Puslapio vaizdai

4" Be wise as serpents where you go,
But harmless as the peaceful dove;
And let your heaven-taught conduct show
That you're commission'd from above.

5 "Freely from me ye have receiv'd,
Freely in love to others give;
Thus shall your doctrines be believ'd,
And by your labours, sinners live.

6 "All power is trusted in my hands,
I will protect you and defend;
Whilst thus you follow my commands,
I'm with you till the world shall end."

7 Happy those servants of the Lord,
Who thus their Master's will obey!
How rich, how full is their reward,
Reserv'd until the final day!

HYMN CCLIV. Common Metre.
Divine Goodness to Man.

1 THY wisdom, power and goodness, Lord,
In all thy works appear;
But man thy bounties shall record,
For thy distinguish'd care.

2 From thee, the breath of life we drew,
That breath thy power maintains;

Thy tender mercy, ever new,
Our brittle frame sustains.

3 Yet nobler gifts demand our praise,
Of reason's light possess'd;
By revelation's brighter rays
Still more divinely blest.

4 Thy providence our constant guard,
When threatening woes impend.

Will either threat'ning dangers ward,
Or timely succours lend.

5 On us thy providence has shone
With its propitious rays;
Q let our lips and lives make known
Thy goodness and thy praise.

6 All bounteous Lord, thy grace impart;

O teach us to improve

Thy gifts with ever grateful heart,

And crown them with thy love.



# or b

Short Metre.
The Voice of Wisdom.

1 'TIS wisdom's earnest cry,
Wisdom, the voice of God,
To young and old, the low and high,
She speaks his will abroad.

2 Within the human breast

Her strong monitions plead, She thunders her divine protest, Against th' unrighteous deed. 3 Within the holy place,

She calls with open arms;
"How long, ye fools, will you embrace
"Folly's deceiving charms?

4 "The race of men I love ;
"In mercy I chastise;
"Severely faithful, I reprove;
Hear, mortals, and be wise.
5 "My doors are open wide;
"My table spread within ;
"Come then, ye simple, turn aside,
And leave the paths of sin.

6 "My joys, unsensual taste,
"Come, drink of wisdom's wine ;

"No sorrow poisons my repast,
"The banquet is divine.

7 My ways are ways of peace,

"My pleasures never cloy;
"The bliss I give will never cease,
"But lead to endless joy."

Scott, varied.

HYMN CCLVI. Short Metre.

Preserving Grace..

1 TO God, the only wise,

Our Saviour and our King, Let all the saints below the skies Their humble praises bring.

2 'Tis his almighty love,

His counsel and his care,
Preserves us safe from sin and death,
And every hurtful snare.

3 He will present our souls,
Unblemish'd and complete,
Before the glory of his face,
With joys divinely great.

4 Then all the chosen seed

Shall meet around the throne ; Shall bless the conduct of his grace, And make his wonders known.

5 To our Redeemer God,

Wisdom and power belongs,

Immortal crowns of majesty,
And everlasting songs.


HYMN CCLVII. Long Metre.
Divine Preservation.

1 To heaven my grateful soul ascends,
On God alone for help depends;
His hand is my perpetual guard,
His grace the source of my reward.
2 The spreading skies by power divine,
In all their radiant glories shine;
From his command, the solid earth
And all its stores deriv'd their birth.

3 Inspected by his piercing eyes,

No threatening snares my soul surprise;
My faithful Guardian never sleeps,
My trembling feet he safely keeps.

4 Protected by his powerful arm,
Should dreadful scenes our souls alarm,
Our lives are safe; his heavenly care
Defends us still from every snare.

5 He guides our feet, directs our way,
His morning smiles enliven day;
And when the sun withdraws the light,
His presence cheers the shades of night.
Liverpool Collection.

Communion with Christ.

1 TO Jesus, our exalted Lord,

That name, in heaven and earth ador'd,
Fain would our hearts and voices raise
A cheerful song of sacred praise.

2 But all the notes which mortals know
Are weak, and languishing, and low;

Far, far above our humble songs,
The theme demands immortal tongues.

3 Yet whilst around his board we meet,
And worship at his sacred feet,
O let our warm affections move,
In glad returns of grateful love.
▲ Yes, Lord, we love and we adore,
But long to know and love thee more;
And whilst we taste the bread and wine,
Desire to feed on joys divine.

5 Let faith our feeble senses aid,
To see thy wondrous love display'd;
Thy broken flesh, thy bleeding veins,
Thy dreadful agonizing pains.

6 Let humble penitential wo,

With painful, pleasing anguish flow;
And thy forgiving love impart,
Life, hope and joy, to every heart.



Long Metre.

The Heavenly Conqueror.

1 TO Jesus, our victorious Lord,
The praises of our lives belong;
For ever be his name ador'd,
The subject of each thankful song.

2 Enslav'd by sin, beset by foes,
Undone and perishing, we lay;
His pity melted o'er our woes,
To save the trembling. dying prey.
3 He fought, he conquer'd, though he fell,
Whilst with his last expiring breath

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