreasonable. I CAN anxious thoughts increase Or, while they fpoil our prefent peace, 2 Difquieting defire May well their hearts corrode, D. Who Who see their hopes with life expire, 3 Will he, whose bounty gave Our life, its food deny ? Will not what nature's wants may crave Nature's great God fupply? 4 Then let to-morrow's cares The trouble which to-day prepares PSALM XXI. Chriftian unity. I LET party-names no more Gentile, and Jew, and bond, and free, 2 Among the faints on earth Let envy and ill-will 2 3 Be banish'd far away; They |