Puslapio vaizdai

8 Thy sacred name we thus adore,
And bow before thy throne ;
For kingdom, power and glory, Lord,
Belong to thee alone.

Liverpool Collection.

HYMN LXVII. Common Metre.

The Universal Prayer.

1 FATHER of all! whose cares extend
To earth's remotest shore ;
Through every age let praise ascend
And every clime adore.

2 Yet not to earth's contracted span,
Thy goodness let me bound;
Or think thee Lord alone of man,
When thousand worlds are round.
3 To thee, whose presence fills all space,
The earth, the air, the skies;
One chorus let all beings raise,
All nature's incense rise!

4 Father of all! whose tender care
Does every want supply;
To thee I pour the fervent prayer,
And raise the filial eye.

5 What blessings thy free bounty gives
Let me not cast away;
Who gratefully enjoys and lives,
Does the best homage pay.

6 Save me alike from foolish pride,
Or impious discontent,
Ataught thy wisdom has denied,
Or aught thy goodness lent.
7 Teach me to feel another's wo,
To hide the faults I see;
That mercy I to others show,
That mercy show to me.

8 Let not this weak unknowing hand
Presume thy bolts to throw,
And deal destruction round the land,
On each I judge thy foe.

9 If I am right, thy grace impart,
Still in the right to stay;
If I am wrong, O teach my heart
To find that better way.

10 This day, be bread and peace my lot;
But, all beneath the sun,
Thou know'st it best bestow'd or not;
Then let thy will be done.

Altered from POPE.

HYMN LXVIII. Common Metre. # or b


1 FATHER of light! conduct my feet
Through life's dark dangerous road;
Let each advancing step still bring
Me nearer to my God.

2 Let heav'n-ey'd prudence be my guide,
And when I go astray,
Recal my feet from folly's path,
To wisdom's better way.
3 Teach me in every various scene
To keep my end in sight;
And whilst I tread life's mazy track,
Let wisdom guide me right.
4 That heavenly wisdom from above
Abundantly impart;

And let it guard, and guide, and warm,
And penetrate my heart:

5 Till it shall lead me to thyself,
Fountain of bliss and love;

And all my darkness be dispers'd,
In endless light above.

HYMN LXIX. Long Metre.
Praise for Rain and fruitful Seasons.


1 FATHER of light! we sing thy name,
Who made the sun to rule the day :
Wide as he spreads his golden flame,
His beams thy power and love display.
2 Fountain of good! from thee proceed
The copious showers of genial rain ;
Which, o'er the hill and through the mead,
Revive the grass and swell the grain.

3 Through the wide world thy bounties spread;
Yet thousands of our guilty race,
Though by thy daily goodness fed,
Transgress thy law, abuse thy grace.

4 Not so, shall our forgetful hearts
O'erlook the tokens of thy care ;
But, what thy liberal hand imparts,
Receive in praise and ask in prayer.

5 So shall the sun more grateful shine,
And showers in welcome drops shall fall;
When all our hearts and lives are thine,
And thou, our God, enjoy'd in all.
6 Jesus! our brighter Sun, arise;
In plenteous showers, thy Spirit send;
Earth then shall grow to Paradise,
And in celestial Eden end.


HYMN LXX. Long Metre.
At the Ordination of a Minister.

1 FATHER of mercies! in thy house
We pay our homage and our vows;

Whilst with a grateful heart we share
These pledges of our Saviour's care.

2 The Saviour, when to heaven he rose,
In splendid triumph o'er his foes,
Scatter'd his gifts on men below,
And wide his royal bounties flow.

3 Hence sprang th' Apostle's honour'd name,
Sacred beyond heroick fame ;
Hence dictates the prophetick sage,
And hence the evangelick page.
4 In lower forms to bless our eyes,
Pastors from hence and Teachers rise ;
Who, though with feebler rays they shine,
Still mark a long extended line.

5 From Christ their varied gifts derive,
And, fed by him, their graces live ;
Whilst, guarded by his potent hand,
Amidst the rage of hell they stand.
6 So shall the bright succession run
Through all the courses of the sun;
Whilst unborn churches, by their care,
Shall rise and flourish large and fair.

7 Jesus, our Lord, their hearts shall know
The spring whence all these blessings flow;
Pastors and people shout his praise,
Through the long round of endless days.


HYMN LXXI. Common Metre.

The Excellency and Sufficiency of the Scriptures. 1 FATHER of mercies! in thy word

What endless glory shines !

For ever be thy name ador'd,
For these celestial lines..

2 Here may the wretched sons of want Exhaustless riches find;

Treasures beyond what earth can grant,
And lasting as the mind. -

3 Here the fair tree of knowledge grows,
And yields a free repast;
Sublimer fruits than nature knows,
Invite the longing taste.

4 Here the Redeemer's welcome voice
Spreads heavenly peace around;

And life and everlasting joys
Attend the blissful sound.

5 O may these heavenly pages be
Our study and delight;
And still new beauties may we see,
And still increasing light.
6 Divine Instructor, gracious Lord,
Be thou for ever near;
Teach us to love thy sacred word,
And view our Saviour there.



Common Metre. #orb

Love to our Neighbour.

1 FATHER of mercies! send thy grace,
All powerful from above,
To form, in our obedient souls,
The image of thy love.

2 O may our sympathizing breasts
That generous pleasure know;

Kindly to share another's joy,
And weep for others' wo.

3 Whene'er the helpless sons of want
In low distress are laid,.

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