Puslapio vaizdai

associates in crime, but with respectable persons unacquainted with their past history, and may thus be enabled, as the phrase is, 'to turn over a new leaf.' This of course implies that they should not emigrate in a body to any one place, and as a distinct class. For juvenile offenders, the same course would perhaps be even still more suitable."

Without entering into any further details, your Committee will now conclude their report with the following resolutions, to which they have agreed, and which contain their general views as to the description of punishment which they recommend to be substituted for transportation :

1. That transportation to New South Wales, and to the settled districts of Van Diemen's Land, should be discontinued as soon as practicable.

2. That crimes now punishable by transportation should in future be punished by confinement with hard labour, at home or abroad, for periods varying from two to fifteen years.

3. That for the purpose of effectually maintaining discipline and subordination among the convicts sentenced to confinement abroad, of promoting the legitimate ends for which punishment is inflicted, and also of preventing a recurrence of those social evils which have been found by experience to result from transportation as hitherto conducted, the penitentiaries or houses of confinement that may be established abroad, shall (so far as possible) be strictly limited to those places wherein there are at present no free settlers, and wherein effectual security can be taken against the future resort of such settlers.

4. That rules should be established by which the existing practice of abridging the periods of punishment of convicts in consequence of their good conduct, may be brought under stricter regulation, and rendered less vague and arbitrary.

5. That on account of the difficulty which a convict finds in this country in procuring the means of honest livelihood after the expiration of his sentence, and on account of the temptations to which he is thereby exposed, it would be advantageous to establish a plan by which a convict might receive encouragement to leave the country with the prospect of supporting himself by regular industry, and ultimately regaining the place in society which he had forfeited by crime. That if such encouragement were limited to convicts who should have

conducted themselves uniformly well during their confinement, it might at the same time operate as an encouragement to good behaviour during confinement, and might considerably diminish the prejudice which must to a certain degree attach to any person known to have been convicted of a serious offence.

6. That the convicts who have been punished abroad should be compelled to leave the settlement in which they have been punished within a limited period after the expiration of their sentences, and that means should be afforded them by the Government for this purpose.

August 3, 1838.


ABERDEEN, Lord, describes Lord
Glenelg's system as that of doing
nothing, 48

Aborigines, Committée on, 29, 34,
35, 37

Adderley, Mr. C. (Lord Norton),

American Colonies, British North,

amount of expenditure on, mili-
tary and civil, 177–178, 241-242.
Arthur, Sir G., Governor of Van
Diemen's Land, on "assignment
system," 94, 95, 447, 449; on
punishment under transportation,
99, 460, 465; on penal settlements,
104; regarded Van Diemen's

Land as vast penitentiary, 458
Australian Colonies, neglect of, by
Lord Glenelg, 22-28; expendi-
ture on, 182-183; Bill for better
government of, 291-392; consti-
tution of, under government Bill
contrasted with British, 317;
power of amendment of constitu-
tion of, 325-327, 357—358; con-
stitution of, under Molesworth's
proposals, 301-304, 334-335,
359, 392-401

BAILLIE, Mr. H. J., 227

Bermudas, convicts at, 453-454
(see also Military Stations)
Boer trek, 35-37, 232
Bourke, Sir R., Governor of New

South Wales, removed by Lord
Glenelg, 28, 40; on assignment
system, 95, 447, 448, 450; on
punishments under transporta-
tion, 460, 463; Quarter Sessions,
Act of, 480

Buller, Mr. C., on affairs of Mauri-
tius, 33; his description of govern-
ment by Colonial Office, 208-
209; author of "Mr. Mother-
country," 237; assisted Lord
Durham with his Report, 428

Burton, Australian judge, on punish-
ments under transportation, 102,
463-464, 477-478; on moral
state of penal colonies, 122, 482,
484 -485; on "assignment
system," 448; on behaviour of
Government convicts, 456

CANADA, neglect of, by Lord Glenelg,
47-49; conflict of races in, 222,
232; Clergy, Reserves of, Bill,

Campbell, Major H., Governor of
Sierra Leone, 39, 40
Cape Colony, neglect of, by Lord
Glenelg, 33-38; expenditure,
164-168, 245; Kaffir Wars in,
223, 246-247
Ceylon, expenditure on, 170, 189,
192; suggested transfer of, to East
India Company, 193; blunder of
Colonial Office concerning, 234-
235, 372

Cheyne, Captain, on moral condi-
tion of penal colonies, 485-487
Colonial Expenditure-(1) amount
of, by Home Government, 156,
222, 224, 240, 266; for military
purposes, 156-157, 240, 266-
269; for naval purposes, 157—
158, 240; for civil purposes, 159,
240; for extraordinary purposes,
159, 160, 240; proposed reduc-
tions on, 173, 183, 286: (2) by
colonies themselves, 185; state-
ment of principle on which Home
and colonial contributions should
be regulated, 277-284, 286-
Colonial Office, impossible duties
and irresponsibility of, 14-18,
200-207, 228-239, 300-305,
312-314, 358, 367-376; descrip-
tion of, by C. Buller, 228-229;
extravagance of government
under, 354

Colonies, statement of views on
advantages of, 4-12, 83-84,
88-89, 174-176, 208-214, 278;
representation of, in Imperial
Parliament advocated, 315; popu-
lation of, 225; exports of, 225;
distinction between Imperial
obligations of and local concerns
of, 378-391

