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HERE exists in every human being a mass


of latent unused power-a reserve fund of energy, or capacity for performing work, which is applicable to emergencies, and to extraordinary demands on the fortitude, exalted control, innate aptitude, or regenerating faculty of the individual. How far this power of the spirit is applicable remains an unsolved problem. One thing is undeniable, we are all living within our power limit. The range of possibility is seemingly without horizon.

The age in which we live is characterized (notwithstanding the appalling worship of the merely material) by a phenomenal quickening of the spiritual consciousness and a corresponding development of spiritual faculty. Aside from the startling inventions of positive science which follow one another in awe-inspiring pageants and are but projections of cosmic thoughts transmuted into thrilling substance, we are confronted with the victories of pure mind over matter, and of spirit over flesh. We are constrained to

reckon with and interpret the supernormal operations of a psychic force resident in all human personalities, a force that transcends in its action the accepted laws of physics which form the solid basis of human understanding in the field of natural phenomena. This force laughs at stereotyped laboratory inquiries, declines to be analyzed and weighed by ordinary methods of investigation, is always elusive, discriminates inscrutably among the persons through whom it will exhibit itself in supersensible activities, and coquets alike with the scientist and the gudgeon.

This power behind the visible is what fills one with reverence for the human personality, so godlike in all its spiritual motions. "It is not all that I see of the British," said Hyder Ali, "that so impresses me; but what I do not see the power beyond the ocean, the power in reserve." So with the forces of the soul, the powers beyond the blue. How can they be reached, made available, exploited? The answer to this question is the key that opens the door to domination of the higher spiritual self and so to millennial perfection.

Many manifestations of this powerful entity are beyond the objective control of the acting subject. They are the spontaneous upheavals of a spiritual seismic energy that at intervals

bursts its bonds to crumple the surface of ordinary life with waves of extraordinary amplitude. Seismologists tell us that there is somewhere in the world an earthquake tremor of greater or less severity every half-hour. In like manner, soul force is manifested in minor degree in numberless lives-overcoming obstacles, achieving purposes, performing seemingly impossible feats. But it is only when the crust of every-day expression is rent to the soul's very center, when genius blazes, when character is suddenly transfigured, when souls aberrant are regenerated, when suffering intolerable is borne without a groan, that we shrink back impalsied with awe. Or again, when the veil of Isis is raised, when the tongue of prophecy is untied, when the law of gravitation is thrust aside, when the clutch of death is broken and destiny is forced back, when the potencies of the invisible world are commandeered by man-then it is that we sense the tremendous reality of the unseen, and seem to lay hold of the essential potencies of the immaterial.

It is this power that may be incited to control the psychic element in all diseases, and so effect the cure of those that are functional and the alleviation of suffering in those that are organic.

It is this power that commands the output

of thought, the projection of genius, the material expression of originality and inventiveness in literary, artistic, and scientific lines of all that is best in man intellectually, enabling the objective being to arrest the throngs of conceptions, the very secrets of creation, locked in his subliminal consciousness and turn them into primary perceptions.

It is this power that perfects the teacher, the physician, the business man, the singer, the painter, the player.

It is this power which, dynamically directed and applied, regenerates the outcast, sobers the drunkard, rescues the drug fiend, and restores to normal thought and feeling the distraught and suicidal, the pervert and the obsessed, the victim of manias and phobias innumerable.

Finally, the action of this soul force satisfactorily explains self-projection along the lines of prevision or prescience, clairvoyance and clairaudience, thought transference, telepathic interaction, X-ray vision, and other transcendent faculties of the human personality. Surely, there is no need of flying to the supernatural for what the supernormal, and hence the psychological, fully accounts for. We are indeed greater, more richly endowed, more supereminently puissant, than we know.

Due consideration will be given to this wider

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