Puslapio vaizdai

Pastorini, sonnet from, 419.

Père la Chaise, cemetery of, 155.
Persian and Arabic literature, on, 262.
Physiognomy and Craniology, 121.
Pilgrimages, Modern, No. II. 39-Ros-

sanna, ib.-Ovaca, ib.-Mrs. Tighe,
ib.-III. the Pantheon, 217-IV. the
Paraclete, 562.

Pirate, review of, 188-excellencies of
the author of, and defects, 188, 189-
analysis of, 190, 191.
Place on Population, review of, 541-
observations on, ib.-difference be-
tween Godwin and Malthus, 542-
tables of Sweden, ib.-comparison
with America, 543-Franklin's opin-
ion, 544-Godwin's scale of increase,
ib.—false statement of Cobbet, 545-
errors of Booth and Godwin, 546-
United States population, 547—Bri-
tish population, 548-English and
Swedish, 549-adjustment of labour
to capital, 550.
Plato, republic of, 512.
Plumb-pudding, reflections upon, 88.
Pocket-book, lines from my, 199.
Poets, Italian; Michel Angelo, 339—
Frederick II. and Pietro delle Vigne,

astrology, 356-to the first of March,
364 lines to Miss Tree, 384-Peter
Pindarics, 395, 517-the Lawyer and
Chimney-sweeper, 406-selections
from the ancient Spanish, 407--son-
net; bombardment of Genoa, 419-
sonnet, 449-song, 454-sonnet, ib.-
ditto, 469-two sonnets, 475-love,
480-sonnet, 485, 490—air, "Fly not
yet," 496-sonnet: Pompeii, 511-
ode to Mahomet, 533-the spectre
boat, 550-song, 553-Venice, 568-
song, 572-men of England, 576.
Pope and Bacon, their love of garden-
ing, 224.

Popular and traditionary literature, Ger-
man, 289.

Portrait of a Septuagenary, by himself,
209-first twenty years of my life, 211
-continued, 301-from twenty to
forty, 301 to 305-from forty to sixty,
305 to 307-continued, 423-from
sixty to seventy, 424.

Quevedo, sonnet of, 215.

Religion in the Highlands, state of, 329,
Republic of Plato, 512.
Reverie, a seaside, 80.
Reviews: the Pirate, 188-Lord Wal-
pole's Memoirs of George II. 357-the
Martyr of Antioch, 378-Catiline,
471-M'Queen's Northern Central Af-
rica, 476-Place on Population, 541.

Scenery, mountain, 247.
Selections from ancient Spanish poetry,


Poetry. Sonnet to a friend, 12-Rome,
16-written on the spot where the ear-
lier years of the writer were passed,
21-to my children sleeping, 28-
Milk and Honey, 35, 37-stanzas on
skulls in Beauley Abbey, 57-epi-
gram, 55-the younger brother, 65-
modern courtship, 71-a sea-side re-
verie, 80-on an intended removal
from a favourite residence, 81-to Ju-
lia, 96-the haunch of venison, 126—
the obliging assassin, 140-sonnet, 144
-ballad from the Spanish, 154-song,
163-Simplicity, 187-sonnet, 192-
lectures on, 193, 385-lines written
in sickness, 199-fragment from my
pocket-book, ib.-Discontent, a son-
net, ib.-sonnet of Quevedo, 215-to
a log of wood, 216-sonnet from Fran-
cisco Redi, 231-sonnet, Celio Magno,
246-Milk and Honey epistles, 35, 37,
179, 243, 245, 376, 435, 437-South
American patriots' song, 253-lines
written on the field of Crecy, 261-
sonnet of Angelo di Costanzo, 266-
sketches of Italy, 267-for the tomb of
those who fell at Waterloo, 287-
song, 288-to a lady who said she
was unhappy, 296-address to the la-
dy-bird, ib.-from Anacreon, 300-Sonnets: to a friend, 12-written on the

Time, from Tasso, 308-two sonnets
from Filicaja, 320-on hearing an al-
most forgotten song, 328-on a monu-
ment by Chantrey, 336-on my twen-
tieth birth-day, 338-Concealment,
348-on a lady professing her belief in

