Puslapio vaizdai

2 If malice lurk'd within my heart,
Before thy piercing eyes,
I should not dare appeal to thee,
Nor ask my God to rise.

3 Impartial Judge of all the world,
I trust my cause to thee;
According to my righteousness
So let thy sentence be.

4 Let wicked arts of wicked men
Be wholly overthrown ;
But guard the just, O God, to whom
The hearts of both are known.

5 Then will I all the righteous ways
Of Providence proclaim;
I'll sing the praise of God most high,

And celebrate his name.

TATE and WATTS united.

PSALM VIII. Common Metre.

Divine Condescension.

or b

1 O THOU, to whom all creatures bow,
Within this earthly frame !
Through all the world, how great art thou,
How glorious is thy name!

2 When heaven, thy glorious work on high,
Employs my wondering sight;
The moon that nightly rules the sky,
With stars of feebler light;

3 Lord, what is man ! that thou shouldst choose

To keep him in thy mind!
Or what his race, that thou shouldst prove
To them so wondrous kind!

4 Him next in power thou didst create
To thy celestial train;



Ordain'd with dignity and state
O'er all thy works to reign.

5 They jointly own his powerful sway,
The beasts that prey or graze;
The bird that wings its airy way,
The fish that cuts the seas.

6 0 thou, to whom all creatures bow,
Within this earthly frame,


Through all the world, how great art thou !

How glorious is thy name !



PSALM VIII. Long Metre.
Adam and Christ, or the old and new Creation.
1 LORD, what was man when made at first,
Adam, the offspring of the dust,
That thou shouldst set him and his race,
But just below an angel's place ?

2 That thou shouldst raise his nature so,
And make him Lord of all below;
Make every beast and bird submit,
And lay the fishes at his feet !
3 But what sublimer glories wait
To crown the second Adam's state!
What honours shall thy Son adorn,
Who condescended to be born!
4 See him below his angels made !
See him in dust among the dead!
To save the world from death and sin
But he shall reign with power divine.
3 The world to come, redeem'd from all
The miseries that attend the fall,
New made and glorious, shall submit
At our exalted Saviour's feet.


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PSALM IX. ver. 10, 11. L. M.
Encouragement to Faith.

I SING to the Lord, who loud proclaims
His various and his saving names ;
O may they not be heard alone,
But by our sure experience known.
The great Jehovah be ador'd,
Th' eternal, all-sufficient Lord;
Through all the world, most high confess'd,
By him 'twas form'd, and is possess'd.

- 3 Awake, our noblest powers, to bless
The God of Abra'm, God of Peace ;
Now, by a dearer title known,
Father and God of Christ his Son.

4 Through every age his gracious ear
Is open to his servant's prayer;
Nor can one humble soul complain
That he has sought his God in vain.
5 What unbelieving heart shall dare
In whispers to suggest a fear,
While stiil he owns his ancient name,
The same his power, his love the same.

6 To thee our souls in faith arise,
To thee we lift expecting eyes,
And boldly through the desert tread,
For God will guard where God shall lead.

PSALM X. Common Metre.

A Prayer for Deliverance from Oppression.
1 WHY doth the Lord stand off so far,
And why conceal his face,
When great calamities appear,
And times of deep distress?



2 Lord, shall the wicked stiff deride
Thy justice and thy power ?
Shall they erect their heads in pride,
And better men devour?

3 Arise, O God! lift up thy hand,
Attend our humble cry;
No enemy shall dare to stand,
When God our help is nigh.

4 Thou wilt prepare our hearts to pray,
And still incline thine ear;
Thou knowest what thy children say,
And thou their voice wilt hear.

5 Proud tyrants shall no more oppress,
No more despise the just:
And mighty sinners shall confess
They are but earth and dust.



PSALM XI. Long Meire. The Justice of Divine Providence. 1 ON God my steadfast hopes rely; Why do my foes insulting cry, "Fly like a timorous, trembling dove, "And seek the mountain's lonesome grove?'

2 Behold the wicked aim their darts

Against the men of upright hearts !
If government be overthrown,
Who then the injur'd cause will own?

3 The Lord, enthron'd above the sky,
On suffering virtue casts his eye;
Though he afflict his saints, to prove
Their patience, and to try their love;

.4 Yet lawless hands and hearts impure,
His frowns vindictive will endure ;
His lightning wings its rapid way,
Hi- thunder fills them with dismay.

5 Where truth and justice hold their place, God will reveal his gracious face ;

Delighted in the upright mind

His own reflected beams to find.

MERRICK, with additions.

PSALM XII. Common Metre.
Corruption of Manners.

I HELP, Lord! for men of virtue fail,
Religion loses ground;
The sons of wickedness prevail,
And treacheries abound.

2 Their oaths and promises they break,
Yet act the flatterer's part;
With tair deceitful tips they speak,
And with a double heart.

3 Scoffers appear on every side,
Where a vile race of men
Are rais'd to seats of power and pride,
And bear the sword in vain.

4 Lord, when iniquities abound,
And blasphemy grows bold;
When faith is hardly to be found,
And love is waxen cold;

5 Is not thy chariot hastening on?
Hast thou not given the sign ?
May we not trust and live upon
A promise so divine ?


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