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Imparts Wheatena


Horsford's Acid Phosphate

The most agreeable and effective remedy for relieving Languor and Exhaustion, so common in the spring and summer months. Its nutrient and tonic effects give tone and vigor to the entire system.

Taken before retiring it quiets the nerves and induces refreshing sleep.


For sale by Druggists.


The Best

Health Food

for Breakfast

in Summer

All Grocers

Free Samples of Entona (GLUTEN SUPPOSITORIES), the great remedy for the relief and cure of Constipation and Piles, mailed to any address on application. Entona (GLUTEN SUPPOSITORIES) is sold by all druggists.

Health Food Co.

61 Fifth Avenue, New York

54 No. 13th Street, Philadelphia
199 Tremont Street, Boston

1601 Wabash Avenue, Chicago




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All our readers who want to enjoy perfect health, the most luxurious, cleansing, invigorating bath known, prevent disease, or are afflicted, should order at once one of these wonderful Quaker Thermal Bath Cabinets which gives Turkish, Hot Vapor or Medicated Baths for 3 cents each, opening the millions of pores all over the body, drawing out all impurities and poisons which cause disease. Makes you healthy, vigorous and seemingly ten years younger. This is a genuine Cabinet with a door, handsomely made, best materials, rubber lined, has steel frame, and will last a lifetime. Thousands of Remarkable Letters have been Written the Inventors from Users. Dr. E. L. Eaton, M. D., of Topeka, Kansas, was so astonished at the wonderful cures made by this treatment, that he gave up his practice, and has already sold over 600. Rev. R. E. Peale, Una, S. C., recommends them highly. J. A. Hagan, afflicted 15 years with rheumatism, was cured in six days. L. B. Westbrook, Newton, Iowa, afflicted 45 years, was cured in three weeks, of Catarrh, Asthma, Rheumatism, Heart, and Kidney troubles. The long sought for means of preserving and restoring health has certainly been found.

THE MAKERS GUARANTEE RESULTS, and assert positively as do thousands of users, that this cabinet will cure Nervousness and Debility, clear the skin, purify the blood, and cure Rheumatism. (They offer $50 reward for a case not relieved.) Cures Woman's Troubles, Malaria, Sleeplessness, Neuralgia, Headaches, Piles, Dropsy, Liver, Kidney and Nervous Troubles. The best spring blood and system purifier known. A Face and Head Steaming Attachment is furnished if desired, which clears the skin, beautifies the complexion, removes pimples, blackheads, eruptions, and is a sure cure for Eczema, all skin diseases, Catarrh and Asthma. The price is wonderfully low, Cabinet complete with stove, formulas and directions, sent to any address upon receipt of $5.00. Head Steaming Attachment, $1.00 extra. Write to-day for valuable book and testimonials, or better still, order a Cabinet. Don't delay. The Company is perfectly reliable. Capital $100,000.00. Ship promptly, and refund your money after 30 days, if not just as represented. Send for booklet anyway. AGENTS WANTED-Men and Women, $100.00 a Month and Expenses. Address, [We recommend this Co. to be thoroughly reliable.-EDITOR.]

A Coin Catechism

This is a non-partisan book of facts, not theoriesan

World Manufacturing Co., 629 World Building, Cincinnati, O.

Assistant Secretary of
the Treasury under Sec-
retaries Sherman, Win-
dom and Folger.
Financial Statistician of
the Eleventh Census,
and author of
"Money in Politics."

A clear, plain review of the financial question by a recognized expert. Endorsed by John Sherman, Lyman J. Gage and other prominent financiers. It is the accepted text-book of the Campaign Committee of the Republican party. 116 pages, pocket size, paper cover. Price, 25 cents. German edition, Price, 25 cents, prepaid.




point to a very heavy business in all lines this fall. In our plan to introduce this magazine into the homes of America we can give you profitable employment. Write at once for particulars.


Please mention SELF CULTURE when you write to advertisers.


Growth does not belong to disease. They They are never together. You must be satisfied If it's growth you

with one.

want you must free the scalp from dandruff which is disease. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer cures the disease that causes dandruff.

This forerunner of baldness is destroyed. Your scalp is made clean and your hair stops falling out.

It also brings back the dark, rich color of early life to faded

or gray hair.

If your druggist cannot supply you, send one dollar to R. P. Hall & Co., Nashua, N. H.