Coolie immigration, 44, 70, 492-493

DENISON, Sir W., Governor of Van
Diemen's Land, advocates bi-
cameral legislature, 318, 346–349
Derby, Lord, colonial policy of, 410
D'Urban, Sir B., Governor of Cape
Colony, removed by Lord Glenelg,
38, 40; policy of, 165
Durham, Lord, mission of, to
Canada, 49: report of, 84, 425,
428; on Canada Clergy Reserves,

EMIGRATION, remedy for economic
distress caused by cessation of
transportation, 71-81; report of
New South Wales Legislative
Council on, 80; remarks on, 86-
89, 210-214, 494-495; scheme
of, to Australia, 140-142; scheme
of, to Cape Colony, 169; statistics
of, 209, 219, 257; checked by
transportation, 252

Exeter, Bishop of, on Canada
Clergy Reserves, 427


Fitz Roy, Sir C., Governor of New
South Wales, advocates bi-
cameral legislature, 318-319
Forbes, Sir F., Chief Justice of
Australia, on assignment system,
96; on punishments under trans-
portation, 462-463

GIBRALTAR (see Military Stations)
Gladstone, Mr., active member of
Transportation Committee, 26;
authority on West Indies, 43;
motion of, 228; suggested as
member of proposed Royal Com-
mission on Colonies, 263
Glenelg, Lord, colonial administra-

tion of, 1-53; on Canada Clergy
Reserves, 422

Gosford, Lord, Governor of Canada,
removed by Lord Glenelg, 40, 48;
on Canada Clergy Reserves, 423,

Grey, Lord, regulations of, as to
waste lands, 24. 494: attitude of,
with regard to transportation, 146
-153 proposed constitution by,
for New Zealand, 198-199, 226,
230, 323, 371: proposed constitu-
tion by, for New South Wales, 230,
233. 322; discontent in colonies at
colonial administration of. 295-
297; in favour of bicameral legis-
lature, 319, 322; but contradicts
past utterances, 351-352; govern-
ment by, of Canada worthy of
all praise," 429

Grey, Captain (Sir G.), Governor
of New Zealand, suspends intro-
duction of new constitution, 198,
323; advocates bicameral legisla-
ture, 318-319

HARROWBY, Lord, on Canada Clergy
Reserves, 421

Hawes, Mr. B., Under-Secretary
for Colonies, 225, 293, 350
Head, Sir F. B., Lieut. -Governor
of Upper Canada, responsible for
rebellion in Upper Canada, 9:
removed by Lord Glenelg, 40;
boast of, 425

Hincks, Mr., resolutions of, as to
Canada Clergy Reserves, 407-

Hindmarsh, Captain, Governor of
South Australia, removed by Lord
Glenelg, 40

Hong Kong, expenditure on, 170
Howick, Lord (see Grey, Lord)
Hume, Mr. J.. motion of, 228;
on responsible government in
Canada, 283

INGLIS, Sir R., on Canada Clergy
Reserves, 419

Ionian Islands, expenditure on, 162,

LABOUCHERE, Mr., President of
Board of Trade, arguments of,
against bicameral legislature,
319-333. 339

Lands, waste, question of disposal
of, 24 indifference of Lord
Glenelg to question of, 25; West
Indian, 42, 43, 59; Mr. Ward's
Committee on, 26, 59; Wakefield
system of disposing of, 54-82;
Mr. Buller's Report on Canadian,

Legislature, bicameral, advantages
of, 335-338, 344-365 (see under
Fitz Roy; Grey, Lord; Grey,
Capt.; Denison, Sir W.; and
Young, Sir H.)
Lewis, Sir G. Cornewall, suggested
as member of proposed Royal
Commission on Colonies, 263
Lincoln, Lord (see Newcastle, Duke

Lords, House of, advantages of,

Lowe, Mr. R., resolutions of, in
New South Wales Legislative
Council, 310-311

Lushington, Dr., on Mauritius,

MACARTHUR, Mr., introducer of
Merino sheep into New South
Wales, 62; suggestions of, as to
convict labour, 498-500
Maconochie, Captain, on "assign-

ment system," 95, 450, 487-488;
on punishment, under transporta-
tion, 98, 99 on moral effects of
transportation on convicts, 474
Macquarie, Governor of New South
Wales, views of, on penal colo-
nies, 479

Maitland, Sir P., Governor of Cape
Colony, 166

Malta (see Military Stations), 166
Mauritius, neglect of, by Lord
Glenelg, 31-33; expenditure on,
170, 243

Mercantile system, 174-175
Military stations, 161-174, 272-

Mill, Mr. J. S., suggested as member

of proposed Royal Commission
on Colonies, 263
Molesworth, F. A., brother of Sir

W., New Zealand pioneer, 86

NEWCASTLE, Duke of, motion of, on
Vancouver's Island, 227; sug-
gested as member of proposed
Royal Commission on Colonies,
New South Wales (see under Austra-
lian Colonies), economic history
of, 60-68; expenditure of, 193—


New Zealand, neglect of, by Lord
Glenelg, 29-31; expenditure of,
197: petition of, for representative
government, 216 (see also Grey,

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without representa-

tion," 353
Tocqueville, De, 389
Transportation, Committee on, 22,
90, 91, 441-516; indifference of
Lord Glenelg to question of, 23;
economic prosperity of colonies
under system of, 64--66; speeches
on, 90-150; "assignment sys-
tem under, 93-96, 445-453;
"Government convicts" under,
96-98, 454-459; punishments
under system of, 99-104, 459
-466; failure of system of,
as punishment, 103-111, 473
-476; effect of system of,
on moral condition of colonies,
III-126, 149-150, 476-488;
modified system of, suggested
by Lord J. Russell, 126-132;
Wakefield system, economic sub-
stitute for, 132-137; attempt

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