He is our Shepherd, we the sheep His mercy chose, his pastures keep.
2 Come, let us hear his voice to-day, The counsels of his love obey; Nor let our harden'd hearts provoke, Like Israel, the avenging stroke.
3 Thus saith the Lord, "How false they prove, "Forget my power, abuse my love! "Since they despise my rest, I swear "Their feet shall never enter there."
4 Look back, my soul, with holy dread, And view those ancient rebels, dead; Attend the offer'd grace to-day, Nor lose the blessing by delay.
5 Seize the kind promise while it waits, And march to Zion's heavenly gates ; Believe, and take the promis'd rest; Obey, and be for ever blest.
1 COME, sound his praise abroad, And hymns of glory sing; Jehovah is the sovereign God, The universal King.
2 He form'd the deeps unknown, He gave the seas their bound; The wat'ry worlds are all his own, And all the solid ground. 3 Come, worship at his throne, Come, bow before the Lord; We are his work, and not our own, He form'd us by his word.
4 To-day attend his voice,
Nor dare provoke his rod; Come, like the people of his choice, And own your gracious God.
5 But if your ears refuse
The language of his grace; And hearts grow hard, like stubborn Jews, That unbelieving race,
6 The Lord, in anger drest,
Will lift his hand and swear, "You, who despis'd my promis'd rest, " Shall have no portion there."
PSALM XCVI. Six Line L. M.
1 LET all the earth their voices raise, To-sing a lofty psalm of praise,
And bless the great Jehovah's name ; His glory let the heathen know, His wonders to the nations show,
And all his works of grace proclaim. 2 Great is the Lord, his praise be great, Who sits on high, enthron'd in state;
To him alone let praise be given : Those gods the heathen world adore, In vain pretend to sovereign power,
He only rules who made the heaven. 3 He fram'd the globe, he spread the sky, And all the shining worlds on high;
He reigns complete in glory there ; His beams are majesty and light, His glories, how divinely bright! His temple, how divinely fair !
4 Let heaven be glad, let earth rejoice, Let ocean lift its roaring voice,
Proclaiming loud, "Jehovah reigns !" For joy let fertile vallies sing, And tuneful groves their tribute bring To him, whose power the world sustains.
5 Come, the great day, the glorious hour, When earth shall own his sovereign power, And barbarous nations fear his name; Then shall the universe confess The beauty of his holiness,
And in his courts his grace proclaim. TATE and WATTS, united and varied.
PSALM XCVII. Long Metre.
Grace and Glory.
I TH' Almighty reigns exalted high, O'er all the earth, o'er all the sky; Let the whole earth in songs rejoice, And hosts celestial join their voice.
2 Deep are his counsels and unknown, But grace and truth support his throne; Though gloomy clouds his feet surround, Justice is their eternal ground.
3 Ye, who confess his holy name, Hate every work of sin and shame ; He guards the souls of all his friends, And from the snares of hell defends.
4 Immortal light, and joys unknown, Are for the saints in darkness sown ; Those glorious seeds shall spring and rise, And the bright harvest bless our eyes.
5 Rejoice, ye righteous, and record The sacred honours of the Lord; None but the souls who taste his grace
Can triumph in his holiness.
PSALM XCVIII. Common Metre. *
Blessings of the Messiah's Kingdom. I
1 TO our Almighty Maker, God, New honours be address'd; His great salvation shines abroad, And makes the nations blest. 2 He spake the word to Abr'ham first, His truth fulfils his grace; The Gentiles make his name their trust, And learn his righteousness. 3 Joy to the world! The Lord is come, Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare him room, And heaven and nature sing.
4 Joy to the world! her Saviour reigns, Let men their songs employ; While lands and seas, rocks, hills, and plains Repeat the sounding joy.
5 No more let sin and sorrow grow, Nor violence abound;
He comes to make his blessings flow, Wherever man is found.
6 He rules the world with righteousness, And makes the nations prove The blessings of his truth and grace, The wonders of his love.
PSALM XCIX. Short Metre.
A holy God worshipped with Reverence.
1 THE GOD, Jehovah, reigns, Let all the nations fear; Let sinners tremble at his throne, And saints be humble there.
2 Exalt the Lord our God, And worship at his feet; His nature is all holiness, And mercy is his seat.
3 When Israel was his church, When Aaron was his priest, When Moses cry'd, when Samuel pray'd, He gave his people rest.
4 Oft he forgave their sins,
Nor would destroy their race; And oft he made his vengeance known, When they abus'd his grace.
5 Exalt the Lord our God,
Whose grace is still the same ;
Still he's a God of holiness, And jealous for his name.
PSALM C. Long Metre.
Praise to our Creator.
I BEFORE Jehovah's awful throne, Ye nations, bow with sacred joy; Know that the Lord is God alone, He can create, and he destroy. 2 His sovereign power, without our aid, Made us of clay, and form'd us men;
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