Septuagenary, portrait of, by himself,
209, 301, 423.
Shakspeare's Bertram, remarks on the
character of, 481-Garrick's delivery
of a passage in, 551.
Sickness, lines written in, 199.
Siddons (Mrs.), at Lausanne, 26.
Silesian travellers, the, 274.
Simplicity, 187.
Sketches of Italy, 267-passage of the
Alps, ib.-continued, 334-Como, ib.
568-Venice, ib. 569 to 572.
Smith Velant, the, 527.
Song, 163-South American patriots,
253-song, 288-on hearing an almost
forgotten, 328-Concealment, 348-
song, 454, 553-by T. Campbell, 572
--Men of England, 576.

spot where the earlier years of the
writer were passed, 21-to my child-
ren sleeping, 28-on an intended re-
moval from a favourite residence, 81
-to sleep, 144—to discontent, 199—
of Quevedo, 215-Francisco Redi,231

-Celio Magno, 246-Angelo di Cos-
tanzo, 266-two of Filicaja; on the
death of Christina, to Italy, 320-
from Pastorini, 419-449, 454, 469-
two,475, 485, 490-essay on Milton's,

Spanish, ballad from the, 154-poetry,
selections from, 407.

Spirit in the bottle, the, 292.
Spectral etiquette, 347.

Spectre boat, the, a ballad, 550.
Stanzas on a monument by Chantrey,

Surgeon and House-painters, 517.
Switzerland, letters on a tour in, 22,
200-Geneva and Ferney-Voltaire,
201-M. Sismondi, ib.-La Bonne-
ville, 202-Mont Blanc, 203—Cha-
mounix, ib.-valley of the Arve, ib.
the glaciers, 205-the Arveiron, 206
-Mont Blanc from Chamouni, ib.-
disappoints expectation, ib.-the Mer
de Glace, 207-the guides, 208-
their character, ib.


Table Talk, 73, 127, 238—on going a
journey, ib.--best to be alive on such
occasions, 74-reflections on its ef-
fects, 78, 79-on great and little
things, 127-effects of, upon the
temper, 130--anecdote respecting an
unfortunate Italian, 136, 137--miscal-
culation of Napoleon as to refinement
and barbarism, 138-on Milton's son-
nets, 238--truly his own, ib.--com-
parison with Wordsworth's 239--his |
state sonnets, 240-his proneness to
pleasing outward impressions, 242--
Burleigh House, 444--reflections on
revisiting, ih.-The Claudes there,
446-the dream of a painter, 447—a
Paul Brill, ib.-other pictures there,
448--carving and foliage of the rooms,
ib.-two heads of Raphael's, ib.-
singular marriage of the Earl of Exe-
ter, 449.
Talkers, on, 297.

Talma the actor, 313.

Tasso, verses of, on time, 308.
Temple, old Christmas times at the, 10
-master of the revels in, 11.
Theatre, French, green-room of, 309.
Things, essay on great and little, 127.
Time, a chapter on, 41--we know no-
thing of it, 42-the great difference
in the duration of men's lives, 43-
lawyers among true livers, 45-meta-
physicians also, ib.-verses from Tas-
so on, 308.

Tour in Switzerland, letters on, 22, 200.
Tourist, journal of a, 82-public build-
ings of Paris, 83-Versailles, ib.-
Trianon, 87.

Tours, letters from, 525.
Travellers, the Silesian, 274.
Tree, lines to Miss M. Á., 384.
Trinity College, Cambridge, forty years
ago, 420.

Tronchin, his character, 232.


Valentine writing, 228.
Venice, sketch of, 568.
Velant Smith, the, 527.
Versailles, account of, 83.
Visit to London, Mr. P.'s, 401.
Voltaire, Casanova's visit to, and Haller,
171-conversations with, 173-intro-
duction of Mr. Fox, to, 174-Count
Algarotti, ib.-Alexandrine verses,
175-Ariosto, ib.-Voltaire's transla
tion of a stanza of Ariosto, 176-Ma-
dam Denis, ib.-recitation of the Or-
lando, 177-its effect, ib.-L'Ecos
saise, 178-continued, 232-the Duke
de Villars, 232-Tronchin, ib.—Tas-
soni, ib.-conversation respecting
Merlin Cocci, 233-the Marquis Al-
bergati, 234-Goldoni, ib.-La Pu
celle, 235-Martelli's Alexandrines,
236-dialogue on governments, ib.-
joke respecting Haller, 237.

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