5 But vaft rewards fhall recompenfe Their faithful fervice here, And power and love fhall banish thence PSALM CXXVI. Univerfal prefence and inspection of God our maker, our preferver, and our judge. MY heart and all my ways, O God, 2 Attendant on my steps all day 3 And in the folitude of night No spot the boundless realms of space 4 Goodness, and majefty, and power 5 By thee, their various place and use 6 Ten thousand thousand times my life 7 Lord, if within my thoughtless heart 8 If e'er my ways have been perverfe, Call back my fteps to thy commands, And form my life anew. PSALM CXXVII. Man's frailty and God's eternity. 1 O GOD, our help in ages paft, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the ftormy blast, And our eternal home. T AR. 2 Before 2 Before the heavens in order stood, 3 Thy word hath doom'd our flesh to earth, From duft all nations took their birth, 4 A thousand of our hafty years Than yesterday to us appears; 5 Time, like an ever-rolling ftream, 6 The bufy tribes of flesh and blood 7 Like flowery fields the nations stand, The The flow'rs beneath the mower's hand Lie withering ere 'tis night. 8 Q God, our help in ages paft, Our hope for years to come, Be thou our guard while dangers laft, IND OF THE SECOND BOOK. W. THIRD BOOK. SHORT METRE. PSALM I. Defires and hopes of penitence. I LET no events caft down 2 Lord, fet before mine eyes 3 From the ftraight paths of truth, On thee, my gracious God, I wait No ftrict enquiry make: The faults that I renounce, forgive For thine own goodness fake. |