Please mention SELF CULTURE when you write to advertisers.


When I say I cure I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. I mean a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Post Office.

Prof. W.H.PEEKE, F.D., 4 Cedar St., N.Y.
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever.



Beautifles the Skin

No other cosmetic

will do it.

Removes Tan, Pimples, Freckles, Moth-patches, Rash and Skin diseases, and every blemish on beauty, and defies detection. On its virtues it has stood the test of 50 years; no other has, and is so harmless we taste it to be sure it is properly made. Accept no counterfeit of similar name. The distinguished Dr.L.A.Sayre, said to a lady of the hautton (a patient): "As you ladies will use them, I recommend 'Gouraud's Cream' as the least harmful of all the Skin preparations." One bottle will last six months, using it every day. Also Poudre Subtile removes superfluous hair without injury to the skin. FERD. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones St., N. Y. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers throughout the U. S., Canada and Europe.

Beware of Base imitations. $1,000 Reward for arrest and proof of any one selling the same.


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THE great French decorator, Puvis de Chavannes, has ceased at once to work and live. Yet he lives on, and lives splendidly, in his great master works. He is credited with never having painted a poor or indifferent picture. He had great abilities and knew it, and worked hard and honestly and won highest place. He was serious and thoughtful, and loved to work on great subjects and to have ample space for his work. He was a mural painter by choice.

His spirit was restless when confined to the limits of the easel. He saw life and nature in their sublime aspects and wished to paint them accordingly. He decorated some of the fine public buildings in Paris, - the Sorbonne, Hôtel de Ville, Pantheon, etc. He is best known in this country by some exceedingly choice decorating work done in the new Library at Boston. His staircase panel represents "The Muses Acclaiming Genius the Messenger of Light." His work everywhere stands for refinement, for idealism, for noble aims, and an atmosphere of exquisite purity. There is no one apparently to take his place, but he leaves a fruitful example.


KELLOGG believes that the child is born using both hands, arms, and legs equally well. Right-handedness is the result of careful training on the part of nurse and parent. Lefthandedness is probably started by a burn, strain, or injury of the right hand during the critical period of babyhood. The great advantage of ambidexterity is dwelt upon, and Alexander Mott, Joseph Pancoast, Samuel F. B. Morse, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michael Angelo are mentioned among the other notable ambidexters.-"Massachusetts Medical Journal."


Finest Human Hair about One-third Ordinary Prices.


Weight Length Price

2 ounces 20 inch $0.65

2 ounces 20 inch .90

2 ounces

22 inch 1.25


Length Price

3 ounces 22 inch $1.50

3 ounces 24 inch 2.25

31⁄2 ozs., 26 inch 3.25 Remit five cents extra for postage. The 65ct. switch has long stem, the others are short stem. Send sample lock of hair cut near the roots. An immense stock enables us to match perfectly any hair. All orders filled on day re. ceived. Money refunded if unsatisfactory. Illus trated catalogue free. Everything in hair goods. ROBERTS SPECIALTY CO., 811 Boyce Building., Chicago.



Full size for family use, beauti fully decorated & most artistic design. A rare chance. You can get this handsome china tea set & one dozen silver plated tea spoons for seling our Pills. We mean what we say & will give this beautiful tea set absolutely free if you comply with the extraordinary offer we send to every person taking advantage of this advertisement. To quickly introduce our Vegetable Pills, a sure cure for constipation, indigestion & torpid liver, if you agree to sell only six boxes of Pills at 25 cts. a box write to-day and we send Pills by mail, when sold send us the money & we send you one dozen Silver plated tea spoons together with our offer of a 56 piece china tea set same day money is received. This is a liberal inducement to every lady in the land and all who received the spoons and tea set for selling our Pills are delighted. AMERICAN MEDICINE COMPANY, Dept. A 30 WEST 13th St., NEW YORK CITY.


The Improved Elastic Truss is the only truss in existence worn with absolute comfort night and day and it retains the rupture under the hardest exercise or severest strain, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure. Comfortable Belts made to reduce corpulency. The use of these belts reduces your size and leaves no room for surplus fat to accumulate. Also belts that can be used after any operation. Send for free pamphlets to the IMPROVED ELASTIC TRUSS CO., 768 Broadway, New York. Our trusses are not sold by agents or druggists. (Established 17 years.)

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